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Releases: nemesissoft/Nemesis.TextParsers

Update meta

09 Aug 09:14
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  • After every release a PR is created with release notes prepended in file in root directory
  • Add release notes and meta for DI project

Full Changelog: 2.9.6...2.9.15

Dependency injection support

08 Aug 21:47
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//use Nemesis.TextParsers.DependencyInjection package
//consider the following ASP.Net demo
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

var app = builder.Build();
app.MapGet("/parsingConfigurations/{type}", (string type, SettingsStore store) => 
    //use injected SettingsStore 

app.MapGet("/parseType/{type}", (string type, [FromQuery] string text, ITransformerStore transformerStore) => 
    //use injected ITransformerStore 

What else has changed

  • Add support for transforming Int128/UInt128
  • Remove scanning assembly for standard registrations and checking proper static registrations with tests
  • Add tests for settings deserialization
  • Convert Settings types to Records
  • Upgrade to .net 8
  • Cache intermediate results for code gen
  • Add support for Wolverine-styled DescribeHandlerMatch - breaking change. Rename: ICanCreateTransformer -> ITransformerHandler, *Creator -> *Handler
  • Improve code gen tests

Full Changelog: 2.9.2...2.9.6

Update packaging options

03 Jan 00:02
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Source code generator for enum types

01 Jan 22:51
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 2.8.2...2.9.1

Code generator for enum types

With this feature it is enough to annotate enum with 2 attributes:

    //1. optionally pass parser settings
    CaseInsensitive = true, AllowParsingNumerics = true, 
    //2. TransformerClassName can be left blank. In that case the name of enum is used with "Transformer" suffix
    TransformerClassName = "MonthCodeGenTransformer",
    //3. optionally pass namespace to generate the transformer class within. If not provided the namespace of the enum will be used
    TransformerClassNamespace = "ABC"
//4. decorate enum with TransformerAttribute that points to automatically generated transformer
public enum Month : byte
    None = 0,
    January = 1, February = 2, March = 3,
    April = 4, May = 5, June = 6,
    July = 7, August = 8, September = 9,
    October = 10, November = 11, December = 12

This in turn generates the following parser using best practices (some lines are ommited for brevity):

Source code for generated parser
public sealed class MonthCodeGenTransformer : TransformerBase<Nemesis.TextParsers.CodeGen.Sample.Month>
    public override string Format(Nemesis.TextParsers.CodeGen.Sample.Month element) => element switch
        Nemesis.TextParsers.CodeGen.Sample.Month.None => nameof(Nemesis.TextParsers.CodeGen.Sample.Month.None),
        Nemesis.TextParsers.CodeGen.Sample.Month.January => nameof(Nemesis.TextParsers.CodeGen.Sample.Month.January),
        // ...

        Nemesis.TextParsers.CodeGen.Sample.Month.December => nameof(Nemesis.TextParsers.CodeGen.Sample.Month.December),
        _ => element.ToString("G"),

    protected override Nemesis.TextParsers.CodeGen.Sample.Month ParseCore(in ReadOnlySpan<char> input) =>
        input.IsWhiteSpace() ? default : (Nemesis.TextParsers.CodeGen.Sample.Month)ParseElement(input);

    private static byte ParseElement(ReadOnlySpan<char> input)
        if (input.IsEmpty || input.IsWhiteSpace()) return default;
        input = input.Trim();
        if (IsNumeric(input) && byte.TryParse(input
    .ToString() //legacy frameworks do not support parsing from ReadOnlySpan<char>
            , out var number))
            return number;
            return ParseName(input);

        static bool IsNumeric(ReadOnlySpan<char> input) =>
            input.Length > 0 && input[0] is var first &&
            (char.IsDigit(first) || first is '-' or '+');    

    private static byte ParseName(ReadOnlySpan<char> input)
        if (IsEqual(input, nameof(Nemesis.TextParsers.CodeGen.Sample.Month.None)))
            return (byte)Nemesis.TextParsers.CodeGen.Sample.Month.None;            

        else if (IsEqual(input, nameof(Nemesis.TextParsers.CodeGen.Sample.Month.January)))
            return (byte)Nemesis.TextParsers.CodeGen.Sample.Month.January;            

        else if (IsEqual(input, nameof(Nemesis.TextParsers.CodeGen.Sample.Month.February)))
            return (byte)Nemesis.TextParsers.CodeGen.Sample.Month.February;            

        // ...         

        else if (IsEqual(input, nameof(Nemesis.TextParsers.CodeGen.Sample.Month.December)))
            return (byte)Nemesis.TextParsers.CodeGen.Sample.Month.December;            

        else throw new FormatException(@$"Enum of type 'Nemesis.TextParsers.CodeGen.Sample.Month' cannot be parsed from '{input.ToString()}'.
Valid values are: [None or January or February or March or April or May or June or July or August or September or October or November or December] or number within byte range. 
Ignore case option on.");        

        static bool IsEqual(ReadOnlySpan<char> input, string label) =>
            MemoryExtensions.Equals(input, label.AsSpan(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

Integrate with Github Actions

19 Dec 10:10
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  • Add Github Actions for build. Remove integration with AppVeyor
  • Add architecture tests to check if settings can be properly handled
  • Add debuging option for code gen

Improve TupleHelper

User is no longer required to call for TupleHelper.ParseNext method. It's code was incorporated into ParseElement method. It's now enough to call:

var _helper = new TupleHelper(',', '∅', '\\', '(', ')');

var input = "(3.14, Ala ma kota)";
var enumerator = _helper.ParseStart(input, 2, "DoubleAndString");

var key = _helper.ParseElement(ref enumerator, TextTransformer.Default.GetTransformer<double>());
var value = _helper.ParseElement(ref enumerator, TextTransformer.Default.GetTransformer<string>(), 2, "DoubleAndString");

_helper.ParseEnd(ref enumerator, 2, "DoubleAndString");

All generated calls were updated accordingly

Full Changelog: v2.7.2...2.8.2

Add support for ReadOnlyObservableCollection

16 Jul 10:12
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Add support for ReadOnlyObservableCollection

Optimize build targets

14 Jul 13:23
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Optimize build targets

Upgrade to .NET 7

14 Jul 09:51
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Migrate to NET 7.0
Remove support for net 5.0 (out of support)
Add central package management
Add Generic Math version of LightLinq
Pack readme inside nuget package

Modernize code base

30 May 09:50
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New API key for nuget + modernize code base

Add code gen package

01 Mar 21:26
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Add code generation package that automatically generates necessary transformers

C# 9.0 Code generation

With introduction of new code-gen engine, you can opt to have your transformer generated automatically without any imperative code.

//1. use specially provided (via code-gen) Auto.AutoDeconstructable attribute
//2. provide deconstructable aspect options or leave this attribute out - default options will be engaged 
[DeconstructableSettings('_', '∅', '%', '〈', '〉')]
readonly partial /*3. partial modifier is VERY important - you need this cause generated code is placed in different file*/ struct StructPoint3d
    public double X { get; }
    public double Y { get; }
    public double Z { get; }

    //4. specify constructor and matching deconstructor 
    public StructPoint3d(double x, double y, double z) { X = x; Y = y; Z = z; }

    public void Deconstruct(out double x, out double y, out double z) { x = X; y = Y; z = Z; }

//5. sit back, relax and enjoy - code-gen will do the job for you :-)

This in turn might generate the following (parts of code ommited for brevity)

using /* ... */;
readonly partial struct StructPoint3d { }

sealed class StructPoint3dTransformer : TransformerBase<StructPoint3d>
    private readonly ITransformer<double> _transformer_x = TextTransformer.Default.GetTransformer<double>();
    /* specify remaining transformers... */
    private const int ARITY = 3;
    private readonly TupleHelper _helper = new TupleHelper('_', '∅', '%', '〈', '〉');

    protected override StructPoint3d ParseCore(in ReadOnlySpan<char> input)
        var enumerator = _helper.ParseStart(input, ARITY);
        var t1 = _helper.ParseElement(ref enumerator, _transformer_x);        
        /* parse Y and Z... */
        _helper.ParseEnd(ref enumerator, ARITY);
        return new StructPoint3d(t1, t2, t3);

    public override string Format(StructPoint3d element)
        Span<char> initialBuffer = stackalloc char[32];
        var accumulator = new ValueSequenceBuilder<char>(initialBuffer);
             _helper.StartFormat(ref accumulator);
             var (x, y, z) = element;
            _helper.FormatElement(_transformer_x, x, ref accumulator);
            /* format Y and Z... */
            _helper.EndFormat(ref accumulator);
            return accumulator.AsSpan().ToString();
        finally { accumulator.Dispose(); }

Code gen diagnositcs

Various diagnositcs exist to guide end user in creation of proper types that can be consumed by automatic generation. They might for example:

  1. check if types decorated with Auto* attributes are declared partial (prerequisite for additive code generation)
  2. validate settings passed via declarative syntax
  3. validate internal structure of type (i.e. check if constructor has matching Deconstruct method)
  4. check if external dependencies are included