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A Notification (snackbar) Vue component. Compatible with Vue 2.x


To view a demo online:


npm install @mathieustan/vue-notification --save


yarn add @mathieustan/vue-notification
import VueNotification from '@mathieustan/vue-notification';

// Or with options (like breakpoints)
Vue.use(VueNotification, {
  breakpoints: {
    0: {
      bottom: true,
    480: {
      top: true,
      right: true,


export default {
  // ...
  methods: {
    showNotification () {
      this.$notify('Hello, I am a notification');

Available props

Prop Type Default Description
message String '' Message to show on notification
type String Show notification with specific type (info, success, warning, error, offline)
top Boolean false Allow to position notification 'top'
bottom Boolean true Allow to position notification 'bottom'
left Boolean false Allow to position notification 'left'
right Boolean false Allow to position notification 'right'
offset Number 0 Add extra offset to notification (from top)
closeDelay Number 4500 Delay before closing notification (in ms)
multiLine Boolean false Makes the notification higher (mobile) (extra padding)
actionText String '' Will add a button with this text after message
onActionClick Function Action when button will be clicked
showClose Boolean false Will add a close button
hideIcon Boolean false Allow to hide icon for types (success,info,...)
fullWidth Boolean false Force notification to full width
theme Object false Update default theme (More informations here Theme)


🚀 It's now possible to surcharge default theme colors & box-shadow. Theme object looks like this 👇

  colors: {
    success: '#4f88ff',
    successDarken: '#2d71fe',
    info: '#5d6a89',
    infoDarken: '#535f7b',
    warning: '#f8a623',
    warningDarken: '#f69a07',
    error: '#ff4577',
    errorDarken: '#ff245f',
    offline: '#ff4577',
    offlineDarken: '#ff245f',
  boxShadow: `0px 3px 5px -1px rgba(0,0,0,0.2),
    0px 6px 10px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.14),
    0px 1px 18px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.12)`,

Examples : There are two ways to update theme.

  1. Options when init VueNotification
import VueNotification from '@mathieustan/vue-notification';
Vue.use(VueNotification, {
  theme: {
    // darken colors are used for background on icon
    colors: {
      success: '#54d861',
      darkenSuccess: '#2d8e36',
      info: '#5d6a89',
      darkenInfo: '#535f7b',
      warning: '#f8a623',
      darkenWarning: '#f69a07',
      error: '#ff4577',
      darkenError: '#ff245f',
      offline: '#ff4577',
      darkenOffline: '#ff245f',
    boxShadow: '10px 5px 5px red',
  1. Theme properties when calling $notify
export default {
  // ...
  methods: {
    showNotification () {
        message: 'Hello Wolrd',
        theme: {
          colors: {
            success: '#54d861',
            darkenSuccess: '#2d8e36',
            info: '#5d6a89',
            darkenInfo: '#535f7b',
            warning: '#f8a623',
            darkenWarning: '#f69a07',
            error: '#ff4577',
            darkenError: '#ff245f',
            offline: '#ff4577',
            darkenOffline: '#ff245f',
          boxShadow: '10px 5px 5px red',