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Run mbedTLS server and client program and collect profiling metrics for a list of ciphersuties. The results are presented in a graph. Uses valgring (callgring tool) to count the number of CPU cycles.

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Callgrind CPU Cycles Counter With Graph Production

This is a project-specific program that I've written to automate the profiling of the various Transport Layer Security (TLS) ciphersuites.

The tool does the following:

  • Runs a client/server connection with a list of provided ciphersuites
  • Profiles each ciphersuite run
    • for user-specified client and server functions
      • can be different functions for the client and the server
  • Parses the number of CPU Cycles used by each function for each ciphersuite
  • Outputs a graph with the results

If any of the runs produces an error (e.g. unsupported cipehsuite, like if your server does not have PSK configured, yet you're trying to use a PSK ciphersuite), it will simply be skipped, the program will not crash.

I wrote this when profiling the mbedTLS library, the code is not mbedTLS-specific however. It is project-specific in the sense that it runs a client program in one thread and a server program in another thread and provides the ciphersuite id as an argument to both.

It produces graphs like the following one:

Example server profiling image

Running and Requirements

To run this tool you will need to have:

  • valgrind installed on your system and in your PATH
  • Python 3.6 installed (it needs to be 3.6 due to the use of the formatted string literals. If your replace those in the code you can use older Python 3 versions)

To install the dependencies, run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

After that, you're ready to run the program. To do that, use the file at

Important Note

When compiling your .c files, do not compile/link with the -pg option, otherwise you might get -27 (SIGTTOU) return codes from valgrind. This is because you can't use valgrind with gprof, otherwise, sometimes you might get Profiling timer has expired messages at the end of a valgrind execution.

I've added -27 return code statistics print at the end of the program execution.


It's a command-line tool. Run python --help to show the help string.

usage: [-h] [--sf [SF [SF ...]]] [--cf [CF [CF ...]]] [-k] [-t TIMEOUT]
              client server ciphersuite_list

Run mbedTLS server and client program and collect profiling metrics for a list
of ciphersuties.

positional arguments:
  client                client program path
  server                server program path
  ciphersuite_list      path to file containing a list of cipherstuies (format
                        per line: ciphersuite_ID ciphersutie_name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --sf [SF [SF ...]]    name of server functions to profile
  --cf [CF [CF ...]]    name of client functions to profile
  -k, --keep-callgrind-output
                        Keep the output callgrind files after the program has
                        finished running
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        time to wait after starting the server before starting
                        the client
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose output

The callgrind output files have the following format: callgrind.out.<client/server>.<ciphersuite_id> where <client/server> either the string client or server and <ciphersuite_id> is the numeric id of the ciphersuite. This allows you to easily examine the output files (e.g. call graph).


The examples folder has the example input programs that you can use to test the tool or adapt it to your own needs.

The provided .c files will not compile if you try to do it from within the examples directory, since they need various mbedTLS dependencies, which were not included here.

The ciphers.txt file is generated by running the ./examples/ciphersuites_list program. It gets the list of enabled ciphersuites of your mbedTLS configuration and dumps them into into the standard output. The order of the ciphersuites in this file is the order in which they will appear on the final graph(s). Commands like sort -k 2,2 ciphers.txt > ciphers_sorted.txt might be useful when grouping.

Example Commands:

python ./examples/client ./examples/server ./examples/ciphers.txt --sf mbedtls_ssl_handshake --cf mbedtls_ssl_handshake Will run the server in one thread, wait for 2 seconds (default value), run the client in another thread, wait for 2 seconds (default) value. There will be 91 runs of those (number of ciphersuites in ./examples/ciphers.txt) and in each the client and the server will be provided with the ciphersuite id as an argument. The mbedtls_ssl_handshake function will be profiled for both, the client and the server. At the end, there will be two graphs produced. At the end, all of the callgrind.out.* files will be removed.

python ./examples/client ./examples/server ./examples/ciphers.txt --sf mbedtls_ssl_read mbedtls_ssl_write ssl_encrypt_buf ssl_decrypt_buf mbedtls_ssl_handshake --cf mbedtls_ssl_read mbedtls_ssl_write ssl_encrypt_buf ssl_decrypt_buf -k

Similar to the command above, except that 5 server functions will be profiled and 4 client functions will be profiled. This means that you will have 9 graphs produced. The -k option tell the program not to delete the callgrind.out.* files, which means that you will now have them available for your own uses (e.g. examine them manually with the kcachegrind tool).

All of the example files were compiled and run on my local machine only (Arch Linux):

$ uname -a
Linux KGB-AGENT-1992 4.15.13-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Mar 25 11:27:57 UTC 2018 x86_64 GNU/Linux

How It Works

In short, the tool runs the user-provided client and server executables wrapped with valgrind like so: valgrind --tool=callgrind --callgrind-out-file <out_file> --quiet <executable>. After that, it parses the number of CPU Cycles for the user-provided function name(s) from the <out_file>. It then uses those numbers to produce a graph.

Graph Generator tool

The graph generator tool allows you to generate graphs from existing callgrind.out.* files. With this, you can obtain graphs in seconds. The tool is also capable of exporting profiling data into JSON format.

usage: [-h] [-p PATH] [--sf [SF [SF ...]]] [--cf [CF [CF ...]]]
                   [--json-ids JSON_IDS]

Generate graph from existing callgrind ouput files.The file name format file
must be: callgrind.out.[client||server].<ciphersuite_id>.If you need to change
the output graph, edit the code directly.

positional arguments:
  ciphers               file containing a list of ciphersuite ids and their
                        respective names.Each line of the file must have the
                        format: <ciphersuite_id> <ciphersuite_name>
                        [arbitrary_info, ...]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PATH, --path PATH  path of the callgrind output files
  --sf [SF [SF ...]]    name of server functions to profile
  --cf [CF [CF ...]]    name of client functions to profile
  --json-ids JSON_IDS   output JSON file with the profiling results. The keys
                        of the ciphersuites are its ids

Who Is This For

Please note, this tool was written to solve a specific need quickly. The code quality is not the best, it was written in a script-like fashion.

I decided to publish this for any of you who are looking to automate profiling tasks based on valgrind or similar tools. I didn't find anything similar in the open-source community. You can use this code as an example to adapt it to your own needs.

If you have any questions or need help, don't hesitate to contact me.


The original tool has been separated into multiple ones. has been deprecated in favor of and

The description will be updated when I'll have more time.


Run mbedTLS server and client program and collect profiling metrics for a list of ciphersuties. The results are presented in a graph. Uses valgring (callgring tool) to count the number of CPU cycles.







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