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CockroachDB Multi-Cloud Demo (Local k3d)

Install k3d on your Mac

To run a multi regional CockroachDB locally on a Macbook you need something that will enable you to run Kubernetes locally. In this demo I will use k3d. To install k3d run the following command. You will need plenty of CPU and Memory to run the three replicas per region, but you cloud lower these to two node per region if you like to still achieve the same affect.

wget -q -O - | bash

Create a cluster named kube-doom with just a single server node:

k3d cluster create kube-doom

Use the new cluster with kubectl, e.g.:

kubectl get nodes

Deploy CockroachDB into the the k3d cluster

Create three variables with the region names desired.

export eks_region="eu-west-1"
export gke_region="europe-west4"
export aks_region="uksouth"

Create three separate namespaces.

kubectl create namespace $eks_region
kubectl create namespace $gke_region 
kubectl create namespace $aks_region

We are going to create the certificates required to deploy CockroachDB.

mkdir certs my-safe-directory

Create the certificate authority.

cockroach cert create-ca \
--certs-dir=certs \

Create the client certificate.

cockroach cert create-client \
root \
--certs-dir=certs \

Add these certificates as kubernetes secrets into each of the namespaces.

kubectl create secret \
generic cockroachdb.client.root \
--from-file=certs \
--namespace $eks_region
kubectl create secret \
generic cockroachdb.client.root \
--from-file=certs \
--namespace $gke_region
kubectl create secret \
generic cockroachdb.client.root \
--from-file=certs \
--namespace $aks_region

Create the node certificates for each region.

cockroach cert create-node \
localhost \
cockroachdb-public \
cockroachdb-public.$eks_region \
cockroachdb-public.$eks_region.svc.cluster.local \
"*.cockroachdb" \
"*.cockroachdb.$eks_region" \
"*.cockroachdb.$eks_region.svc.cluster.local" \
--certs-dir=certs \

Add it as a secret in to the first namespace.

kubectl create secret \
generic cockroachdb.node \
--from-file=certs \
--namespace $eks_region
rm certs/node.crt
rm certs/node.key

Now do the same again for the second region.

cockroach cert create-node \
localhost \
cockroachdb-public \
cockroachdb-public.$gke_region \
cockroachdb-public.$gke_region.svc.cluster.local \
"*.cockroachdb" \
"*.cockroachdb.$gke_region" \
"*.cockroachdb.$gke_region.svc.cluster.local" \
--certs-dir=certs \

Create the secret in the second region.

kubectl create secret \
generic cockroachdb.node \
--from-file=certs \
--namespace $gke_region
rm certs/node.crt
rm certs/node.key

Now the finally the third region.

cockroach cert create-node \
localhost \
cockroachdb-public \
cockroachdb-public.$aks_region \
cockroachdb-public.$aks_region.svc.cluster.local \
"*.cockroachdb" \
"*.cockroachdb.$aks_region" \
"*.cockroachdb.$aks_region.svc.cluster.local" \
--certs-dir=certs \

Upload the secret.

kubectl create secret \
generic cockroachdb.node \
--from-file=certs \
--namespace $aks_region
rm certs/node.crt
rm certs/node.key

Deploy the three separate StatefulSet.

There are some hard codes region names in these files. If you have changed the region names you will need to edit these files. You may also want to adjust the replica count and resource requests and limits depending on your computer spec.

kubectl apply -f manifest/aws-cockroachdb-statefulset-secure.yaml -n $eks_region
kubectl apply -f manifest/gke-cockroachdb-statefulset-secure.yaml -n $gke_region
kubectl apply -f manifest/azure-cockroachdb-statefulset-secure.yaml -n $aks_region

Once the pods are deployed we need to initialize the cluster. This is done by 'execing' into the container and running the cockroach init command.

kubectl exec \
--namespace $eks_region \
-it cockroachdb-0 \
-- /cockroach/cockroach init \

Check that all the pods have started successfully.

kubectl get pods --namespace $eks_region
kubectl get pods --namespace $gke_region
kubectl get pods --namespace $aks_region

Next, create a secure client in the first region.

kubectl create -f manifest/client-secure.yaml --namespace $eks_region

Now exec into the pod using the CockraochDB SQL client.

kubectl exec -it cockroachdb-client-secure -n $eks_region -- ./cockroach sql --certs-dir=/cockroach-certs --host=cockroachdb-public

Create a user and make that user an admin.

CREATE USER craig WITH PASSWORD 'cockroach';
GRANT admin TO craig;

To use the map you need an enterprise license. To obtain a trial license please visit this URL.

Exec into the pod to apply your license and to enable map view.

kubectl exec -it cockroachdb-client-secure -n $eks_region -- ./cockroach sql --certs-dir=/cockroach-certs --host=cockroachdb-public

Here is an example of the command to apply your license.

SET CLUSTER SETTING cluster.organization = 'Your Company Name';
SET CLUSTER SETTING enterprise.license = '<License Key Here>';

To make use of the map we need to add the system locations below. You need to be exec'ed into the pod still.

INSERT INTO system.locations VALUES
  ('region', 'uksouth', 50.941, -0.799),
  ('region', 'europe-west4', 53.4386, 6.8355),
  ('region', 'eu-west-1', 53.142367, -7.692054);

Port forward port 8080 to localhost so you are able to access the CockroachDB Admin UI from the browser.

kubectl port-forward cockroachdb-0 8080 -n $eks_region

Run a workload

Open a second terminal window. Create three variables with the region names desired.

export eks_region="eu-west-1"
export gke_region="europe-west4"
export aks_region="uksouth"

Exec into the secure client pod and get a shell command.

kubectl exec -it cockroachdb-client-secure -n $eks_region -- sh

Now we can run the simulated workload. First initalise the database the run the workload.

cockroach workload init movr 'postgresql://craig:cockroach@cockroachdb-public:26257/movr?sslmode=verify-full&sslrootcert=/cockroach-certs/ca.crt'

cockroach workload run movr --tolerate-errors --duration=99999m 'postgresql://craig:cockroach@cockroachdb-public:26257/movr?sslmode=verify-full&sslrootcert=/cockroach-certs/ca.crt'

Kube-doom Setup

Open another terminal window and deploy Kube-Doom using Kustomize. Create three variables with the region names desired.

export eks_region="eu-west-1"
export gke_region="europe-west4"
export aks_region="uksouth"

Deploy kube-doom using Kustomize.

kubectl apply -k manifest/

Now port forward port 5900 so you are able to use VNC Viewer to connect to the pod running kube-doom.

kubedoom_pod=$(kubectl get pods -n kubedoom -o name --no-headers=true)
echo $kubedoom_pod
kubectl port-forward -n kubedoom $kubedoom_pod 5900

To get access the the Doom interface you will need VNCViewer. This can be downloaded free from here.

VNC Password:


Doom Cheats:

IDDQD - invulnerability
IDKFA - full health, ammo, etc
IDSPISPOPD - no clipping / walk through walls

Clean Up

To clean up the resources delete the cluster and delete the certificates.

k3d cluster delete kube-doom
rm -R certs my-safe-directory


CockroachDB Local Multi-region Kube-Doom Demo!






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