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A simple action providing kubectl and its configuration.

Example usage:

# Will watch all deployments labeled with current commit.
- name: Watch rollout
  uses: ironhalik/kube-rollout-action@v1
    config: ${{ secrets.CONFIG }} # base64 encoded or neat
    namespace: my-awesome-app
    selector: commit==${{ github.sha }}

Supported inputs are:

  • debug can be enabled explicitly via action input, or is implicitly enabled when a job is rerun with debug enabled. Will make kubectl and related scripts verbose.
  • config kubectl config file. Can be either a whole config file (e.g. via ${{ secrets.CONFIG }}), or base64 encoded.
  • eks_cluster The name of the EKS cluster to get config for. Will use AWS CLI to generate a valid config. Will need standard aws-cli env vars and eks:DescribeCluster permission. Mutually exclusive with config.
  • context kubectl config context to use. Not needed if the config has a context already selected.
  • eks_role_arn IAM role ARN that should be assumed by aws-cli when interacting with EKS cluster.
  • namespace namespace to use. You can use env vars here.
  • resource resource to watch.
  • name name of the deployment to watch. Incompatible with selector.
  • selector kubectl selector for the deployments to watch. Incompatible with name.
  • timeout How long to try tailing for.

Many thanks to the creators of the tools included:
kubectl, helm, stern, aws-cli