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PHP2 Assignment

The PHP2 assignment of InHolland.

Getting Started

This part helps you get started with the PHP2 assignment. Please follow it carefully, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.


To get started I expect you to have the following things installed:

Installing dependencies

For your first run you will need to install some dependencies, this should be pretty straight forward.

Installing the Node packages

Open your terminal and go to this directory, then type the following:

npm install
# Or...

Installing these packages might take a while, so please wait till this finishes.

Installing docker packages

Open your terminal and go to this directory, then type the following:

docker-compose up -d

Running the project

You can run the project using the following commands:


# Start the development ENV for TS and SCSS
npm run dev
# Or...
yarn dev

This will watch for changes to the typescript and SCSS files, and automatically compile them.


# Start the Web server (Starts the docker containers)
docker-compose up -d

You can access your application via localhost, if you're running the containers directly.

Service Address outside containers
Webserver localhost:3000

Hosts inside the environment

You'll need to configure your application to use any services you enabled:

Service Hostname Port number
php-fpm php-fpm 9000

More information

For more information about the docker environment see


This is the codebase for the PHP2 assignment, this section contains more information in regards to the codebase.


For this assignment I used several techniques, the main ones are listed here:

  • TypeScript
  • SCSS
  • PHP 8

Folder structure

├── .vscode             # Files related to the behavior of VSCode
├── webpack.config.js   # The build config for the project
├── phpdocker           # Docker container configs
├── src                 # Front-end code that needs to get compiled by webpack
  ├── scss              # The SCSS code of the application
  └── ts                # The TypeScript code of the application
├── controller        # The controller layer of the MVC pattern
├── db                # The database layer, responsible for interacting with the DB
├── model             # The model layer of the MVC pattern
├── public            # Files inside this folder get served to the browser
  ├── index.php       # The main file of the application
  ├── api             # API endpoints for the application
  └── assets          # Static resources such as JS, CSS and images
└── views             # The View layer of the MVC pattern.
  └── components      # Components for the views