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August, 7, 2018

Olga Kopylova edited this page Aug 8, 2018 · 1 revision
  • Extensions versioning and Magento editions support (15min, Roman Goncharuk)
    • core modules are broken down into modules specific to CE/EE/B2B editions, which is not the case for extensions
    • reason for splitting modules by editions: separation of concerns. More specifically, ability to declare module dependencies more clearly
    • ✅ per edition separation solution
    • next steps:
      • communicate to Abhinav (PO of CBEs)
      • blog post for community to share the recommendation (Roman, Volodymyr)
      • publish recommendation on DevDocs after the blog post collects some feedback
  • Support sale operation by Magento payment provider gateway (PR#9, 15min, Viktor Tymchynskyi)
    • Kaplya: move sale outside of the data model
    • Kaplya: introduce a dedicated config for payments configuration - discuss with Kaplya on the action item
    • can be approved after the configuration question
  • Extended Configuration for Elasticsearch Analyzer (PR#17, 15min, Volodymyr Kublytskyi)
    • Architecture team - to review the proposal. Requires more time and discussion
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