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The story

Do you love geometry? Our young friend Zigy (Zygfryd) loves it too. Unfortunately it's one-sided love. He's studying hard for his high-school exam, but with minor success. You've got to help him!

But how?

You'll write a Object Oriented Python Application to teach him geometry. Don't worry! Our Finnish software architect Linus Coolvalds has already created a boilerplate for you. However he forgot to create a UML class diagram. You have to do it for him.


In order to help Zigy you have to:

  • Implement 6 classes in module
  • Implement module.
  • You are allowed to implement your own modules. Remember about clean code.
  • Explain why Linus designed some methods to be class methods instead of instance methods.
  • Remember about comments and docstrings.
  • Add UML.png file containing UML class diagram of a module
  • All tests must pass.
  • Focus most on the OOP not the ui.

Hint: you can reuse code from the previous assignments.


Here you can find information what you have to implement.

This is the main entrance of the program.
The program allows user to create and add shapes to a list and do some things with it.

Running python should show such menu:

Learn Geometry.
  What do you want to do?
  (1) Add new shape
  (2) Show all shapes
  (3) Show shape with the largest perimeter
  (4) Show shape with the largest area
  (5) Show formulas
  (0) Exit program


As you can see the program has 5 features.

1. Add new shape

This feature allows user to add new shape to shapes list. User should be able to choose what kind of shapes he/she wants to add. Then he/she should specify attributes that a given shape requires.

2. Show all shapes

This feature should print table containing all shapes added to the list. Take a look at ShapeList.get_shapes_table()

3. Show shape with the largest perimeter

This feature prints shape with the largest perimeter from a list.

4. Show shape with the largest area

This feature prints shape with the largest area from a list.

5. Show formulas

This feature should allow user to choose shape type and print it's formulas (perimeter, area).


This is the most important part of this assignment. You've got to implement all of them in module.

Shape Class

This is a so called abstract class. It means that we don't create instances of it. We only use it as a parent class for other concrete classes. This parent is a boilerplate for it's children. It contains attributes and methods that should be implemented in child classes.

Instance methods


Constructs shape object. Should raise ValueError if any of the parameters is below 0 (e.g. circle with negative radius doesn't exist).


Returns the area of the shape.


Returns the perimeter of the shape.


Returns information about given shape as string.

Class methods


Returns formula for the area of the shape as a string.


Returns formula for the perimeter of the shape.

Why this methods should be class methods? Edit this readme and give answer below:
Because this method not use instance attributes so you don't need to create new object to calling the above methods.

Circle Class

This class represents circle shape.

Parent class



  • r
    • data: float
    • description: circle radius length


__init__(self, r) - constructor of the Cricle

Override (implement) other methods inherited from the parent class.
Required formulas: Perimeter = 2×π×r Area = π×r2

Triangle Class

This class represents triangle shape.

Parent class



  • a
    • data: float
    • description: one side's length of a triangle
  • b
    • data: float
    • description: second side's length of a triangle
  • c
    • data: float
    • description: third side's length of a triangle


__init__(self, a, b, c) - constructor of the Triangle

Override (implement) methods inherited from the parent class.
Required formulas:
Perimeter = a + b + c
Area = sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)),
          where s = (a+b+c)/2
Heron's Formula

Equilateral triangle Class

This is a triangle that has all sides equal.

Parent class



Hint: check if you can reuse attributes from the parent class

  • a
    • data: float
    • description: side's length of a triangle


__init__(self, a) - constructor of the Equilateral Triangle

Decide on your own if you have to override inherited methods.

Rectangle Class

This class represents rectangle shape.

Parent class



  • a
    • data: float
    • description: one side length
  • b
    • data: float
    • description: second side length


__init__(self, a, b) - constructor of the Rectangle

Override (implement) other methods inherited from the parent class.
Required formulas:
Perimeter = 2a + 2b
Area = a×b

Square Class

This is a rectangle that has all sides equal.

Parent class



Hint: check if you can reuse attributes from the parent class

  • a
    • data: float
    • description: side's length of the square


__init__(self, a) - constructor of the Square

Decide on your own if you have to override inherited methods.

Regular pentagon Class

This is a shape with 5 sides. All sides are of the same length.

Parent class



  • a
    • data: float
    • description: side's length of the pentagon


__init__(self, a) - constructor of the RegularPentagon

Override (implement) other methods inherited from the parent class.
Required formulas:
Perimeter = 5a
Area = (a2 sqrt(5(5+2sqrt(5))))/4 (see image above)

ShapeList Class

This class is meant to hold geometrical shapes (objects that inherit from Shape class).


  • shapes
    • data: list
    • description: list of Shape objects



Constructs ShapeList object

add_shape(self, shape)

Adds shape to shapes list. This method should check if shape's has Shape class as it's ancestor. If not it should raise TypeError. Hint: check isinstance function. (This is a good example of so called polymorphism)

  • shape
    • data_type: Shape
    • description: object to be added to the shapes list

This method returns shapes list as string formatted into table. This is sample output:

 |  idx   |       Class    |       __str__        |   Perimeter  |   Formula   |   Area    |  Formula   |
 |   0    |      Circle    |    Circle, r = 3     |     18.85    |     2×π×r   |   28.27   |   π×r^2    |
 |   1    |      Square    |    Square, a = 2     |      8.00    |      4×a    |    4.00   |    a^2     |
Return value

string object


Returns shape with largest perimeter. Hint: have a look at comparison methods

Return value

Shape object


Returns shape with largest area. Hint: have a look at comparison methods

Return value

Shape object


Take radius from user, check correct format (int) and create new object of Circle class. #####Returns value Circle object


Take side a, b, c from user, check correct format (int) and create new object of Triangle class. #####Returns value Triangle object


Take side a, b from user, check correct format (int) and create new object of Rectangle class. #####Returns value Rectangle object


Take side a from user, check correct format (int) and create new object of Square class. #####Returns value Square object


Take side a from user, check correct format (int) and create new object of RegularPentagon class. #####Returns value RegularPentagon object

is_digit(self, *args)

Raise Value Error if some argument is not digit.


Show options. User choose shape. #####Returns value user_choice - str

create_shape(self, user_choice)

Depending on the user_choice, create proper geometrical figure.

Return value

Shape object


Create table row: insert data to list in proper order (according to the tittle). Add row list to bigger list with all rows.

Return value

rows_list - list of lists

find_max_string(self, data, index)

Find max length of data in column.

Return value

length longest string - int

draw_data_row(self, data, row)

Draw row with data (with proper width and format).

Return value

row_data - string

draw_out_row(self, data, row)

Draw out row (with proper width and format).

Return value

out_row - string


If you've fulfilled all the basic requirements and you're ambitious enough to continue, here's idea what you can do.

Help Zigy even more and implement quiz feature. This feature should generate random shape. Tell the user the type of shape and it's attributes. The user should calculate the perimeter and area. The program should check users answer.

Visualize shapes using turtle module.

You can also add more shapes to the geometry class.


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