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Nagi edited this page May 4, 2024 · 4 revisions

Dialogue Nodes - Documentation


Dialogue Nodes is an plugin made for the Godot game engine to assist in the creation of branching dialogues and display the dialogues in your games. The plugin adds a new editor tab which you would use for creating, editing and testing your dialogues. Additionally, the plugin also introduces a new Node: DialogueBox, which you can add to your scene to display dialogues in your game. The focus of this plugin is to keep the process of adding dialogues to your game as intuitive, simple and straightforward as can be.

Installation And Setup

Install From the AssetLib (Recommended method)

The easiest way to install Dialogue Nodes is using the AssetLib within the Godot engine. With your game project open in Godot, open the AssetLib and search for "Dialogue Nodes".

Select Dialogue Nodes by Nagi, and click the download button.

In the next step, open the asset content list and deselect the examples folder in case you don't wish to include the example dialogue files (First time users are recommended to keep the examples folder for exploring the example dialogues).

Click install and you should see a popup stating "Dialogue Nodes was installed successfully". Click OK.

Go to your project's settings > Plugins, and click on enable on the entry for Dialogue Nodes.

You should start seeing the Dialogue Nodes tab in your editor.

Install From Github

In case you want to try out the unpublished features, or Godot's AssetLib is not loading for you, installing from Github is also an option.


If you're working with Godot 3.x, download from

  • Click on the Import... button in the assetlib and select the zip file downloaded from the Github page.

  • Follow the reset of the installation like you would in the instructions above.
  • Done!


The plugin comes with a few examples to demonstrate the usage of the various features of Dialogue Nodes. You can go to the Dialogue Nodes tab, click File > Open... > Select one of the Example* files. (Please do not try to open res://examples/Characters.tres as it is a Character file not a DialogueData file and thus, won't open).


The localization example only works when project.godot is copied into your project. However, this is not recommended as this would mean replacing your project's old settings. If you want to try out the example, I recommend cloning Dialogue Nodes as a project of its own with all the files intact.