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Non-Alphanumeric JS obfuscator

This will convert javascript code to nearly irreversable non-alphanumeric obfuscated code, using only the following characters: _ - , ; : ! . ( ) [ ] { } * / + = ~ $. Similar to JSFuck but much more convoluted.

Starting code

_ = ~[];
_ = {
    a: {
        a: !![]+[], // "true"
        b: ![]+[],  // "false"
        c: []+{},   // "[object Object]"
        d: [][_]+[] // "undefined"
    b: ++_,         // 0
    c: ++_,         // 1
    d: -~_++,       // 2
    e: -~_,         // 3
    f: -~++_        // 4

With these strings, we can figure out all availble characters

'truefalse[object Object]undefined'.split``.filter((e,i,s) => s.indexOf(e) === i).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b));

Available: (space) [ ] a b c d e f i j l n o O r s t u Missing: g h k m p q v w x y z

Callable function

In Javascript, you can call the constructor of any variable to get the fundemental object, such as Array, String or Number. And the constructor of any fundemental object returns the object Function. This gives us the possibility to use strings as code, like Function('javascript code')(). So, if we can create the word 'constructor' out of our variables, we can make []['constructor']['constructor']('javascript code')(). Luckily, the strings 'true', 'false', '[object Object]' and 'undefined' contain all the letters we need.

_.a.e = _.a.c[_.f+_.c] // c
    + _.a.c[_.c]       // o
    + _.a.d[_.c]       // n
    + _.a.b[_.e]       // s
    + _.a.a[_.b]       // t
    + _.a.a[_.c]       // r
    + _.a.d[_.b]       // u
    + _.a.c[_.f+_.c]   // c
    + _.a.a[_.b]       // t
    + _.a.c[_.c]       // o
    + _.a.a[_.c],      // r

And assign the function to a variable

_.g = [][_.a.e][_.a.e],

Calling _.g("console.log('obfuscate')")() will result in code behaving like such: (function(){console.log('obfuscate');})(). This is similar to how eval() works. We can also use this method to assign global functions that we cannot approach directly, like escape(). By using _.j = _.g("return escape")() we can assign escape() to a variable, and then call it like _.j(' ').

More characters!

Because we now have 'constructor', we can also get the following strings:

> "function RegExp() { [native code] }"

> "function String() { [native code] }"

So let's assign these too:

_.a.f = []+/[]/[_.a.e],    // "function RegExp() { [native code] }"
_.a.g = []+([]+[])[_.a.e], // "function String() { [native code] }"

Gained characters: ( ) { } A E g m N p R S v x y

Total available characters: (space) ( ) { } [ ] E O R S a b c d e f g i j l m n o p r s t u v x y

Even more characters!

We have a nice amount of letters available to us, but we are still missing a few. We use toString for this, so we can use the function (number)['toString'](radix). See bottom for full toString table

_.a.h = _.a.a[_.b]       // t
    + _.a.c[_.c]         // o
    + _.a.g[_.c+_.f+_.f] // S
    + _.a.a[_.b]         // t
    + _.a.a[_.c]         // r
    + _.a.d[_.c+_.f]     // i
    + _.a.d[_.c]         // n
    + _.a.g[[]+_.c+_.f]; // g

Now let's use 'true'['link'](), which returns <a href="undefined">true</a>, to grab < > = " and /

_.a.i = _.a.a[_.a.b[_.d]+_.a.d[_.c+_.f]+_.a.d[_.c]+((_.d+_.e)*_.f)[_.a.h](_.e*(_.e+_.f))](),

The next 3 functions use 'return', so let's build that and assign it:

_.a.j = _.a.a[_.c] // r
    +_.a.a[_.e]    // e
    +_.a.a[_.b]    // t
    +_.a.a[_.d]    // u
    +_.a.a[_.c]    // r
    +_.a.d[_.c];   // n

To grab . (dot) and - (dash), we can do -1/2. The following is basically (function(){return -1/2})()

_.a.k = []+_.g(_.a.j+_.a.c[_.e+_.f]+([]+~_.b)[_.b]+_.c+_.a.i[[]+_.d+(_.d+_.e)]+_.d)(),

escape and unescape

To call every other character that isn't covered earlier, we can use the functions escape, and unescape. We will assign the escape() function first, so we can use escape(' ') to grab '%', which we will need so we can use unescape()

_.h = _.g(_.a.j+_.a.c[_.e+_.f]+_.a.a[_.e]+_.a.b[_.e]+_.a.c[_.f+_.c]+_.a.b[_.c]+_.a.f[[]+_.c+_.f]+_.a.a[_.e])(),

With unescape('%xx') we can create every character that we were missing, so we assign that too

_.i = _.g(_.a.j+_.a.c[_.e+_.f]+_.a.a[_.d]+_.a.d[_.c]+_.a.a[_.e]+_.a.b[_.e]+_.a.c[_.f+_.c]+_.a.b[_.c]+_.a.f[[]+_.c+_.f]+_.a.a[_.e])();

Assign '%' for easier reference:

_.a.l = []+_.h(_.a.c[_.e+_.f])[_.b];

And with all these functions assigned, we can create any string:

Complete lookup table

' ' : _.a.c[_.e+_.f],
'(' : _.a.g[_.e*(_.d+_.e)],
')' : _.a.g[_.f*_.f],
'{' : _.a.g[_.e*(_.e+_.e)],
'}' : _.a.g[[]+_.e+_.f],
'[' : _.a.g[[]+_.d+_.b],
']' : _.a.g[[]+_.e+_.d],
'<' : _.a.i[_.b],
'>' : _.a.i[[]+_.c+(_.e*_.e)],
'=' : _.a.i[_.e+_.f],
'"' : _.a.i[_.f+_.f],
'/' : _.a.i[[]+_.d+(_.d+_.e)],
'-' : _.a.k[_.b],
'.' : _.a.k[_.d],
'0' : _.b,
'1' : _.c,
'2' : _.d,
'3' : _.e,
'4' : _.f,
'5' : _.c+_.f,
'6' : _.e+_.e,
'7' : _.e+_.f,
'8' : _.f+_.f,
'9' : _.e*_.e,
'E' : _.a.f[_.e*_.f],
'O' : _.a.c[_.d*_.f],
'R' : _.a.f[_.e*_.e],
'S' : _.a.g[_.e*_.e],
'a' : _.a.b[_.c],
'b' : _.a.c[_.d],
'c' : _.a.c[_.f+_.c],
'd' : _.a.d[_.d],
'e' : _.a.a[_.e],
'f' : _.a.b[_.b],
'g' : _.a.g[[]+_.c+_.f],
'h' : _.i(_.a.l+(_.e+_.e)+(_.f+_.f)),
'i' : _.a.d[_.c+_.f],
'j' : _.a.c[_.e],
'k' : _.i(_.a.l+(_.e+_.e)+_.a.c[_.d]),
'l' : _.a.b[_.d],
'm' : _.i(_.a.l+(_.e+_.e)+_.a.d[_.d]),
'n' : _.a.d[_.c],
'o' : _.a.c[_.c],
'p' : _.a.f[[]+_.c+_.f],
'q' : _.i(_.a.l+(_.e+_.f)+_.c),
'r' : _.a.a[_.c],
's' : _.a.b[_.e],
't' : _.a.a[_.b],
'u' : _.a.a[_.d],
'v' : _.a.f[[]+_.d+(_.d+_.e)],
'w' : _.i(_.a.l+(_.e+_.f)+(_.f+_.e)),
'x' : _.a.f[_.e*_.f+_.c],
'y' : _.i(_.a.l+(_.e+_.f)+(_.e*_.e)),
'z' : _.i(_.a.l+(_.e+_.f)+_.a.b[_.c])

Yes yes, that is all fun, but why do we need all this?

[]['constructor']['constructor']('console.log("obfuscation is awesome")')()

Using variables this becomes


Replacing all the variable names with non-alphanumeric variables such as $ and _, we can write complete and fully functioning non-alphanumeric code:


This will execute console.log("obfuscation is awesome")


  • Use escape('"') to get '%' and then use unescape for every missing character
  • Improve encode.js for better code generation
  • Write tests
  • Minify obfuscator code automatically instead of manually
  • Turn into nodejs module


Non-Alphanumeric JS Obfuscator






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