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ivue – Infinite Vue     npm build status


ivue is a TypeScript class based composable architecture for Vue 3, that unlocks infinite scalability for Vue 3 based apps. It allows you to extend the regular Vue 3 in a simple and elegant way.


– Simple & Elegant Architecture
– Extend Classes aligned with TypeScript Class design
– Extend Props Defaults
– Extend Emits
– Extend Slots
– Extend Components
– Improves DX by elegantly dealing with .value in the background
– Can be used both as a Store and a View Model for Components
– Zero dependencies except Vue 3

What is ivue?

ivue is

–  Simple like Options API
–  Flexible like Composition API
–  Extensible like TypeScript Class API
–  Robust, Minimal, Opaque & Unobtrusive
–  100% Vue 3 Compatible
–  100% Test Covered
–  100% Type Safe
–  Production Ready
–  Just 1.1kb gzipped!
–  100% VSCode / Intellij IDE Auto-complete Intellisence

ivue is a powerful tool because it fully aligns itself with JavaScript / TypeScript Class API.

ivue gives you a class based Composable capabilities with Inheritance and all the power of TypeScript Classes.

ivue mitigates the downsides of both Composition API and Options API, uses only their strengths and brings back Object Oriented Programming to allow the development of complex and scalable apps.

ivue is fully interoperable with Composition API and does not work against, but rather with it, so you can use all of ecosystems composables seamlessly.

ivue also offers a set of functions and utility types to make extensible & exportable props defaults, extensible emits and extensible slots possible.

