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Folio console application


This project includes a console application that can be used to load and save data to and from a FOLIO database and JSON files. The data can be loaded and saved using SQL or the FOLIO web API.




Get a copy of the project source code by cloning it from the GitHub repository.

git clone

Change to the project directory.

cd Folio

If you are going to use SQL, change the tenant name to the name of your tenant. Replace TENANT below with the name of your tenant. Warning: this command does a recursive replace on all files in the current directory. Make sure you run it from the project directory.

grep -rlZ 'uchicago_' . | xargs -0 sed -i 's/uchicago_/TENANT_/g'

Build the project.

dotnet build

Run the application without specifying any arguments for the first time to generate default configuration files and see the command-line options.

cd FolioConsoleApplication/bin/Debug/net6.0

To load and save data using PostgreSQL SQL, specify the host name, username, password, and database for the FolioContext connection string in ConnectionStrings.config.

nano ConnectionStrings.config

To load and save data using the FOLIO web API, specify the URL, tenant, username, and password for the FolioServiceClient connection string in ConnectionStrings.config.

nano ConnectionStrings.config

To have exceptions sent using email, specify the smtpHost, emailAddress, and emailName in AppSettings.config.

nano AppSettings.config


Save all using SQL

./folio -save -all

Save all using web API

./folio -save -all -api

Load all using SQL

./folio -delete -load -all

Save all users module using SQL

./folio -save -allusers

Load all users module using SQL

./folio -delete -load -allusers

Save users using SQL using default file name

./folio -save -users

Save users using SQL

./folio -save -userspath users.json

Load users using SQL using default file name

./folio -delete -load -users

Load users using SQL

./folio -delete -load -userspath users.json

Validate and update users, and disable users that weren't updated excluding the current user using SQL

./folio -validate -update -disable -userspath users.json

Validate and update users, and disable users that weren't updated excluding the current user and matching a where filter using SQL

./folio -validate -update -disable -userspath users.json -userswhere "jsonb#>>'{customFields,source}' = 'University'"

Update users using API

./folio -update -userspath users.json -api

Update users using user-import API

./folio -import -userspath users.json -merge -source Library -disable

Save users, permissions users, and logins without admin using SQL

./folio -save -userspath users.json -userswhere "id != '53c92517-e96d-4233-b9e6-3cc410bf36bf'" -permissionsuserspath permissionsusers.json -permissionsuserswhere "jsonb->>'userId' != '53c92517-e96d-4233-b9e6-3cc410bf36bf'" -loginspath logins.json -loginswhere "jsonb->>'userId' != '53c92517-e96d-4233-b9e6-3cc410bf36bf'" -verbose

Load users, permissions users, and logins without admin using SQL

./folio -delete -load -userspath users.json -userswhere "id != '53c92517-e96d-4233-b9e6-3cc410bf36bf'" -permissionsuserspath permissionsusers.json -permissionsuserswhere "jsonb->>'userId' != '53c92517-e96d-4233-b9e6-3cc410bf36bf'" -loginspath logins.json -loginswhere "jsonb->>'userId' != '53c92517-e96d-4233-b9e6-3cc410bf36bf'" -verbose

Save users and permissions users without admin using web API

./folio -save -userspath users.json -userswhere "id <> 53c92517-e96d-4233-b9e6-3cc410bf36bf" -permissionsuserspath permissionsusers.json -permissionsuserswhere "userId <> 53c92517-e96d-4233-b9e6-3cc410bf36bf" -api

Load users and permissions users without admin using web API

./folio -delete -load -userspath users.json -userswhere "id <> 53c92517-e96d-4233-b9e6-3cc410bf36bf" -permissionsuserspath permissionsusers.json -permissionsuserswhere "userId <> 53c92517-e96d-4233-b9e6-3cc410bf36bf" -api

Save all inventory module and validate

./folio -save -allinventory -validate -force

Validate all

./folio -save -all -validate -force -whatif

Save all using SQL to GZip compressed files

./folio -save -all -compress

Load all using SQL from GZip compressed files

./folio -delete -load -all -compress

Load users using SQL from GZip compressed file

./folio -delete -load -userspath users.json.gz

Save all using SQL to path

./folio -save -all -path data

Save all using SQL using 16 threads

./folio -save -all -threads 16

Query users using API

./folio -api -query -users -where 'personal.lastName == "Miller"' -orderby 'username' -select 'id,username,personal.firstName,personal.lastName,personal.addresses[0].countryId as country' -skip 1 -take 3

Query address types using SQL and pipe it to the PowerShell ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet so that it can be displayed as a formatted table

./folio -query -addresstypes -where "jsonb->>'addressType' IN ('Campus', 'Home')" -select 'id,addressType' | ConvertFrom-Json
id                                   addressType
--                                   -----------
7e99be3c-ada2-4e88-9303-a2c8a8e2b08e Campus
2abe6fe7-519f-40fd-ba24-9c2a14fbf4cb Home

Query address types using SQL and pipe it to the PowerShell ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet and then to the ConvertTo-Csv cmdlet to convert it to CSV

./folio -query -addresstypes -where "jsonb->>'addressType' IN ('Campus', 'Home')" -select 'id,addressType' | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Csv


-Connection <string>
-ConnectionString <string>
-OrderBy <string>
-Path <string>
-Select <string>
-Skip <int>
-Take <int>
-Threads <int>
-TracePath <string>
-Where <string>
-{Entity}Path <string>
-{Entity}Where <string>


-Where filters use SQL syntax when using SQL and CQL syntax when using the web API

SQL views

FolioLibrary/Folio.sql contains SQL views that can be helpful for reviewing loaded data


  • Uses latest SQL and JSON schemas which may not match the version of FOLIO that you are using
  • Querying data using the web API does not page the results, all data is streamed from one API call
  • Be careful not to delete admin account you are using to load users
  • SQL loading disables foreign key constraints for the session
  • Make sure date/time values are in UTC with Z at the end


  • Logins can't be round-tripped using web API, the API uses a different JSON schema than is used in the database
  • SQL views for tables that have large numbers of instances may not be performant
  • Doesn't currently use a robust command-line parsing library, mispelled arguments will be ignored

Future enhancements

  • Add support for additional FOLIO modules
  • Switch to using bulk load web APIs when if/when they become available
  • Parse command-line arguments in more robust manner
  • Switch to new memory optimized Microsoft JSON parser


FOLIO API Documentation A Gentle Introduction to CQL


Jon Miller


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