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Dan Nicholson edited this page May 27, 2023 · 9 revisions

Modular Biped Robot Project Wiki

Welcome to the Modular Biped Robot Project Wiki!

This wiki serves as a comprehensive resource for the development and utilization of the Modular Biped Robot platform. Here, you will find detailed documentation, installation guides, usage instructions, and various other resources to help you explore this project.

NOTE: This wiki is currently under development. Errors and omissions expected


Full project (front view)

The Modular Biped Robot Project is designed to provide a flexible and modular framework for robotics development using Python and C++ on the Raspberry Pi and Arduino platforms. It aims to enable developers, robotics enthusiasts, and curious individuals to experiment, create, and customize their own biped robots. With a range of features and functionalities and the option to add your own easily, the Modular Biped Robot Project offers an exciting opportunity to explore the world of robotics.


Please use the navigation below to find the information you need to build the Modular Biped Robot.

  1. Overview
  2. Files
  3. Electronics
    1. Raspberry Pi
    2. Arduino
  4. Software
    1. Modules
    2. Adding a module


There have been 3 versions of this project, version 2 was the smaller and less stable build detailed in the playlist below.

Companion Robot v2 Playlist

The current development is ongoing on version 3. This documentation is exclusively for version 3.

Contributions and Discussions

We encourage active participation, contributions, and discussions from the Modular Biped Robot community. If you have any questions, ideas, suggestions, or would like to share your experiences, you can join our GitHub Discussions section dedicated to the project. It's a great place to engage with other community members, exchange knowledge, and collaborate on the development of biped robotics.

Read more here: Community

We look forward to your participation and the exciting advancements we can achieve together in the field of modular biped robots!