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Library implementing API for Basic Local Alignment Search Tool


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Library implementing API for Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
API specification:


How to use it

  1. Create new instance of BlastClient

    from BlastApi import BlastClient
    bc = BlastClient()
  2. Launch a search using BlastClient::search() method

    request_id, estimated_time ='u00001', 'nt', 'blastn')
  3. BlastClient::search() method will return tuple of (request_id, estimated_time).

    • request_id - can be used to retrieve results
    • estimated_time(RTOE) - estimated time in seconds until the search is completed
  4. You can check the status of the search by using BlastClient::check_submission_status()

    status = bc.check_submission_status(request_id)

    Method will return status as one of WAITING, UNKNOWN, or READY.

  5. Once the search is finished, you may retrieve results by invoking BlastClient::get_results()

    results = bc.get_results(request_id)

    HTML is default format of results

  6. BlastClient::wait_for_results() can be used as a combination of BlastClient::check_submission_status() and BlastClient::get_results(). It'll wait until search is finished and retrieve results.

    results = bc.wait_for_results(request_id, estimated_time=estimated_time)

    Note that estimated_time parameter is optional and doesn't need to be specified. Instead every 2 seconds method will check search status and when it's READY retrieve results

Available parameters

  • BlastClient::search()

    • query - Search query.
    • database - Name of existing database or one uploaded to blastdb_custom
    • program BLAST Program. One of: ['blastn', 'megablast', 'blastp', 'blastx', 'tblastn', 'tblastx']
    • filter Low complexity filtering. F to disable. T or L to enable. Prepend “m” for mask at lookup (e.g., mL)
    • format_type - Report type. One of: ['HTML', 'Text', 'XML', 'XML2', 'JSON2', 'Tabular']. Default: 'HTML'.
    • expect - Expect value. Number greater than zero.
    • nucl_reward Reward for matching bases (BLASTN and megaBLAST). Integer greater than zero.
    • gapcosts Gap existence and extension costs. Tuple of two positive integers.
    • matrix Scoring matrix name. One of: ['BLOSUM45', 'BLOSUM50', 'BLOSUM62', 'BLOSUM80', 'BLOSUM90', 'PAM250', 'PAM30' or 'PAM70']. Default: 'BLOSUM62'
    • hitlist_size - Number of databases sequences to keep. Integer greater than zero.
    • descriptions - Number of descriptions to print (applies to HTML and Text). Integer greater than zero.
    • alignments Number of alignments to print (applies to HTML and Text). Integer greater than zero.
    • ncbi_gi Show NCBI GIs in report. 'T' or 'F'
    • threshold - Neighboring score for initial words. Positive integer (BLASTP default is 11). Does not apply to BLASTN or MegaBLAST).
    • word_size - Size of word for initial matches. Positive integer.
    • composition_based_statistics - Composition based statistics algorithm to use. One of [0, 1, 2, 3]. See comp_based_stats in BLAST+ user manual for details.
    • num_threads - Number of virtual CPUs to use. Integer greater than zero (default is 1). Supported only on the cloud
  • BlastClient::check_submission_status()

    • request_id - ID of requested search
  • BlastClient::get_results()

    • request_id - ID of requested search
    • format_type - Report type. One of: ['HTML', 'Text', 'XML', 'XML2', 'JSON2', 'Tabular']. Default: 'HTML'.
    • hitlist_size - Number of databases sequences to keep. Integer greater than zero.
    • descriptions - Number of descriptions to print (applies to HTML and Text). Integer greater than zero.
    • alignments - Number of alignments to print (applies to HTML and Text). Integer greater than zero.
    • ncbi_gi - Show NCBI GIs in report. 'T' or 'F'
    • format_object - Object type. SearchInfo (status check) or Alignment (report formatting). Only Alignment is valid for retrieving results.
    • results_file_path - Results relative file path (applies to XML2 and JSON2).
  • BlastClient::wait_for_results()

    • The same as for BlastClient::check_submission_status() and BlastClient::get_results()

Parameters in bold are required.


Library implementing API for Basic Local Alignment Search Tool








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