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Assigning Permission Sets

Jonathan Gillespie edited this page Jul 22, 2024 · 3 revisions

Nebula Logger includes 4 permission sets - these are intended to cover the most common scenarios of granting users partial or full access to the logging system & its related objects.

LoggerLogCreator Permission Set

This permission set provides explicit access to Nebula Logger's top-level Apex classes & metadata that are used to generate logging data through Apex, Lightning Components, Flow, and Process Builder, including:

  • The Logger Apex class, used when logging in Apex
  • The @InvocableMethod classes FlowCollectionLogEntry, FlowLogEntry, and FlowRecordLogEntry, used when logging in Flow
  • The @AuraEnabled class ComponentLogger, used when logging in lightning web components (LWCs) and Aura components

In most cases, this permission set is not needed. Nebula Logger is designed to run in system mode to ensure that logging occurs regardless of the current user's permissions. However, in some situations, the Salesforce platform requires that this permission set be used for logging to work (or some other permission set/profile that grants explicit access). This includes:

LoggerEndUser Permission Set

This permission provides limited access to Nebula Logger's data, including:

  • The same permissions as LoggerLogCreator
  • Read-only access (but not view-all access) to any logging records that have been shared with the user
    • By default, users with this permission set would only see their own records + any records that have been manually shared with them
    • Some fields within Nebula Logger's custom objects have intentionally been excluded from this permission set
  • This does not provide access to Nebula Logger's console app, but does include access to the custom objects' tabs

LoggerLogViewer Permission Set

This permission set provides read-only access to Nebula Logger's data & custom features, including:

  • View-all access (read-only) to all objects, fields, and records within Nebula Logger's data model.
  • Read-only access to several custom tabs included within Nebula Logger's console app, which each display a custom LWC
  • This does not provide explicit access to generate logging data. But since Nebula Logger runs in system mode, in most cases, users with this permission set can still generate logging data.

LoggerAdmin Permission Set

This permission set provides full control of Nebula Logger's data & custom features, including:

  • The same permissions as LoggerLogCreator
  • The same view-all permissions as LoggerLogViewer
  • Modify-all access to all objects, fields, and records within Nebula Logger's data model
  • Edit access to several custom tabs included within Nebula Logger's console app, which each display a custom LWC
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