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Basic sample run on local machine

  1. Change parameters in initParams.m
  2. To run a simulation, run run_bindobs()
  • Outputs go to runfiles
  1. To analyze runs (calculate msd), analyze_bindobs(n) -n: # of files you want to analyze -Outputs go to msdfiles (Note, you can combine steps 2) and 3) by running run_analyze_bindobs()
  2. To average over grids, averageMSDgrids( ffo, bind, bDiff, sizeObs, parentpath, nameID, bindDirFlag ) -put all the runs you want to average in the same dir, Figure out what filling fractions, binding energies, size, bound diffusion you want to average over. -Say it's just ff = 0.1, be = 0, size = 1, bD = 0. -If they are all in ./msdfiles, you'd run

    averageMSDgrids( 0.1, 0, 0, 1, 'msdfiles/', 'test', 0 )

-If you put them in ./msdfiles/bind00, >> averageMSDgrids( 0.1, 0, 0, 1, 'msdfiles/', 'test', 1 ) -outputs go into gridAveMSDdata/ 5) To calculate Diffusion coefficients, etc, run -[masterD, asymInfo] = getDfromGridAveAsymp( path2files, fileId, ... numBins, threshold, plotFlag, saveFigFlag, verbose ) -Currently uses getHorzAsymptotes which was not what was used in the paper (findHorztlAsymp was) Goes to run directory, collects all finshed run jobs, and put them in working directory.

submitanalysis.m: Calls SetUpAnalysisMaster which takes all files in ./runfiles, and puts them in run directories in the run directory. Next, it submits analysis_bindobs jobs for them.

SetUpAnalysisMaster: sets up run directories for analysis. It takes all files in ./runfiles, and puts them in run directories in the run directory. It calls initAnalyzeParams where you can edit the run directory path, number of files in a directory, and a trial indicator for identify the job.


Monte Carlo code.






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