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Create example consumption_savings.jl (#141)
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* Create consumption_savings.jl

* Update consumption_savings.jl
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azev77 committed Jun 14, 2021
1 parent 853b004 commit dcc9a13
Showing 1 changed file with 113 additions and 0 deletions.
113 changes: 113 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/examples/Optimal Control/consumption_savings.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
# # Lifecycle consumption savings problem
# In this case study, a household endowed with ``B_0`` dollars of wealth
# must decide how much to consume and save
# to maximize its (quadratic) utility over its finite lifecycle.

# ## Formulation

# The corresponding dynamic optimization problem is expressed:
# ```math
# \begin{aligned}
# &V(B_0,0) = &&\underset{c(t), B(t)}{\text{max}} &&& \int_{t = 0}^{t=T} e^{-\rho t} u(c(t)) dt \\
# &\text{s.t.} \\
# &&& \frac{dB}{dt} = r \times B(t) - c(t), && t \in [0,T] \\
# &&& B(0) = B_0 \\
# &&& B(T) = 0
# \end{aligned}
# ```
# where
# the household lives during time ``t \in [0,T]``,
# the state variable ``B(t)`` is the household's stock of wealth at time ``t``,
# the choice variable ``c(t)`` is the household's consumption at time ``t``,
# ``r`` is the interest rate,
# ``B_0`` is the household's wealth endowment (initial condition),
# ``B(T) = 0`` is the terminal condition,
# and ``T`` is the time
# horizon.

# ## Model Definition

# Let's implement this in `InfiniteOpt` and first import the packages we need:
using InfiniteOpt, Ipopt

# We set the preference and constraint parameters:
ρ = 0.025 # discount rate
k = 100.0 # utility bliss point
T = 10.0 # life horizon
r = 0.05 # interest rate
B0 = 100.0 # endowment
u(c; k=k) = -(c - k)^2 # utility function
discount(t; ρ=ρ) = exp(-ρ*t) # discount function
BC(B, c; r=r) = r*B - c # budget constraint

# We set the hyperparameters:
opt = Ipopt.Optimizer # desired solver
ns = 1_000; # number of gridpoints

# We initialize the infinite model and choose the Ipopt solver:
m = InfiniteModel(opt)

# Let's specify our infinite parameter which is time ``t \in [0, T]``:
@infinite_parameter(m, t in [0, T], num_supports = ns)

# Now let's specify the variables:
@variable(m, B, Infinite(t)) ## state variables
@variable(m, c, Infinite(t)) ## control variables

# Specify the objective:
@objective(m, Max, integral(u(c), t, weight_func = discount))

# Set the initial/terminal conditions:
@constraint(m, B == B0, DomainRestrictions(t => 0))
@constraint(m, B == 0, DomainRestrictions(t => T))

# Set the budget constraint:
@constraint(m, c1, deriv(B, t) == BC(B, c; r=r))

# ## Problem Solution

# Optimize the model:

# Extract the results:
opt_obj = objective_value(m)
c_opt, B_opt = value(c), value(B)
ts = supports(t)

# Plot the results:
using Plots
ix = 2:(length(ts)-1) # index for plotting
plot(ts[ix], B_opt[ix], lab = "B: wealth balance")
plot!(ts[ix], c_opt[ix], lab = "c: consumption")

# That's it, now we have our optimal trajectory!

# This very simple problem has a closed form solution:
λ1 = exp((r)T)
λ2 = exp(-(r-ρ)T)
den = (λ1-λ2)r
Ω1 = (k + (r*B0-k)λ2)/den
Ω2 = (k + (r*B0-k)λ1)/den
c0 = r*B0 + (r)Ω1 + (r-ρ)Ω2
BB(t) = (k/r) - Ω1*exp((r)t) + Ω2*exp(-(r-ρ)t)
cc(t) = k + (c0-k)*exp(-(r-ρ)t)

# Compare the solution given by `InfiniteOpt` with the closed form:
plot!(ts[ix], c_opt[ix], color = 1, lab = "c: consumption, InfiniteOpt");
plot!(ts[ix], cc, color = 1, linestyle=:dash, lab = "c: consumption, closed form");
plot!(ts[ix], B_opt[ix], color = 4, lab = "B: wealth balance, InfiniteOpt");
plot!(ts[ix], BB, color = 4, linestyle=:dash, lab = "B: wealth balance, closed form")

# Not bad!

# ### Maintenance Tests
# These are here to ensure this example stays up to date.
using Test
@test termination_status(m) == MOI.LOCALLY_SOLVED
@test has_values(m)
@test B_opt isa Vector{<:Real}
@test c_opt isa Vector{<:Real}

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