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Christian Haas edited this page Dec 28, 2020 · 3 revisions

The user interface is primarily used with a mouse. There are keyboard shortcuts available, for instance to switch to often-used property panels.


This editor supports undo/redo, so you can try things out and revert to the previous state.

  • Undo: Ctrl+Z
  • Redo: Ctrl+Shift+Z or Ctrl+Y

Loading a new mod clears the undo/redo buffer!

Adding/Removing static world data is an undo-able operation.

Manual entry of values for sliders

Next to dragging with the mouse, slider controls allow to change the value by entering values using the keyboard. To enter this mode, hold Ctrl while doing a single click of the primary mouse button (the left button by default). Then enter the desired value. Confirm the desired value by pressing Enter.

Values beyond the allowed limits are clamped to the nearest limit.

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