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FAQ of Linkie

shedaniel edited this page Apr 26, 2021 · 1 revision

Q: Who is Linkie?

Linkie is a mystical creature.

Q: What does Linkie like to do in Linkie's free time?

Linkie likes to consume memory, even when it is not necessary.

Q: What does Linkie eat for breakfast?

Linkie doesn't like to eat breakfast, but Linkie is a big fan of pasta for lunch.

Q: Why does Linkie sometimes go down?

It can usually be explained with the fact that Linkie likes to sleep.

Q: Why is Linkie able to deliver better results than other bots?

A legend once said that consuming memory and keeping a good sleeping schedule is a key to success, and Linkie likes to go down without notice.

Q: Do I panic when Linkie goes down?

Yes, absolutely, call the ambulance.

Q: What gender does Linkie identify as?

Linkie likes to use the "Linkie" gender, which is why you should not use any pronouns to address Linkie.

Q: Is Linkie small or BIG?

Medium sized. The last time I measured Linkie size it was like 2GB ram or something.

Q: How much dedicated ram do I need to run Linkie?

As much as you can give it, I think you are encouraging abuse if you give it memory that is lower than 1GB.

Q: Which mappings set does Linkie like the most?


Q: Which number does Linkie like the most?

67? I think, but you should ask Linkie personally.

Q: Why was Linkie rude to me?

ur bad

Q: AMD or Intel?

PowerPC. It sounded powerful to Linkie.

Q: Should you capitalize Linkie's name?

Yes, the capitalized L looks much better than a capitalized S.

Q: How was Linkie's name chosen?

It was chosen by God, as everything should be.

Q: Will Linkie die?

Yes, the average lifespan of a discord bot is around 3 seconds.

Q: Can you turn Linkie into a virtual assistant?

Yes, it will be available as a purchasable option for only $19.99 monthly.

Q: Does Linkie harvest my data?

No, Linkie likes to sleep instead.

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