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Oakland University Computer Science Sophomore Project.

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Oakland University Computer Science Sophomore Project.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Make sure you have already installed both Docker Engine and Docker Compose.

If you have compatible hardware, use Docker Desktop. If you don't meet the pre-requisites instead install Docker Toolbox.

You will also need to install JDK 1.8 and Maven 3.6.

For development you need an IDE that supports both Java and Maven. I recommend IntelliJ, but Eclipse and other similar IDEs should work just fine.

Finally, you will need to install AWS-CLI.

Login using your personal access key id, secret access key, and us-east-1 for the region:
aws configure

then run

aws ecr get-login --no-include-email

You will need these values when configuring your Maven settings file in the next step.

Create your local Maven settings file:
vim ~/.m2/settings.xml

and paste the following text replacing the [password] using the value from the last step.

Create a .env file within your projects root directory:
vim .env

and paste the following text replacing [aws_access_key_id] and [aws_secret_access_key] with the provided frontend access key id and secret access key.

Ensure your PATH variables are set correctly by running:

mvn -version & java -version & docker --version & docker-container --version

Building / Testing / Running

Install all required plugins, run any required tests, and build docker image:
mvn clean install

To install without running tests, instead run

mvn clean install -DskipTests
View image by running:

You should see an image listed as

docker images
Start all required containers:
docker-compose up
View running containers started from docker-compose:
docker-compose ps
View logs from containers started from docker-compose:
docker-compose logs
Stop all containers started from docker-compose:
docker-compose stop

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