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marrow16 edited this page Jan 21, 2023 · 5 revisions

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Constraint: RangeInt


Check that an integer value is within a specified minimum and maximum range

Note: By default, this constraint is non-strict - if the value being checked is not an integer, this constraint does not fail (unless the Strict field is set)

V8n Tag Abbreviation



Field Type Description
Minimum int64 the minimum value of the range
Maximum int64 the maximum value of the range
ExclusiveMin bool if set to true, specifies the minimum value is exclusive
ExclusiveMax bool if set to true, specifies the maximum value is exclusive
Message string the violation message to be used if the constraint fails. If empty, the default message is used
Stop bool when set to true, Stop prevents further validation checks on the property if this constraint fails
Strict bool when set to true, fails if the value being checked is not a correct type


Programmatic example...
package main

import (


func main() {
    validator := &valix.Validator{
        Properties: valix.Properties{
            "foo": {
                Type: valix.JsonNumber,
                Constraints: valix.Constraints{
                        Minimum:      10,
                        Maximum:      20,
                        ExclusiveMax: true,

    ok, violations, _ := validator.ValidateString(`{"foo": 9}`)
    fmt.Printf("Passed? %v\n", ok)
    for i, v := range violations {
        fmt.Printf("Violation[%d] Message: %s, Property: %s, Path: %s\n", i+1, v.Message, v.Property, v.Path)

    ok, violations, _ = validator.ValidateString(`{"foo": 10}`)
    fmt.Printf("Passed? %v\n", ok)
    for i, v := range violations {
        fmt.Printf("Violation[%d] Message: %s, Property: %s, Path: %s\n", i+1, v.Message, v.Property, v.Path)

    ok, violations, _ = validator.ValidateString(`{"foo": 20}`)
    fmt.Printf("Passed? %v\n", ok)
    for i, v := range violations {
        fmt.Printf("Violation[%d] Message: %s, Property: %s, Path: %s\n", i+1, v.Message, v.Property, v.Path)

    ok, violations, _ = validator.ValidateString(`{"foo": 21}`)
    fmt.Printf("Passed? %v\n", ok)
    for i, v := range violations {
        fmt.Printf("Violation[%d] Message: %s, Property: %s, Path: %s\n", i+1, v.Message, v.Property, v.Path)

try on go-playground

Struct v8n tag example...
package main

import (


type MyStruct struct {
    Foo float64 `json:"foo" v8n:"&rangei{min:10, max:20, excMax:true}"`

var validator = valix.MustCompileValidatorFor(MyStruct{}, nil)

func main() {
    my := &MyStruct{}

    ok, violations, _ := validator.ValidateStringInto(`{"foo": 9}`, my)
    fmt.Printf("Passed? %v\n", ok)
    for i, v := range violations {
        fmt.Printf("Violation[%d] Message: %s, Property: %s, Path: %s\n", i+1, v.Message, v.Property, v.Path)

    ok, violations, _ = validator.ValidateStringInto(`{"foo": 10}`, my)
    fmt.Printf("Passed? %v\n", ok)
    for i, v := range violations {
        fmt.Printf("Violation[%d] Message: %s, Property: %s, Path: %s\n", i+1, v.Message, v.Property, v.Path)

    ok, violations, _ = validator.ValidateStringInto(`{"foo": 20}`, my)
    fmt.Printf("Passed? %v\n", ok)
    for i, v := range violations {
        fmt.Printf("Violation[%d] Message: %s, Property: %s, Path: %s\n", i+1, v.Message, v.Property, v.Path)

    ok, violations, _ = validator.ValidateStringInto(`{"foo": 21}`, my)
    fmt.Printf("Passed? %v\n", ok)
    for i, v := range violations {
        fmt.Printf("Violation[%d] Message: %s, Property: %s, Path: %s\n", i+1, v.Message, v.Property, v.Path)

try on go-playground

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