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jecaro committed May 23, 2020
1 parent 022ba28 commit 9a0426e
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Showing 40 changed files with 2,562 additions and 2,338 deletions.
26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions cli/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
import RIO
module Main where

import Options.Applicative
( Parser
, ParserInfo
, execParser
, helper
, info
, idm
, (<**>)
import App.App (initAppAndRun)
import App.CommandLine (Cmd, Options (..), cmd, options)
import Options.Applicative
( (<**>),

import App.App (initAppAndRun)
import App.CommandLine (Cmd, Options(..), cmd, options)
import Run (run)
import RIO
import Run (run)

optionsAndCmd :: Parser (Options, Cmd)
optionsAndCmd = curry id <$> options <*> cmd
Expand Down
245 changes: 117 additions & 128 deletions client/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,124 +1,124 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

import RIO
import RIO.Process (HasProcessContext(..), ProcessContext, mkDefaultProcessContext)

import Control.Applicative (many)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text as Att
( Parser
, decimal
, letter
, digit
, char
module Main where

import App.Api (HSBasicAuth, HSCalendarApi, RenameArgs (..))
import App.CommandLine
( Cmd (..),
Options (..),
import Options.Applicative as Opt
( Parser
, ParserInfo
, ReadM
, argument
, execParser
, helper
, idm
, info
, metavar
, (<**>)
, (<|>)
import App.DayDesc (DayDesc)
import App.Editor (editorToOptions)
import App.MonthDesc (MonthDesc)
import App.WeekDesc (WeekDesc)
import App.WorkOption (WorkOption)
import Control.Applicative (many)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text as Att
( Parser,
import Network.HTTP.Client (newManager, defaultManagerSettings)
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (tlsManagerSettings)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status.Extended ()
import Network.HTTP.Types.Header.Extended ()
import Servant.API (NoContent, (:<|>)(..), (:>))
import Servant.API.BasicAuth (BasicAuthData(..))
import Db.HalfDay (HalfDay, displayHdWithDate)
import Db.MonthF (MonthWithDays, stats)
import Db.OffDayType (OffDayType)
import Db.Project (Project)
import Db.TimeInDay (TimeInDay)
import Db.WeekF (WeekWithDays)
import Network.HTTP.Client (defaultManagerSettings, newManager)
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (tlsManagerSettings)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Header.Extended ()
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status.Extended ()
import Options.Applicative as Opt
( (<**>),
import RIO
import RIO.Process (HasProcessContext (..), ProcessContext, mkDefaultProcessContext)
import Servant.API ((:<|>) (..), (:>), NoContent)
import Servant.API.BasicAuth (BasicAuthData (..))
import qualified Servant.API.BasicAuth.Extended as BAE (parse)
import Servant.Client
( BaseUrl(..)
, ClientEnv
, ClientError(..)
, ClientM
, Scheme(..)
, client
, hoistClient
, mkClientEnv
, runClientM
import Servant.Client
( BaseUrl (..),
ClientError (..),
Scheme (..),
import qualified Servant.Client.Extended as CE (parse)

import App.Api (HSBasicAuth, HSCalendarApi, RenameArgs(..))
import App.DayDesc (DayDesc)
import App.MonthDesc (MonthDesc)
import App.WeekDesc (WeekDesc)
import App.CommandLine
( Cmd(..)
, Options(..)
, attoReadM
, cmd
, options
import App.Editor (editorToOptions)
import App.WorkOption (WorkOption)
import Db.HalfDay (HalfDay, displayHdWithDate)
import Db.OffDayType (OffDayType)
import Db.MonthF (MonthWithDays, stats)
import Db.Project (Project)
import Db.TimeInDay (TimeInDay)
import Db.WeekF (WeekWithDays)

type ProtectedHSCalendarApi = HSBasicAuth :> HSCalendarApi

protectedHSCalendarApi :: Proxy ProtectedHSCalendarApi
protectedHSCalendarApi = Proxy

data App = App
{ appLogFunc :: !LogFunc -- ^ The log function
, appProcessContext :: !ProcessContext -- ^ Context to start processes
{ -- | The log function
appLogFunc :: !LogFunc,
-- | Context to start processes
appProcessContext :: !ProcessContext

instance HasLogFunc App where
logFuncL = lens appLogFunc (\x y -> x { appLogFunc = y })
logFuncL = lens appLogFunc (\x y -> x {appLogFunc = y})

-- | Constraint for functions needing to start a process
instance HasProcessContext App where
processContextL = lens appProcessContext (\x y -> x { appProcessContext = y })

processContextL = lens appProcessContext (\x y -> x {appProcessContext = y})

-- | The main API, available once authentication is passed
data ProtectedClient env = ProtectedClient
{ migrateAll :: RIO env NoContent
, projList :: RIO env [Project]
, projAdd :: Project -> RIO env NoContent
, projRm :: Project -> RIO env NoContent
, projRename :: RenameArgs -> RIO env NoContent
, hdGet :: DayDesc -> TimeInDay -> RIO env HalfDay
, weekGet :: WeekDesc -> RIO env WeekWithDays
, monthGet :: MonthDesc -> RIO env MonthWithDays
, hdSetOff :: DayDesc -> TimeInDay -> OffDayType -> RIO env NoContent
, hdSetWork :: DayDesc -> TimeInDay -> [WorkOption] -> RIO env NoContent
, hdRm :: DayDesc -> TimeInDay -> RIO env NoContent
{ migrateAll :: RIO env NoContent,
projList :: RIO env [Project],
projAdd :: Project -> RIO env NoContent,
projRm :: Project -> RIO env NoContent,
projRename :: RenameArgs -> RIO env NoContent,
hdGet :: DayDesc -> TimeInDay -> RIO env HalfDay,
weekGet :: WeekDesc -> RIO env WeekWithDays,
monthGet :: MonthDesc -> RIO env MonthWithDays,
hdSetOff :: DayDesc -> TimeInDay -> OffDayType -> RIO env NoContent,
hdSetWork :: DayDesc -> TimeInDay -> [WorkOption] -> RIO env NoContent,
hdRm :: DayDesc -> TimeInDay -> RIO env NoContent

-- | Init the API with the client env and auth data
mkProtectedApi :: ClientEnv -> BasicAuthData -> ProtectedClient a
mkProtectedApi env ad =
let migrateAll
:<|> projList
:<|> projAdd
:<|> projRm
:<|> projRename
:<|> hdGet
:<|> weekGet
:<|> monthGet
:<|> hdSetOff
:<|> hdSetWork
:<|> hdRm
= hoistClient protectedHSCalendarApi (nt env) (client protectedHSCalendarApi) ad
let migrateAll
:<|> projList
:<|> projAdd
:<|> projRm
:<|> projRename
:<|> hdGet
:<|> weekGet
:<|> monthGet
:<|> hdSetOff
:<|> hdSetWork
:<|> hdRm =
hoistClient protectedHSCalendarApi (nt env) (client protectedHSCalendarApi) ad
in ProtectedClient {..}

-- | Natural transformation between ClientM and RIO
nt :: ClientEnv -> ClientM a -> RIO env a
nt clientEnv actions = liftIO (runClientM actions clientEnv) >>=
nt clientEnv actions = liftIO (runClientM actions clientEnv)
>>= \case
Left err -> throwIO err
Right res -> pure res

Expand All @@ -141,16 +141,19 @@ readUrlAndAuthData = attoReadM parseBaseUrlAndAuthData

optionsAndURI :: Opt.Parser (Options, BaseUrl, BasicAuthData, Cmd)
optionsAndURI = rewrap <$> options <*> baseUrlAndBasicAuthData <*> cmd
where rewrap x (y, y') z = (x, y, y', z)
rewrap x (y, y') z = (x, y, y', z)

optionsInfo :: ParserInfo (Options, BaseUrl, BasicAuthData, Cmd)
optionsInfo = info (optionsAndURI <**> helper) idm

handleError :: (HasLogFunc env) => ClientError -> RIO env ()
handleError (FailureResponse _ response) = logError $
"The server returned an error\n" <> display response
handleError (ConnectionError text) = logError $
"Unable to connect to the server\n" <> display text
handleError (FailureResponse _ response) =
logError $
"The server returned an error\n" <> display response
handleError (ConnectionError text) =
logError $
"Unable to connect to the server\n" <> display text
handleError e = logError $ "Error\n" <> displayShow e

-- | Main function
Expand All @@ -160,8 +163,8 @@ main = do
(Options verbose level, url, auth, cmd') <- execParser optionsInfo
-- Init the client
let settings = case baseUrlScheme url of
Http -> defaultManagerSettings
Https -> tlsManagerSettings
Http -> defaultManagerSettings
Https -> tlsManagerSettings
manager <- newManager settings
let clientEnv = mkClientEnv manager url
api = mkProtectedApi clientEnv auth
Expand All @@ -170,43 +173,29 @@ main = do
withLogFunc logOptions $ \lf -> do
pc <- mkDefaultProcessContext
-- Initialize the application
let app = App { appLogFunc = lf
, appProcessContext = pc }
let app =
{ appLogFunc = lf,
appProcessContext = pc
runRIO app $ catch (run api cmd') handleError

run :: (HasLogFunc env, HasProcessContext env) => ProtectedClient env -> Cmd -> RIO env ()

run ProtectedClient{..} Migrate = void migrateAll

run ProtectedClient{..} ProjList =
projList >>= mapM_ (logInfo . display)

run ProtectedClient{..} (ProjAdd project) = void $ projAdd project

run ProtectedClient{..} (ProjRm project) = void $ projRm project

run ProtectedClient{..} (ProjRename p1 p2) =
void $ projRename $ MkRenameArgs p1 p2

run ProtectedClient{..} (DiaryDisplay cd tid) =
run ProtectedClient {..} Migrate = void migrateAll
run ProtectedClient {..} ProjList = projList >>= mapM_ (logInfo . display)
run ProtectedClient {..} (ProjAdd project) = void $ projAdd project
run ProtectedClient {..} (ProjRm project) = void $ projRm project
run ProtectedClient {..} (ProjRename p1 p2) = void $ projRename $ MkRenameArgs p1 p2
run ProtectedClient {..} (DiaryDisplay cd tid) =
hdGet cd tid >>= logInfo . displayHdWithDate

run ProtectedClient{..} (DiaryMonth cm) = do
run ProtectedClient {..} (DiaryMonth cm) = do
hds <- monthGet cm
logInfo $ display hds
logInfo $ display $ stats hds

run ProtectedClient{..} (DiaryWeek cw) =
weekGet cw >>= logInfo . display

run ProtectedClient{..} (DiaryWork cd tid wopts) =
void $ hdSetWork cd tid wopts

run ProtectedClient{..} (DiaryOff cd tid hdt) =
void $ hdSetOff cd tid hdt

run ProtectedClient{..} (DiaryRm cd tid) = void $ hdRm cd tid

run api@ProtectedClient{..} (DiaryEdit cd tid) = do
run ProtectedClient {..} (DiaryWeek cw) = weekGet cw >>= logInfo . display
run ProtectedClient {..} (DiaryWork cd tid wopts) = void $ hdSetWork cd tid wopts
run ProtectedClient {..} (DiaryOff cd tid hdt) = void $ hdSetOff cd tid hdt
run ProtectedClient {..} (DiaryRm cd tid) = void $ hdRm cd tid
run api@ProtectedClient {..} (DiaryEdit cd tid) = do
workOptions <- editorToOptions hdGet cd tid
run api (DiaryWork cd tid workOptions)

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