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🍱 semantic-chunking ⇢ semantically create chunks from large document for passing to LLM workflows


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🍱 semantic-chunking

Semantically create chunks from large texts.
Useful for workflows involving large language models (LLMs).


npm install semantic-chunking


Basic usage:

import { chunkit } from 'semantic-chunking';

const text = "some long text...";
const chunkitOptions = {};
const myChunks = await chunkit(text, chunkitOptions);

NOTE 🚨 The Embedding model (onnxEmbeddingModel) will be downloaded to this package's cache directory the first it is run (file size will depend on the specified model; see the model's table ).


chunkit accepts a text string and an optional configuration object. Here are the details for each parameter:

  • text: String to be split into chunks.

  • Chunkit Options Object:

    • logging: Boolean (optional, default false) - Enables logging of detailed processing steps.
    • maxTokenSize: Integer (optional, default 500) - Maximum token size for each chunk.
    • similarityThreshold: Float (optional, default 0.456) - Threshold to determine if sentences are similar enough to be in the same chunk. A higher value demands higher similarity.
    • dynamicThresholdLowerBound: Float (optional, default 0.2) - Minimum possible dynamic similarity threshold.
    • dynamicThresholdUpperBound: Float (optional, default 0.8) - Maximum possible dynamic similarity threshold.
    • numSimilaritySentencesLookahead: Integer (optional, default 2) - Number of sentences to look ahead for calculating similarity.
    • combineChunks: Boolean (optional, default true) - Determines whether to reblance and combine chunks into larger ones up to the max token limit.
    • combineChunksSimilarityThreshold: Float (optional, default 0.5) - Threshold for combining chunks based on similarity during the rebalance and combining phase.
    • onnxEmbeddingModel: String (optional, default Xenova/all-MiniLM-L6-v2) - ONNX model used for creating embeddings.
    • onnxEmbeddingModelQuantized: Boolean (optional, default true) - Indicates whether to use a quantized version of the embedding model.
    • localModelPath: String (optional, default null) - Local path to save and load models (example: ./models).
    • modelCacheDir: String (optional, default null) - Directory to cache downloaded models (example: ./models).


  1. Sentence Splitting: The input text is split into an array of sentences.
  2. Embedding Generation: A vector is created for each sentence using the specified ONNX model.
  3. Similarity Calculation: Cosine similarity scores are calculated for each sentence pair.
  4. Chunk Formation: Sentences are grouped into chunks based on the similarity threshold and max token size.
  5. Chunk Rebalancing: Optionally, similar adjacent chunks are combined into larger ones up to the max token size.


Example 1: Basic usage with custom similarity threshold:

import { chunkit } from 'semantic-chunking';
import fs from 'fs';

async function main() {
    const text = await fs.promises.readFile('./test.txt', 'utf8');
    let myChunks = await chunkit(text, { similarityThreshold: 0.3 });

    myChunks.forEach((chunk, index) => {
        console.log(`\n-- Chunk ${index + 1} --`);

Example 2: Chunking with a small max token size:

import { chunkit } from 'semantic-chunking';

let frogText = "A frog hops into a deli and croaks to the cashier, \"I'll have a sandwich, please.\" The cashier, surprised, quickly makes the sandwich and hands it over. The frog takes a big bite, looks around, and then asks, \"Do you have any flies to go with this?\" The cashier, taken aback, replies, \"Sorry, we're all out of flies today.\" The frog shrugs and continues munching on its sandwich, clearly unfazed by the lack of fly toppings. Just another day in the life of a sandwich-loving amphibian! 🐸🥪";

async function main() {
    let myFrogChunks = await chunkit(frogText, { maxTokenSize: 65 });
    console.log("myFrogChunks", myFrogChunks);

Look at the example.js file in the root of this project for a more complex example of using all the optional parameters.


The behavior of the chunkit function can be finely tuned using several optional parameters in the options object. Understanding how each parameter affects the function can help you optimize the chunking process for your specific requirements.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false
  • Description: Enables detailed debug output during the chunking process. Turning this on can help in diagnosing how chunks are formed or why certain chunks are combined.


  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 500
  • Description: Sets the maximum number of tokens allowed in a single chunk. Smaller values result in smaller, more numerous chunks, while larger values can create fewer, larger chunks. It’s crucial for maintaining manageable chunk sizes when processing large texts.


  • Type: Float
  • Default: 0.456
  • Description: Determines the minimum cosine similarity required for two sentences to be included in the same chunk. Higher thresholds demand greater similarity, potentially leading to more but smaller chunks, whereas lower values might result in fewer, larger chunks.


  • Type: Float
  • Default: 0.2
  • Description: The minimum limit for dynamically adjusted similarity thresholds during chunk formation. This ensures that the dynamic threshold does not fall below a certain level, maintaining a baseline similarity among sentences in a chunk.


  • Type: Float
  • Default: 0.8
  • Description: The maximum limit for dynamically adjusted similarity thresholds. This cap prevents the threshold from becoming too lenient, which could otherwise lead to overly large chunks with low cohesion.


  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 2
  • Description: Controls how many subsequent sentences are considered for calculating the maximum similarity to the current sentence during chunk formation. A higher value increases the chance of finding a suitable sentence to extend the current chunk but at the cost of increased computational overhead.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
  • Description: Determines whether to perform a second pass to combine smaller chunks into larger ones, based on their semantic similarity and the maxTokenSize. This can enhance the readability of the output by grouping closely related content more effectively.


  • Type: Float
  • Default: 0.4
  • Description: Used in the second pass of chunk combination to decide if adjacent chunks should be merged, based on their similarity. Similar to similarityThreshold, but specifically for rebalancing existing chunks. Adjusting this parameter can help in fine-tuning the granularity of the final chunks.


  • Type: String
  • Default: Xenova/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2
  • Description: Specifies the model used to generate sentence embeddings. Different models may yield different qualities of embeddings, affecting the chunking quality, especially in multilingual contexts.
  • Resource Link: ONNX Embedding Models
    Link to a filtered list of embedding models converted to ONNX library format by Xenova.
    Refer to the Model table below for a list of suggested models and their sizes (choose a multilingual model if you need to chunk text other than English).


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
  • Description: Indicates whether to use a quantized version of the specified model. Quantized models generally offer faster performance with a slight trade-off in accuracy, which can be beneficial when processing very large datasets.

Curated ONNX Embedding Models

Model Quantized Link Size
Xenova/all-MiniLM-L6-v2 true 23 MB
Xenova/all-MiniLM-L6-v2 false 90.4 MB
Xenova/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2 true 118 MB
Xenova/all-distilroberta-v1 true 82.1 MB
Xenova/all-distilroberta-v1 false 326 MB
BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5 false 436 MB
BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5 false 133 MB

Each of these parameters allows you to customize the chunkit function to better fit the text size, content complexity, and performance requirements of your application.

cramit - 🧼 The Quick & Dirty

There is an additional function you can import to just "cram" sentences together till they meet your target token size for when you just need quick, high desity chunks.

Basic usage:

import { cramit } from 'semantic-chunking';

let frogText = "A frog hops into a deli and croaks to the cashier, \"I'll have a sandwich, please.\" The cashier, surprised, quickly makes the sandwich and hands it over. The frog takes a big bite, looks around, and then asks, \"Do you have any flies to go with this?\" The cashier, taken aback, replies, \"Sorry, we're all out of flies today.\" The frog shrugs and continues munching on its sandwich, clearly unfazed by the lack of fly toppings. Just another day in the life of a sandwich-loving amphibian! 🐸🥪";

async function main() {
    let myFrogChunks = await cramit(frogText, { maxTokenSize: 65 });
    console.log("myFrogChunks", myFrogChunks);

Look at the example2.js file in the root of this project for a more complex example of using all the optional parameters.


The behavior of the chunkit function can be finely tuned using several optional parameters in the options object. Understanding how each parameter affects the function can help you optimize the chunking process for your specific requirements.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false
  • Description: Enables detailed debug output during the chunking process. Turning this on can help in diagnosing how chunks are formed or why certain chunks are combined.


  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 500
  • Description: Sets the maximum number of tokens allowed in a single chunk. Smaller values result in smaller, more numerous chunks, while larger values can create fewer, larger chunks. It’s crucial for maintaining manageable chunk sizes when processing large texts.


  • Type: String
  • Default: Xenova/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2
  • Description: Specifies the model used to generate sentence embeddings. Different models may yield different qualities of embeddings, affecting the chunking quality, especially in multilingual contexts.
  • Resource Link: ONNX Embedding Models
    Link to a filtered list of embedding models converted to ONNX library format by Xenova.
    Refer to the Model table below for a list of suggested models and their sizes (choose a multilingual model if you need to chunk text other than English).


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true
  • Description: Indicates whether to use a quantized version of the specified model. Quantized models generally offer faster performance with a slight trade-off in accuracy, which can be beneficial when processing very large datasets.

💾 Pre-Downloading Models

Fill out the tools/download-models.list.json file with a list of models you want pre-downloaded, and if they are quantized or not (See the Curated ONNX Embedding Models section above for a list of models to try)