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Custom Visual Studio 2019 project templates


A repository for base projects for .NET 5, C#9 which can be exported as templates and used from Visual Studio start window.

Several projects require NuGet packages which can be fixed by running NuGet restore packages.

💡 Pin the ones used often in the start window

  • Templates are place in the following folder. To share, give the .zip file to another developer and they drop the file in their Export folder.
  • For the developer who is given the zip file, they should have Visual Studio close.
  • For the developer who exported the template, the template is immediately available. Suggest pinning the project template to the projection selection in the start window,

C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\My Exported Templates

Copy local to remote

The following repository contains a utility useful for copying templates to a developer machine


Included templates

Project Description
BaseNetCoreClassProject .NET Core 5 using C#9
BaseNetCoreSqlClientClassProject .NET Core 5 using C#9 with SqlClient
BaseNetCoreOracleProviderClassProject .NET Core 5 using C#9 with Oracle
BaseNetCoreConfigurationHelper .NET Core 5 using C#9 appsettings.json helpers
BaseNorthWindCoreLibrary Starter project for EF Core 5 - NorthWind database
PayneUnitTestProject .NET Core 5 using C#9 base unit test setup
ShouldlyUnitTestProject .NET Core 5 using C#9 base unit test setup
Using Shouldly library
BaseNetCoreAppConfigProject .NET Core 5 C#9 base class project for appconfig
BaseNetCoreFormsProject .NET Core 5 C#9 base forms project
BaseWindowsFormsClassic .NET 4.8 C# base forms project
BaseNetCoreWpfAppProject .NET Core 5 C#9 base wpf project
BaseNetCoreConsoleProject .NET Core 5 C#9 base console project
BaseNetCoreClassNewtonsoftProject .NET Core 5 C#9 class project for
BaseValidationLibrary .NET Core 5 C#9 class project for data annotations
BaseNetCoreFileHelpers .NET Core 5 C#9 class project for file operations work in progress
BaseNetCoreImagesProject .NET Core 5 C#9 class project for image conversions

Each project template in many cases may have more than needed such as a readme file. If not needed simply remove these files

See also



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