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Fix: cannot find resource when input exactly equals to resource #34

Fix: cannot find resource when input exactly equals to resource

Fix: cannot find resource when input exactly equals to resource #34

Workflow file for this run

- main
name: test
k8s-minor: [25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]
os: [ubuntu-latest]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Install microk8s
run: |
sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.${{ matrix.k8s-minor }}/stable
- name: Install Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v5
- name: go vet
run: go vet ./...
- name: go test
run: go test -v ./...
- name: Build kubectl-explore
run: |
go build
chmod +x kubectl-explore
sudo install kubectl-explore /usr/local/bin
- name: Compare whether the outputs of kubectl-explore and kubectl-explain are the same
run: |
diff <(sudo microk8s kubectl explore --disable-print-path no.*pro | tr -d '[:space:]') <(sudo microk8s kubectl explain node.spec.providerID | tr -d [':space:'])
diff <(sudo microk8s kubectl explore --disable-print-path node.*pro | tr -d '[:space:]') <(sudo microk8s kubectl explain node.spec.providerID | tr -d [':space:'])
diff <(sudo microk8s kubectl explore --disable-print-path nodes.*pro | tr -d '[:space:]') <(sudo microk8s kubectl explain node.spec.providerID | tr -d [':space:'])
diff <(sudo microk8s kubectl explore --disable-print-path Node.*pro | tr -d '[:space:]') <(sudo microk8s kubectl explain node.spec.providerID | tr -d [':space:'])
diff <(sudo microk8s kubectl explore --disable-print-path provider | tr -d '[:space:]') <(sudo microk8s kubectl explain node.spec.providerID | tr -d [':space:'])
- name: For 1.27+
run: |
diff <(sudo microk8s kubectl explore --disable-print-path hpa.*own.*id | tr -d '[:space:]') <(sudo microk8s kubectl explain horizontalpodautoscaler.metadata.ownerReferences.uid | tr -d [':space:'])
diff <(sudo microk8s kubectl explore --disable-print-path csistoragecapacity.maximumVolumeSize | tr -d '[:space:]') <(sudo microk8s kubectl explain csistoragecapacity.maximumVolumeSize | tr -d [':space:'])
diff <(sudo microk8s kubectl explore --disable-print-path csistoragecapacities.maximumVolumeSize | tr -d '[:space:]') <(sudo microk8s kubectl explain csistoragecapacity.maximumVolumeSize | tr -d [':space:'])
diff <(sudo microk8s kubectl explore --disable-print-path CSIStorageCapacity.*VolumeSize | tr -d '[:space:]') <(sudo microk8s kubectl explain csistoragecapacity.maximumVolumeSize | tr -d [':space:'])
if: ${{ 26 < matrix.k8s-minor }}