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Karthik Satchitanand edited this page Aug 15, 2020 · 7 revisions

LitmusChaos Releases



  • (Enhancement) Improvements to CI infrastructure

    • Add Dockerfile linter in Travis CI
    • K8s manifest validation for charts & operator manifests
  • (Enhancement) Improvements to the chaos scheduler

    • Support of randomized injection of chaos in "repeat" mode
  • (Enhancement) Improvements to the chaos experiments / chaoslib

    • Add support network-chaos on containerd & crio runtimes
  • (Enhancement) Improvements to the chaos infrastructure (operator, runner)

    • Add check gates and bulk chaos injections at namespace level




  • (Enhancement) Improvements to the validating webhook admission controller

    • Validation for ConfigMap and Secret volume dependencies on the cluster
    • Validation of .spec.schedule of the ChaosSchedule (call out mutually fields, time ranges)
  • (Enhancement) Improvements to the chaos experiments / chaoslib

    • Add experiment execution summary event in chaosresult
    • Add the complete generic chaos suite to litmus-go
  • (Enhancement) Improvements to the chaos infrastructure (operator, runner)

    • Add overrides for experiment image & imagePullPolicy from ChaosEngine
  • (Enhancement) Improvements to the chaos scheduler

    • Improved OpenAPI based schema validation for the .spec.schedule
  • (Enhancement) Improvements to CI/E2E infrastructure




  • (New Feature) Improvements to chaos infrastructure

    • Add support for securitycontext definition of experiment pods
    • Add support for pod scheduling policies of experiment pods
  • (New Feature) New chaos experiments

    • Add go-based chaoslib for pod-memory-hog experiment
  • (Tech Preview/PoC) Improvements to chaoslib

    • Litmus native chaoslib for network chaos experiments (nsenter-based)
  • (Enhancement) Improvements to the validating webhook admission controller

    • Validate app labels'propagation into podTemplateSpec of AUT (application-under-test)
  • (Enhancement) Improvements to CI infrastructure

    • Extend /run-e2e-tests capability to chaos operator, chaos-runner & litmus-go repos
  • (Enhancement) Improvements to Documentation

    • Upgrades in LitmusChaos
    • Litmus uninstallation