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This project is library for plotting Beepose detections


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Plotbee is a library to process, manage and visualize Beepose detections.

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For the kernel running the notebooks/scripts, install with conda/mamba:

mamba env create --file requirements.yml -n events
python -m ipykernel install --name 'events' --display-name "events" --user

If you run jupyterlab from the same environment, install it also:

mamba install jupyterlab

else, if jupyterlab environment is separate from the kernel environment, make sure to install:

mamba install ipympl

and that versions are compatible.

Download and install plotbee

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd plotbee
pip install . # or pip install .[tags] to install with apriltag

Command Line


The skeleton sub-command converts beepose (--format beepose) and SLEAP(--format sleap) detections into plotbee format. beepose is the default method. Note that if the video is given at this step, no need to input it at the next steps; meanwhile, the video location does not change.

pb skeleton --file merged_C02_170622120000_detections.json --video C02_170622120000.mp4 --format beepose

This command produces an output_file = skeleton_merged_C02_170622120000_detections.json.

Pollen Detection

The pollen sub-command performs pollen detection at the detection level. Model's JSON and weights are required to perform pollen detection. Pollen detection uses a parallel implementation that creates temporary files at 'pollen_temp' directory. The default amount of workers is 4. Use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to restrict the usage of GPU devices.

pb pollen --file data/C02_170622120000_skeleton.json --video data/C02_170622120000.mp4 \
--model /home/irodriguez/JANELIA/src/BeeLab/2l_model_2020_angle_auto_compensated1.json \
--weights /home/irodriguez/JANELIA/src/BeeLab/2l_model_2020_angle_auto_compensated1.h5 --workers 8

This command produces an output_file = data/pollen_merged_C02_170622120000_detections.json.

Benchmark for one hour video.

Workers Time GPU Memory Image Size
4 ~50 min 10.4GB 450x375
8 ~30 min 20.8GB 450x375
8 ~7 min 20.8GB 90x90

Tag Detetction

Tags sub-command can compute or merge tag detections. Use --compute to perform the tag detection with AprilTags. Note that tag detection requires images from the video. Be sure that the skeleton file contains the right localization of the video. Alternatively, the video location can be modified with --video.


pb tags --file data/C02_170622120000_skeleton.json --video data/C02_170622120000.mp4 --compute


Use --merge and --tags_file to combine previously computed detections into a plotbee format video. Note that pb tags requires one of this options --compute or --merge to run.

pb tags --file data/C02_170622120000_skeleton.json --tags_file Tags-C02_170622120000.json --merge

Both commands produces an output_file = data/tags_C02_170622120000_detections.json.


Tracking just requires the --method. The method can be hungarian (default) or sort.

pb tracking --file data/C02_170622120000_skeleton.json --method hungarian

This command can produces an output_file = data/hungarian_C02_170622120000_detections.json or data/sort_C02_170622120000_detections.json.

Full Pipeline

Use pb pipeline to perform the whole pipeline at once. To active each step in the pipeline use --skeleton, --tags, --pollen, --tracking. Note that the required parameters for each step need to be input as is shown above. Start with --skeleton is not required.

pb pipeline --skeleton --file merged_C02_170622120000_detections.json --video C02_170622120000 --method beepose \
--pollen --model_json 2l_model_2020_angle_auto_compensated1.json \
--weights 2l_model_2020_angle_auto_compensated1.h5 \
--tags --tags_file Tags-C02_170622120000.json --method merge \
--tracking --method hungarian


Pollen Dataset export

pb export create pollen and tag dataset from videos in plotbee format. The options --pollen and --tags (not implemented yet) are mutually exclusive. Image dimensions --width and --height are required fields. A fixed --size dataset is supported and returns a balanced dataset. size//2 images with the highest pollen scores and size//2 images with the lowest pollen scores. If --size is not provided the whole video will be exported. --output_folder is also required.

pb export --pollen --output_folder pollen_data --file test_cli/pollen_tags_skeleton_merged_C02_170628120000_detections.json --width 375 --height 450 --size 200

COCO Annotations

Use --coco to export plotbee video format into COCO format. --width and --height specifies the bounding box dimmension for the COCO keypoint annotation protocol. Use --images to activate image extraction. The image extraction can take a while to process a one hour video.

pb export --coco --file skeleton_merged_C02_170628120000_detections.json --output_folder coco --width 300 --height 450 --images

Export Analysis

Use --analysis to export events for behaviour analysis. This method perform track classification for events and produce a csv file with: frame, track_id, pollen_score,tag_id, track_event, track_tag_id, track_pollen_score and track_shape.

pb export --analysis --file  hungarian_pollen_tags_skeleton_merged_C02_170628120000_detections.json

This command produces an output_file = analysis_hungarian_pollen_tags_skeleton_merged_C02_170628120000_detections.csv.


Try our demo notebook.

For bees annotations try our body annotator notebook.

Sample data

To download sample data run the following command.



If arrow keys used in widgets also generate cell change, disable them in the Jupyterlab "Settings/Settings Editor/JSON Settings Editor/User Preferences". For instance:

"shortcuts": [
            "args": {},
            "command": "notebook:move-cursor-down",
            "keys": [
            "selector": " :focus"
       ,"disabled": true }


This project is library for plotting Beepose detections







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