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Generic IOTA Flash Server

This project basically wraps generic IOTA flash functionalities of iota.flash.js inside an Express web server, which makes it possible to build non-Javascript applications with Flash channels.

Start with

npm install
npm run dev

Configuration Parameters

The following configrations can be set via setting the proper environment variable:

  • IOTA_SEED(required): Seed of this Flash server (should never leave server)
  • AUTH_USERNAME (required): Username of HTTP basic authentication (e.g. for API token generation)
  • AUTH_PASSWORD (required): Password of HTTP basic authentication (e.g. for API token generation)
  • IRI_HOST(optional): Host of IRI node. Must be set if interacting with the Tangle (e.g. /fund or /finalize API calls)
  • IRI_PORT(optional): Port of IRI node. Must be set if interacting with the Tangle (e.g. /fund or /finalize API calls)
  • IRI_TESTNET(optional, default=false): Testnet flag of IRI node.

HTTP Basic Authentication can be activated by setting AUTH_USERNAME and AUTH_PASSWORD.

Docker Build

Run and build the application with

docker build -t <TAG_NAME> .
docker run --rm -it -p "3000:3000" -e "IOTA_SEED=<SEED>" <TAG_NAME>

The server and administration UI is then reachable on http://localhost:3000/. Please have a look at server.js and example/ to get an overview of the implemented functionalities.

Demonstration Setup


docker-compose -f docker-compose-example.yml up --build client

in order to execute the example application in example/ It basically sets up two Flash servers (including MongoDB instances) for two different users and performs multiple transfers.

API Documentation

In general the state of the Flash channel is stored on the server. In this way the exchange of state objects is avoided.


Each endpoint of the Flash channel (i.e. /flash/*) requires an API token for authentication in the header:

authorization: Bearer <api_token>

This token can be retrieved via the /token endpoint (see endpoint definition below).


Initializes the Flash channel

  • Type: POST
  • Authentication: API token
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Payload: Parameters of channel to be initialized
  • Response: ChannelId and intialized Flash object

Example payload:

	"userIndex": 1,
	"index": 1,
        "security": 1,
        "depth": 3,
	"signersCount": "2",
	"balance": 4000,
	"deposit": [3000, 1000]

Example response:

    "channelId": "5a6886a87549490001674c9f",
    "flash": {
        "userIndex": 1,
        "index": 896,
        "security": 1,
        "depth": 3,


Generates multisignature addresses for the channel. The first branches of the tree are intially connected. The remaining addresses of the tree are not yet used, but are stored in pool for later usage.

  • Type: POST
  • Authentication: API token
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Payload: Digests of all participating users
  • Response: Chained addresses for intitial tree branches

Example payload:



Creates settlement address for user

  • Type: POST
  • Authentication: API token
  • Payload: no payload
  • Response: Updated Flash object of user

Note: Requires interaction with an IRI node.

Example response:



Sets settlementment addresses for each user

  • Type: POST
  • Authentication: API token
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Payload: Settlements addresses of all users
  • Response: Updated Flash object of user

Example payload:

	"settlementAddresses": [


Initiates a transfer between parties in the channel.

  • Type: POST
  • Authentication: API token
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Payload: List of transfers
  • Response: List of generated bundles

Example payload:



Signs bundles (e.g. ones returned from /transfer). Signing bundles may result in using a mulitsignature addresses from the pool, which increases the value of index in the Flash object. The current value of index can be retrieved via /flash.

  • Type: POST
  • Authentication: API token
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Payload: List of bundles to be signed
  • Response: List of signed bundles

Example payload:



Validates and applies signed bundles

  • Type: POST
  • Authentication: API token
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Payload: List of signed bundles to be applied to the Flash object
  • Response: Updated Flash object

Example payload:



Closes the channel by computing final bundles

  • Type: POST
  • Authentication: API token
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Payload: no payload
  • Response: List of final bundles


Transfers aggreed amount to users deposit address.

  • Type: POST
  • Authentication: API token
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Payload: no payload
  • Response: List of executed transactions

Note: Requires interaction with an IRI node.


Performs proper transfers after the channel was closed.

  • Type: POST
  • Authentication: API token
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Payload: no payload
  • Response: List of executed transactions

Note: Requires interaction with an IRI node.


  • Type: GET
  • Authentication: API token
  • Response: Current state of Flash channel (i.e. Flash object)


  • Type: GET
  • Authentication: API token
  • Response: Remaining balance of user


Requests a signed API token (JWT) for channel interaction. This request requires HTTP Basic Authentication.

  • Type: POST
  • Authentication: HTTP Basic Auth
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Payload: name of token (optional)
  • Response: Generated API token

Example requests:

	"name": "coffee-token"

Example response:

    "name": "coffee-token",
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoiY29mZmVlLXRva2VuIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2Nzk3NTQ2fQ.e3HqHkOJfrhTU1pvMzXsudz34IV22xi-fK2PIS5CfLA"


Generic utility server for managing IOTA Flash channels.








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