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GitHub Action

Android Kernel Action

v0.3.0 Pre-release

Android Kernel Action


Android Kernel Action

Build android kernel with GitHub Action


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Android Kernel Action

uses: lemniskett/android-kernel-actions@v0.3.0

Learn more about this action in lemniskett/android-kernel-actions

Choose a version

Android Kernel Actions

Shell check

Builds Android kernel from the kernel repository.

Action Vars


Input Description
arch Specify what Architecture target to use, currently only supports arm64
compiler Specify which toochain to use
defconfig Specify what defconfig command used to generate .config file
image Specify what is the final build file, usually it's Image.gz-dtb or Image-dtb

Environment Variables

Variable Description
NAME Specify the name of the release file, defaults to the name of the repository
KERNEL_PATH Specify the path of the kernel source, defaults to .
ZIPPER_PATH Specify the path of the zip template, defaults to zipper


Output Description
elapsed_time Time elapsed from building the kernel in seconds, excluding zipping and downloading toolchains
outfile Path to the final build file
hash Kernel commit hash

Getting the build

Use other action to actually get the file, for example, with ncipollo/release-action:

- name: Release build
  uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1
    artifacts: ${{ steps.<step id>.outputs.outfile }}
    token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Or with appleboy/telegram-action:

- name: Release build
  uses: appleboy/telegram-action@master
    to: ${{ secrets.CHANNEL_ID }}
    token: ${{ secrets.TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN }}
    message: ${{ github.repository }} on ${{ github.sha }} is built!
    document: ${{ steps.<step id>.outputs.outfile }}

Available toolchains

If you want to compile with Clang and LLVM without any of GNU's binutils, make sure your kernel source already supports LLVM options, otherwise compilation may fails. In that case, use clang toolchain with /binutils.


Ubuntu's GCC

  • gcc/7
  • gcc/8
  • gcc/9
  • gcc/10

Ubuntu's Clang

  • clang/6.0, clang/6.0/binutils
  • clang/7, clang/7/binutils
  • clang/8, clang/8/binutils
  • clang/9, clang/9/binutils
  • clang/10, clang/10/binutils
  • clang/11, clang/11/binutils
  • proton-clang/<branch, commit hash or tag>, proton-clang/<branch, commit hash or tag>/binutils

Example : proton-clang/master, proton-clang/09fb113/binutils

  • aosp-clang/<branch>/<clang version>, aosp-clang/<branch>/<clang version>/binutils

Example : aosp-clang/master/clang-r416183b, aosp-clang/android11-release/clang-r365631c/binutils

Example usage

name: Build on Tag

    tags: '*'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Checkout kernel source
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: Checkout zipper
      uses: actions/checkout@v2
        repository: lemniskett/AnyKernel3
        path: zipper

    - name: Android kernel build
      uses: lemniskett/android-kernel-actions@master
      id: build
        NAME: Dark-Ages-Último
        arch: arm64
        compiler: gcc/10
        defconfig: vince_defconfig
        image: Image.gz-dtb

    - name: Release build
      uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1
        artifacts: ${{ }}
        token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


Error codes

  • 1: Packages fails to install
  • 2: .config fails to be generated
  • 3: Build fails
  • 100: Unsupported usage
  • 127: Unexpected error