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🇪🇪 Saatja (Estonian)
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System to deliver webhooks cost-effectively

What is this?

The main goal is to have a tool that can deliver webhooks effectively, ensuring retries are taken care of in case of issues, and cost-efficient deployment.

Primarily intended to be deployed to Google Cloud Run with Google Cloud Scheduler triggering it once per minute, but other deployments may be supported too with some changes.

API Docs

View the API docs for Saatja at


Google Cloud Run Deployment

This is the primary intended way of deployment. Google Cloud Run is a very cost-efficient way of building scalable web applications as you only pay for CPU time used for processing requests, and it scales automatically. Read more about Google Cloud Run at

You will need the Google Cloud SDK installed for these instructions, but you can perform this manually through the Google Cloud Console as well. Check for installation instructions.

Cloud Run unfortunately cannot directly pull images from Docker Hub, so you need to pull and push to your own registry.

gcloud login
gcloud config set project <your-gcp-project-name>

gcloud auth configure-docker
docker pull lietu/saatja:latest

# Check registry URLs
docker tag lietu/saatja:latest ([eu|us|asia].)
docker push ([eu|us|asia].)

# Check for regions with Cloud Run support
gcloud run deploy saatja \
    --image ([eu|us|asia].) \
    --region europe-west1 \
    --platform managed \
    --allow-unauthenticated \
    --set-env-vars= "^@^API_KEYS=api,key,list@WEBHOOK_PREFIXES=https://,and,so,on"

The environment variables you can set are:

API_KEYS=api,key,list  # Accepted keys for X-Api-Key header for Task APIs
WEBHOOK_PREFIXES=https://some.url  # Optional limit for allowed webhook prefixes for security
DB_COLLECTION_PREFIX=saatja  # If you want the Firestore collections to be prefixed in a shared GCP project
GCLOUD_PROJECT=project-name  # You should set this to your Google Cloud project name for logging to work properly

You may want to check out cloudbuild-saatja.yaml for an example on how to automate this via Google Cloud Build.

Saatja should be triggered by Cloud Scheduler every minute, you can either configure that manually at or via the gcloud CLI.

# You will need the gcloud alpha commands for this
gcloud components install alpha

# The URI should be your Cloud Run deployment URL
gcloud alpha scheduler jobs create http \
    saatja-run-tasks \
    --schedule="* * * * *" \
    --uri= \

You can create a webhook task to be delivered via the POST /task/ endpoint, so e.g.:

curl -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
    --data-binary @- <<'END'
    "url": "https://localhost/webhook/test",
    "when": "2002-02-02T19:19:19Z",
    "payload": {
        "status": "ok",
        "items": 7,
        "nest": {
            "yes": true

For details check the API docs.


Running locally requires a Google Cloud Firestore emulator running locally in a predictable port. When you have the Google Cloud SDK installed as per instructions above you can run:

gcloud components install beta cloud-firestore-emulator

# then
# or on Windows

Then to run Saatja in development mode, you can simply run it with Poetry as follows:

poetry install
poetry run saatja-dev

To run the unit tests use Pytest:

poetry run pytest

Before committing anything make sure you run pre-commit in the repository.

pre-commit install

# If you've done changes before running the above command
pre-commit run --all-files

TODO: It would be real nice if we had a way to emulate the Scheduler calls once per minute locally in development mode.


Licensing is important. This project itself uses BSD 3-clause license, but other libraries used by it may have their own licenses.

For more information check the LICENSE -file.


This project is run on GitHub using the issue tracking and pull requests here. If you want to contribute, feel free to submit issues (incl. feature requests) or PRs here.

Financial support

This project has been made possible thanks to Cocreators and Lietu. You can help us continue our open source work by supporting us on Buy me a coffee.


System to deliver webhooks cost-effectively







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