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Movie Browser Project

This is a practice project that I've written from scratch to practice along to the Harvard CS50 Mobile Apps React Native course.

This project involves the implementation of a movie browser. It allows users to search for movies included in the Open Movie Database and view additional information about any movies they select.


  • Some of the libraries imported and used:
    • expo
    • react
    • react-native
    • prop-types
    • react-navigation
    • react-redux
    • redux-persist
    • redux-thunk
    • jest
    • eslint
    • prettier
    • Jest Expo for integration tests to test Expo / React Native.

App features

  • Multiple StackNavigators through React Navigation.
  • Login screen (mostly just to practice navigating through multiple screens).
  • Search screen that displays 10 results. Scrolling down loads more results.
  • Clear button to clear search results.
  • Redux for async state management, including persisted states. I've also included Redux Thunk for Middleware management.

Getting started

  • Install Expo. You'll need the XDE for your computer and the mobile client (Expo app) on your phone. If you prefer, you can also install the iOS simulator (Macs only) and/or the Android emulator.
  • Install Node.js and Yarn if you don't already have them installed. You can check if you already have them installed by opening a terminal and running node --version and yarn --version. If numbers are printed, you're good to go. If not, install them.
  • After installing those software dependencies, you'll need to install the app's "dependencies" (libraries that are required to run the app). From a terminal, cd into this directory and run the command yarn install. Yarn will look at the package.json file's dependencies key and install those libraries, as well as all of those libraries' dependencies (and the dependencies' dependencies and so on).
  • Start the Expo server in terminal with expo start.
  • There is mock OMD API data defined in mockData.js if you don't want to use the API.
  • Note that I've left my OMD API key in there for ease of testing - you should get your own, it's free (or at the very least, don't misuse this key)!

Testing suite

  • Jest is used as the testing suite. A script has been added to package.json so you can run yarn test to run the unit tests. Alternatively you can continuously monitor tests using yarn test:watch.
  • Any tests in files with a filename including .test.js will be run.
  • Jest tests Redux actions and reducer code only at the moment.
  • Jest Expo can be used to test any Expo or React Native code. For practice, I created a components folder and created MyButton component to test this independently of the rest of the app.
  • Run yarn test --coverage to check coverage.

To do

  • Include a new screen that provides details for a particular movie.
  • Improve the aesthetics of the app. No thought has been placed into the design currently and I've used it more as a practice ground to understand different React Native components and how data flows through the app.


Harvard CS50 React Native - Movie Browser project







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