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GitHub Action

Hugo Broken Link Check


Hugo Broken Link Check


Hugo Broken Link Check

Looks for broken links in a hugo site


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Hugo Broken Link Check

uses: marccampbell/hugo-linkcheck-action@v0.1.2

Learn more about this action in marccampbell/hugo-linkcheck-action

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Hugo Link Check GitHub Action

Builds a Hugo site and validates that there are no broken links in the site. Any broken links will be reported as a comment on the pull request.

This Action uses the stevenvachon/broken-link-checker module to crawl and report broken links.

Quick Start

Add a new GitHub Action to your repo. You can create a file named .github/main.workflow and use this as a quick start:

workflow "Hugo Link Check" {
  resolves = "linkcheck"
  on = "pull_request"

action "filter-to-pr-open-synced" {
  uses = "actions/bin/filter@master"
  args = "action 'opened|synchronize'"

action "linkcheck" {
  uses = "marccampbell/hugo-linkcheck-action@v0.1.0"
  needs = "filter-to-pr-open-synced"
  secrets = ["GITHUB_TOKEN"]
  env = {

Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be set to override defaults:

Name Default Value Description
HUGO_ACTION_COMMENT "true" Set to "true" or "1" to post a comment back on the pull request
HUGO_STARTUP_WAIT 15 The number of seconds to wait hugo serve to be ready
HUGO_EXCLUSIONS_LIST .github/hugo-linkcheck-actions/exclusions.json The path to an optional file that lists exclusions
HUGO_CONFIG ./config.toml Path to the config.toml to use when running the site. Relative to the root of the repo
HUGO_ROOT . Path to the Hugo site root, relative to the repo root
HUGO_CONTENT_ROOT ./content Path to the Hugo content directory, relative to the repo root
HUGO_FINAL_URL http://localhost:!313 URL to show in the diff (and link to)

To set any of these parameters in your action, edit the "linkcheck" action step to pass these variables. For example, a main.workflow that sets a few of these would look like:

workflow "Hugo Link Check" {
  resolves = "linkcheck"
  on = "pull_request"

action "filter-to-pr-open-synced" {
  uses = "actions/bin/filter@master"
  args = "action 'opened|synchronize'"

action "linkcheck" {
  uses = "marccampbell/hugo-linkcheck-action@v0.1.0"
  needs = "filter-to-pr-open-synced"
  secrets = ["GITHUB_TOKEN"]
  env = {
    HUGO_CONFIG = "./configs/local.toml"
    HUGO_ROOT = "./hugo"

Excluding URLs

Sometimes, it makes sense to exclude a some URLs from the broken link checker. This GitHub Action supports reading a file from the repository that contains a list of domain names or paths to exclude from the action. By default, this file is .github/hugo-linkcheck-action/exclusions.json. You can change this path by setting the environment variable HUGO_EXCLUSIONS_LIST, as documented in the table above.

This file should be a list of paths to exclude, and an example is:



This GitHub Action doesn't make any assumptions about how your Hugo site is set up. There are sane defaults, which should work if you have a single Hugo site, running a relatively normal setup. But if you have a more custom Hugo setup, with various config.toml/yaml files, or content in a differerent directory than standard, use the environment variables when setting up your action.