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Web interface for the Orvibo S20 socket


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#  Copyright (C) 2015 by Fernando M. Silva                

Last update: 13 May 2016
Reviewed: 4 October 2019

  Unhappily, this code only supports the "old" S20 Orvibo socket. The newer S25
  socket, as well as newer Orvibo devices, use a completely different and encrypted
  protocol and, so far it seems to us, much more difficult to reverse engineering to
  the level we were able to do with the S20 :-(. However, may be this code still fits
  to some of us that still use the "old" S20 socket.

  This software implements a web interface to control Orvibo S20 
  sockets/switches attached to the local network. Screen shots of the 
  interface are available in the web_screenshot*.png available in the
  root directory of this distribution; you may check/see them in github 
  without downloading them.

   This software was developed independently and it is not
   supported or endorsed in any way by Orvibo (C).

    This software was based on the information originally published 
    by Andrius Štikonas on	

    and on comments and discussions by many other users, 
    as well as some complementar reverse engineering 
    analysis (see TECHNICAL_DATA.txt).

  The S20 switches can be operated  in the local network using the freely
  available WiWo app. However, the WiWo  behavior when the user is outside
  the local network is less convenient. Only switch on and switch off
  operations are remotely supported, and remote operations often fail due to
  timeout. In fact, remote operations through the WiWo app use a remote 
  Orvibo proxy, in order to overcome NAT constraints,  which is often 
  out of service or possibly blocked(?). Moreover, the S20s  can not be 
  operated from a regular desktop, since only IOS or Android apps are 
  supplied by Orvibo.

  The purpose of  this software is to setup a web interface, supporting 
  the most relevant S20 actions (switch off/on, program of timers and countdown 
  timers). The web interface is designed such that it may be operated from 
  any web browser (desktop,smartphone or tablet). Furthermore, it reports 
  accurately the satus of the S20s, something  the WiWo app often 
  fail to do. By making this web server available over the Internet, 
  it is possible the remote and fast  operation of the S20s independently 
  of the Orvibo infrastructure.

  The web server can be installed on any computer attached to the local 
  network or on a cheap mini server (a Raspberry Pi, for example), 
  provided that it supports a web server with php. 

  This web interface is able to operate all S20 attached to the 
  network.  All devices are automatically detected and, therefore, 
  no configuration of individual devices is required. The web interface has 
  a responsive behavior to changing viewport sizes, therefore being well 
  suited to both desktops and smartphones. 
  The main screen divides the viewport in N horizontal buttons, 
  each one labeled with the  name automatically retrieved from the 
  connected S20s. Each button is shown in green or red according to the 
  current S20 status (green = ON). Ocasionally, one of the buttons may
  appear has gray. This means that the system put it in inactive mode
  following a timeout in order to not   hamper / delay the operation of the	
  remaining active devices. The timeout may result from a disconnected device 
  or simply an undesired transient. In order to connect it again, just 
  confirm that the device is pluged and connected to the network, and press the 
  gray button. 

  Examples of the web interface are available on files web_screenshot[xx].png.

  See the SECURITY section  below for discussion of security issues.

The code contained herein includes the following directories:
    -  a php library (orvfms.php) with a set of simple functions to 
       discover S20 device attached to the local network and retrieve of 
       S20 names, addresses and switch state. It also include functions to 
       switch ON/OFF each device and timer reporting and programming.

       This directory includes also a small utility library (util.php), 
       a test program (test.php) for testing the library and local S20s,
       and several auxiliary php files used by the main web 
       page (index.php);

    -  A php page (index.php) that implements a web interface 
       to monitor and control S20 sockets attached to the local 
    - The css stylesheet (orvfms.css) used by index.php;

    - Several icons used by the web interface


Before installing this code on a web server, please test if the library 
recognizes and is able to operate your S20s. For this purpose, run the 
test script test.php available in the lib/orvfms directory from the 
command line.  It looks for S20 devices connected to the local network, 
retrieves relevant data and  dump all collected information in readble 
format to the console.

Moreover, it makes a full power on  / power off cycle to all your S20s and
tests the timers with two 10 seconds countdowns cycles using a randomly 
switching on/off cycle!  Unplug any devices or appliances that may be 
affected by this test cycle before running test.php.

In order to test this library from the command line, just open a  
terminal or console and take the following steps: 

1. Change the working directory (cd) to the lib/orvfms  directory;
2. Check the file globals.php and please confirm (or update) the broadcast 
   address. Unappily, there is no portable and "clean" way of finding it 
   automatically in the general case, since the host may have more than one 
   network interface. In many cases, the default setting (
   will do the job, but please confirm your local address. It will probably 
   be something similar to 192.168.X.255 with X=0 or X=1. In rare cases, 
   X may took other values, or the broadcast may be something like 
   172.16.XX.255 or 10.xx.xx.255.
3. Check if there are  not appliances connected to the S20 sockets that may 
  2 be affected by the power on/off cycle. Unplug any devices that may be 
   affected be this test cycle. Each off/on cycle switches each S20 to
   the oposite state for about 5/10 seconds (exact figures depend on the
   number of S20s in the local network.		
4. Just type in the command line:

prompt> php-cgi test.php

(or replace php-cgi with the name of your php interpreter).

5. If you are running on Windows, and you get an error in "socket_create()", 
please confim that you have the sockets module installed and enabled. You may 
have to uncomment a line in php.ini (;extension=php_sockets.dll, just delete 
the ";") and to be sure that php_sockets.dll is available. For more 
information  check 
(thanks to Javier Ortiz for reporting this error).

6. If no sockets are detected, check if all sockets are on-line and 
assure that they they are not locked: 

(check WiWo app -> select socket -> more -> advanced).

The output is quite straightforward, and possibly you are immediately able
to recognize most of it. You should also see/hear the usual switching on and 
off of the nearby S20s.  An example of the output of this script is included 
in the file orvfms/example.out.

7. If you want to create and store scenes, edit also the line in globals.php
and define here an existing  permanent directory that can be *written* by your http server, 
for example:

When left with the default empty string, the code will store working data files,
namely scene data, on the system default temporary directory. However, this directory
may be erased due to system maintenance procedures or reboot operation, and 
previously configured scenes configuration will be lost.


The details of the installation will depend slightly on your HTTP server 
configuration and your own preferences. The main web page is located 
in s20/index.php. If you untar/unzip the code directly under your web 
server {DocumentRoot} directory, you will be able to access the page
at http://localhost/s20/ (when the server is run in your local  host) 
or under http://yourURL.yourDomain/s20/ (when running from some other 
host). If you unzip/untar under {DocumentRoot}/mydir, the web page 
will be accessible at http://localhost/mydir/s20/ (or 
http://yourURL.yourDomain/mydir/s20/. If you follow this simple direct
installation, evertyhing should work out of the box. Just take into
account the initial directory and the URL that must be used to access
the web page.

If you want to costumize your directories, or if your web server 
configuration requires a different setup, just move the index.php,  
css/orvfms.css and  orvfms/lib/* to the directories that suit the local  
hierarchy and configuration of your HTTP server. In this case, you need
to  check/update in  index.php (1) the relative location of the orvfms 
lib directory (2)  the relative location  of the css/orvfms.css file. 
(3) Check/update the path of the img directory in css/orvfms.cs.
These lines are well marked in index.php with "UPDATE THE PATH". 
There are 7 paths to icon files that must be updated in the CSS file
(yes, there should be  some way of avoiding such repetition in CSS files, 
but this is only possible with a specific CSS pre-processor).

In order to use the web server software, you may of course run  both the 
server and the  browser in your desktop or laptop when you are connected 
to the local network where the S20s are installed. However, in order to be 
able to operate the S20s from any Internet location, the server must be 
installed on a permanent host attached to the S20s network. For domestic 
applications, a good option is to set up the server on a Raspberry 
Pi, which can be kept powered on with minimal energy consumption and which 
can be simultaneously used by other applications (e.g., media center). 
Of course, if the server has a private address, as it usually happens in 
domestic networks, it will be required to configure the home router with 
Dynamic  DNS and to add an appropriate  port forwarding rule to the router. 
These operations are router and network dependent and are beyond the scope 
of this document.


This web server does not offer any particular security against outside
attacks. Please use it at your own risk.  If you intend to  operate it 
from any Internet location, a simple counter measure to mitigate 
the risk is to store the index.php below a directory with a code name 
only known to you (e.g., [DocumentRoot]/s20_myPassCode/index.php) and  
assure that the Document Root directory is not  readable. This option
assumes that  there  are not many attackers knowing this software or 
looking for the control of your home devices :-). This is possibly more 
than enough for most cases, provided that the  devices are not "too risky". 
Of course, this is not "real" security and it is vulnerable to eavesdropping.  
If you want to setup standard security levels you will have to generate your own 
[self signed] certificate, enable HTTPS on your server and setup an 
.htaccess file with username/password permissions (or any other equivalent 


The operation is straightforward. 

Just note that a countdown timer over the button in the bottom right corner 
in red means  "time to switch off", in green "time to switch on", 
and in white "time to switch off after switching on".

At the bottom left corner are displayed the next scheduled switch operation in
the day/weekly timers. As before, "off" events are displayed in red, "on" 
events in green. You may adjust the number of displayed events in the setup page
of each device, which may be reached from the top right corner of the 
count down page or weekly timers page. The default number of 
"next displayed events"  is 0, so you will not see any scheduled action by default.
The setup page also enables to delete or rename a device.

When there is a mismatch between server and socket timezone or DST mode, a yellow
warning sign is displayed. Pressing this sign  redirects to the setup page,
where is available an option to synchronize the socket and server.

When adding new devices to your network, the new device may not appear at once. 
In this case, just press the find icon in the top right corner. If the new devices 
are not detected, Just confirm that they are unlocked in the WiWo application (in the
WiWo select device -> advanced and check that the "lock" switch is off).


The web interface supplies most of the functions provided by the WiWo app.
However, since the full technical information about the sockets is not
disclosed, some technical details and checks may not be performed exactly
as foresseen, and the operation may ocasionally fail. We expect to be able
to improve this interface as more information becomes available.

This software supports locked devices, but they must be unlocked at least 
once in order to be found and registered. 


Web interface for the Orvibo S20 socket







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  • PHP 86.1%
  • CSS 13.9%