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Step 8. Configure shipping and payment methods [Web API Tutorial]

Ievgen Shakhsuvarov edited this page Jul 16, 2019 · 3 revisions

Set the payment method

Payment type Configuration name Enabled by default?
Check/Money Order checkmo Yes
Bank Transfer Payment banktransfer No
Cash on Delivery cashondelivery No
Purchase Order purchaseorder No
Zero Subtotal Checkout free No

Magento default configuration is not configured to handle credit card payments out from the box. If you want to change which offline payments (or any other online payment method) are configured as a payment method, log in to Admin and select Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods. Then enable the payment method and click Save.

Configure supported shipping methods (optional)

Shipping type Configuration name Enabled by default?
Flat rate flatrate Yes
Table rate tablerate Yes
Free shipping freeshipping No

If you want to change which offline shipping methods are available, select Stores > Configuration > Sales > Shipping Methods in Admin. Enable or disable the shipping methods as desired, then click Save. Upon clicking Save, a notification message states that the cache needs to be refreshed. Click the Cache Management link to refresh the cache.

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