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First of all, get go environment ready, and docker, kubernetes, istio as well.

Prepare Development Environment

# checkout the adapter source code
cd /tmp && \
   git clone && \
   git clone

# set environment variables
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export ADAPTER_REPO=/tmp/istio-mixer-adapter
export ISTIO=/tmp/istio

# base on stable version
git checkout 1.4.1

# build mixer server and client
make mixs
make mixc

Generation Protobuf Code

The protobuf code is already generated and commit to repository, you don't need to do this again. The following just shows how to do this.

# copy proto file to istio repo
cp $ADAPTER_REPO/template/enhencedauthz $ISTIO/mixer/template/ 
cp $ADAPTER_REPO/adapter/authzadapter $ISTIO/mixer/adapter/

# generate code
sudo BUILD_WITH_CONTAINER=1 make gen

# copy generated code back to the adapter repo
cp $ISTIO/mixer/template/enhencedauthz/* $ADAPTER_REPO/template/enhencedauthz/
cp $ISTIO/mixer/adapter/authzadapter/config/* $ADAPTER_REPO/adapter/authzadapter/config/

Authorization Adapter

Test with Mixer Server & Client

# copy generated adapter manifest
cp $ADAPTER_REPO/template/enhencedauthz/template.yaml $ADAPTER_REPO/adapter/authzadapter/testdata/
cp $ADAPTER_REPO/adapter/authzadapter/config/authzadapter.yaml $ADAPTER_REPO/adapter/authzadapter/testdata/

# render the host for local test
export ADAPTER_HOST=[::]
sed "s/{ADAPTER_HOST}/${ADAPTER_HOST}/g" $ADAPTER_REPO/adapter/authzadapter/sample_operator_cfg.yaml > $ADAPTER_REPO/adapter/authzadapter/testdata/sample_operator_cfg.yaml

# start adapter for local test
go run $ADAPTER_REPO/adapter/authzadapter/cmd/main.go 45678

# start mixer server with specified config in another terminal
$GOPATH/out/linux_amd64/release/mixs server --configStoreURL=fs://$ADAPTER_REPO/adapter/authzadapter/testdata/

# run mixer client in another terminal, namespace not match, adapter should not be sent the policy check request
$GOPATH/out/linux_amd64/release/mixc check -s"testservice.svc.cluster.local",destination.namespace="test-namespace",request.path="/test",request.method="GET" --stringmap_attributes "request.headers=authorization:Basic dGVzdENsaWVudDpzZWNyZXQ=;x-request-priority:50"

# namesace match, adapter get the request
$GOPATH/out/linux_amd64/release/mixc check -s"testservice.svc.cluster.local",destination.namespace="secured-api",request.path="/test",request.method="GET" --stringmap_attributes "request.headers=authorization:Basic dGVzdENsaWVudDpzZWNyZXQ=;x-request-priority:50"

Build Binary Execution and Docker Image

# build binary
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -v -o $ADAPTER_REPO/adapter/authzadapter/bin/authzadapter $ADAPTER_REPO/adapter/authzadapter/cmd/main.go

# build docker image
docker build -t jianshao/authzadapter:0.3.0 $ADAPTER_REPO/adapter/authzadapter
docker push jianshao/authzadapter:0.3.0

# in case the build docker environment is not the same with kubernetes cluster, and you don't want to push the image to remote repository
docker save -o authzadapter.tar jianshao/authzadapter:0.3.0
# switch to the docker environment of the kubernetes cluster worker node
# load the image in the kubernetes cluster worker node
docker load -i authzadapter.tar

Deploy on Kubernetes and Test

# render the host for kubernetes deployment
sed "s/{ADAPTER_HOST}/authzadapter-service/g" $ADAPTER_REPO/adapter/authzadapter/sample_operator_cfg.yaml > $ADAPTER_REPO/adapter/authzadapter/testdata/sample_operator_cfg.yaml

# create kubernetes resources
kubectl apply -f $ADAPTER_REPO/install/authzadapter-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f $ADAPTER_REPO/adapter/authzadapter/testdata/template.yaml
kubectl apply -f $ADAPTER_REPO/adapter/authzadapter/testdata/authzadapter.yaml
kubectl apply -f $ADAPTER_REPO/adapter/authzadapter/testdata/sample_operator_cfg.yaml

# create test api
kubectl create ns secured-api
kubectl create ns insecure-api
kubectl label namespace secured-api istio-injection=enabled
kubectl label namespace insecure-api istio-injection=enabled

kubectl apply -f $ISTIO/samples/httpbin/httpbin.yaml -n secured-api
kubectl apply -f $ISTIO/samples/httpbin/httpbin.yaml -n insecure-api

# run on minikube environment
export SECURED_HTTPBIN=$(kubectl get service httpbin -n secured-api -o go-template='{{.spec.clusterIP}}')

# access secured httpbin, adapter should get the policy check request
curl -i -X POST \
-H "Authorization:Basic dGVzdENsaWVudDpzZWNyZXQ=" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "X-Request-Priority:50" \
-d \
  "message":"hello world!"
}' \

# run on minikube environment
export INSECURE_HTTPBIN=$(kubectl get service httpbin -n insecure-api -o go-template='{{.spec.clusterIP}}')

# access insecure httpbin, adapter should not get the policy check request
curl -i -X POST \
-H "Authorization:Basic dGVzdENsaWVudDpzZWNyZXQ=" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "X-Request-Priority:50" \
-d \
  "message":"hello world!"
}' \


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