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Actions Status License: LGPL v3 Platforms: iOS | macOS | tvOS | watchOS

Provides a wrapper around NWPathMonitor to replace SCNetworkReachability.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

These instructions will get you up and running with SLRNetworkMonitor.



Version Minimum Xcode Version Minimum macOS SDK Minimum iOS SDK Minimum tvOS SDK Minimum watchOS SDK
2.0.2 -> Current 12.0 10.14 12.0 12.0 6.0
2.0.0 -> 2.0.1 11.0 10.14 12.0 12.0 6.0
1.0.0 10.0 10.14 12.0 12.0 N/A

This library depends on a few system frameworks and libraries. If you have Modules and Link Frameworks Automatically enabled, then there isn't much that needs to be done. However, if you do not, you need to link against the Network, Foundation, & the CoreTelephony (iOS only) frameworks. Additionally, both types of configurations must manually add libresolv to the Link Binary With Libraries build phase.

Swift Package Installation

This is the recommended installation method. Follow the instructions provided by Apple using this repository's URL.

Binary Installation

You may download the latest binary from the releases page and then include it in your project.

Source Installation

If you want to build the library from source in your own project, you can either:

  1. Add the project as a submodule.
  2. Add the project as a subtree.
  3. Copy the source files directly into your project.

The submodule or subtree approaches are preferred over the copying of source files since you can easily obtain updates.


If you do not already have Carthage installed, you can install it via Homebrew:

brew install carthage

Once Carthage is installed, add SLRNetworkMonitor to your Cartfile:

github "madsolar8582/SLRNetworkMonitor" ~> 2.0.0

Finally, run carthage and take the resulting SLRNetworkMonitor.framework and put it in your project.


If you do not already have CocoaPods installed, you can install it via Homebrew or you can install it via gem:

brew install cocoapods

# OR

sudo gem install cocoapods # Note: sudo is required if you are installing to the system gemset

Once CocoaPods is installed, add SLRNetworkMonitor to your Podfile or to your Podspec as a dependency:

# Podfile
pod 'SLRNetworkMonitor', git: '', tag: '2.0.0'

# Podspec
s.dependency 'SLRNetworkMonitor', git: '', tag: '2.0.0'


To use this library, you need to create an instance of SLRNetworkMonitor and then add an observer on the default Notification Center for the SLRNetworkMonitorNetworkStateDidChangeNotification notification.

⚠️ Note: you can control more attributes of the monitor by initializing it using the other initializers.

@import SLRNetworkMonitor;

- (void)someMethod
  SLRNetworkMonitor *monitor = [SLRNetworkMonitor monitor];
  self.networkMonitor = monitor;

  [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter addObserver:self selector:@selector(handleNetworkStateChange:) name:SLRNetworkMonitorNetworkStateDidChangeNotification object:monitor];
  [monitor startMonitoring];

⚠️ Note: you can pause network monitoring by calling -stopMonitoring.


Additional documentation can be found on GitHub Pages.


Please read CONTRIBUTING for details on how to contribute.


Please read SUPPORT for details on how to get help with installation or usage.


This project is licensed under the LGPL v3 license.


Please read the CHANGELOG for details on the changes included in each release.


This project uses Semantic Versioning for versioning. For the versions available, see the releases page.

Release Management

This project releases monthly if there are enough changes to warrant a release. However, if there are critical defects or inadvertent non-passive changes, a one-off release will be created for each impacted release series.

After a major version release, the older release series will stop receiving updates after 60 days and are then considered obsolete (and thus unsupported).