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Package to generate synthetic chemical space and identify clusters in a parallel way.

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Package to generate synthetic chemical space and identify clusters in a parallel way.

Natalie Price-Jones

Navigate into the repository to install with:

python install

with possible option for local installation only:

python install --prefix=<some local directory>

This repository requires the following packages: numpy, matplotlib, scipy, sklearn <>, astropy, galpy, apogee, and isodist.

If you wish to try the example notebooks, you'll also need jupyter

Please continue to the section below for instructions on how to set relevant environment variables

This package will save the synthetic chemical space it creates (unless explicitly instructed otherwise during makeclusters object creation with save=False). Files will be saved in the directory set to the environment variable TAGSPACE_DATA.

Data created with the tagspace.clusters.makeclusters class for generating synthetic chemical spaces is saved in appropriately named directories, with the following structure

$TAGSPACE_DATA/<cluster center generation function>/<cluster member generation function>/

Files are timestamped to avoid accidental overwriting.

Synthetic data created with tagspace.clusters.makeclusters is saved by default into .fits files. In their headers they contain the information about the functions used to create the cluster, including the parameters used for reproducability. The first file extension contains the cluster assignments, the second contains abundance data (if generated), the third contains spectra (if generated) and subsequent extensions contain information about possible changes to the spectra.

This package is intended to test the limits 'chemical tagging', the process of identifying groups of stars from a large observational dataset by looking for clusters in stellar chemistry. This can be done either by looking at observed spectra directly (which encode chemical information through absorption lines) or by distilling observed spectra into a lower dimensional chemical space either by projecting them along relevent principal components or by using model spectra to derive chemical abundances.

Chemical tagging has a great deal of potential as a tool to understand the history of our Milky Way Galaxy. In its most general applications, it can be used to divide our Galaxy into broad populations that can be associated with features like the thin and thick disks or the halo (e.g. Hawkins et. al. 2015), or to constrian the chemical evolution of our galaxy (e.g. Jofre et. al. 2017). The technique has also been used to identify new members of a known chemical population (e.g. Martell et. al. 2016) or identify unusual new subpopulations (e.g. Schiavon et. al. 2017) With sufficient precision, chemical tagging may also be able to identify 'birth clusters' of stars that were born in the same gas cloud, even if their dynamical history has erased all evidence of their shared past. However, this requires a blind approach to chemical tagging (e.g. Mitschang et. al. 2014, Hogg et. al. 2016), and may be limited by not only observational precision but by the intrinsic chemical homogeneity and uniqueness of the birth clusters (see e.g. Blanco-Cuaresma et. al. 2015 and Bovy 2016 for studies of instrinic birth cluster properties where open clusters are used as birth cluster proxies).

Motivated by the studies listed above, I am developing this pacakge to test the efficacy of blind chemical tagging on various chemical spaces. I am primarily interested in identifying the conditions under which the groups of stars identified by a cluster-finding routine may be associated with stellar birth clusters. To that end, I am creating a flexible approach to cluster formation, allowing user specified functions to define how cluster members are chosen in chemical space. The code is built to create many instances of a particular chemical space and identify their clusters simultaneously. Success is measured by end result homogeneity (scikit-learn implementation), which describes the level to which each of the algorithimically identified clusters contains only members of a single user-created cluster.

This repository includes several notebooks in the examples folder that demonstrate more involved usage of the package.

In general the workflow follows a few steps:

Start by importing the repository's makecluster class object. You will also need to choose two generation functions: one to find the cluster centers and another to find members of a cluster. For this example, we'll use a normal distribution for both finding both cluster centers and members.

import numpy as np
from tagspace.clusters.makeclusters import makeclusters, normalgeneration

We'll use normalgeneration to find our cluster centers. This function takes three arguments: the number of clusters to identify, the mean of the normal distribution (i.e. the center of chemical space) and the standard deviation of the normal distribution. The latter two arguments may have dimensionality of your choosing. In this case we'll assume we're working with 10 chemical elements and want to input 20 clusters. We give the function and its kwargs to makeclusters

clusters = makeclusters(genfn=normalgeneration,num = 20, means = np.zeros(10), stds = 0.5*np.ones(10))

We have created our cluster centers. makeclusters has also automatically generated a directory associated with this data set, as well as a root string for saving individual cluster instances. We can overwrite these by passing the basepath and basename kwargs to change the directory and root name respectively.

We now have access to the function associated with makeclusters, one of which is create_abundances. This function will generate chemical abundances for members of the clusters given a function to use to find members and its kwargs. We'll use normalgeneration again, and give each cluster 15 members.

clusters.create_abundances(genfn = normalgeneration, num = 15, means = cluster.centers, stds = 0.05*np.ones(10))

Since we're using normalgeneration and have given the means kwarg as an array with 20 rows (the number of clusters) and 10 columns (the number of chemical abundances), we will create 15 members for each of the 20 clusters. We could specify a different number of members for each cluster by changing our num kwarg to be an array with length 20.

With this we've created a very simple chemical space. Our abundances are in the array clusters.abundances. We also have the array clusters.labels_true, which tells us which original cluster each set of abundances (which correspond to a star) belong to.

Our next step is to call our cluster finding algorithm and apply it to our data. For this simple case, we'll use the wrapper for scikit-learn's KMeans algorithm. First we create a tag object, which takes a makeclusters object.

from tagspace.clusters.clusterfind import tag
tagclusters = tag(data=clusters)

Our tagclusters now has the properties of clusters as well as an array of zeros in tagclusters.labels_pred. This is where we will store the indices that divide our stars into clusters according to the cluster finding algorithm we choose. We now run kmeans, which requires the number of clusters to find as input. We'll choose it to be 20, the true number of clusters.


To see all of kmeans possible kwargs, run help(tagclusters.kmeans()).

This function has now updated our tagclusters.labels_pred with the labels according to kmeans. We could have used one of the other included wrappers or written our own by passing it through tagcluster.customfn(clusterfn = <name of function>,<kwargs>)

Now that we have a prediction for how our data should be divided into clusters, we'd like to measure our level of success. We'll use the wrapper for sklearn.metric.homogeneity_score to compute this.


This function measures the extent to which members of a cluster found by our chosen algorithm belonged to the same original cluster, so a value around 1 indicates successful clustering.

Using chemical abundances as axes is the most common and straightforward approach to constructing a chemical space. However, we may wish to examine different versions of chemical space, and the construction of many of these is supported by tagspace.

tagspace supports two ways of generating spectra of stars to be members of a cluster. As in the previous section, we'll begin by creating a makeclusters object called clusters. We will use the same simple case described above to find our cluster centers.

import numpy as np
from tagspace.clusters.makeclusters import makeclusters, normalgeneration, uniformgeneration
clusters = makeclusters(genfn=normalgeneration,num = 20, means = np.zeros(10), stds = 0.5*np.ones(10))

It is now necessary to specify photospheric parameters of our stars so we can generate the spectra. Unlike chemical abundances we do not expect these parameters to be similar for members of the same clusters. There are few options for how to get these parameters. If we already have this information, we can add it to our clusters information by passing it as a structured array to updateinfo.

clusters.updateinfo(<structured array of star information>)

The structured array must have labels 'TEFF', 'LOGG' and 'VTURB'. The above is a convenience function; we could also have set clusters.spectra.teff, clusters.spectra.logg and clusters.spectra.vturb to the appropriate values.

We have two other options to create the photospheric parameters - we can choose them in a related way with choosephotosphere or we can choose them independently using the function for each (e.g. chooseteff for selecting effective temperatures). For simplicity, let's choose the photospheric parameters simultaneously from a uniform distribution.


Our first approach to generating member spectra begins by generating abundances and using those to create spectra. Start by identifying abundances.

clusters.create_abundances(genfn = normalgeneration, num = 15, means = cluster.centers, stds = 0.05*np.ones(10),atmnum=[6,7,8,11,12,13,14,16,20,26])

We have added a new kwarg to create_abundances; atmnum specifies which elements we are generating, since this is needed for spectra generation. We now have everything we need to create the spectra.


Alternatively, we can create a spectrum for each cluster center and vary it according to a generation function, in much the same way as we chose members in abundance space:

cluster.create_spectra(genfn = normalgeneration, num = 15, means = cluster.centers, stds = 0.01*np.ones(10))

Finding clusters in spectral space is then a matter giving our cluster data to tag as before.

Once spectra have been created, their use in chemical tagging can be improved by performing fits to remove differences between spectra due to differing photospheric parameters. To do this with tagspace, use the function associated with the spectra object. If we assume we have created the clusters object from the previous section we can perform a fit in the following way. Let us assume we are interested in doing a second order polynomial fit in effective temperature, surface gravity and iron abundance with all cross terms included.,degree=2,variables=(clusters.spectra.teff,clusters.spectra.logg,clusters.spectra.abun['Fe']),crossterms=True)

This function updates the clusters.spectra.specs object and will save the new dataset.

We may wish to reduce the dimensionality of our spectra by projecting them along dimensions we think are important. We can supply a path to vectors describing these dimensions or provide them as an array. Either way we use project to do this in the following way.

clusters.spectra.project(fname='<path to axis vectors>')

This function updates the clusters.spectra.specs object and will save the new dataset.

In addition to using more complicated chemical spaces, we may also wish to scale up our analysis so we avoid relying on any individual cluster instance, which may be dominated by unusual cluster distributions. To achieve this, we give makeclusters the instances kwarg. This is set to 1 by default. Choosing a higher number will create multiple cluster instances. Subsequent functions for cluster finding and success measurement know about the shape of the clusters and so can divide the resulting data appropriately.

The operations required to create and later find clusters in multiple instances of a data set automatically use all available cores. These can be constrained to a fixed value by setting the cores kwarg when creating a makeclusters object or by manually updating the variable in between function calls with <makeclusters object name>.cores = <integer>.

The cluster finding functions included in the tag object also support multiple cluster finding attempts through the repeats kwarg. Setting this to an integer will also automatically distribute processes to all possible cores.

tagspace is built to allow quick reproduction of previous results, as well as applications to non-synthetic datasets.

If we would like to work with previously created data in a new session, we will still need to create a makeclusters object and change its readdata kwarg from its default False to True. We will also need to point makeclusters to the appropriate type of data. For example, if we wanted to use a specific file, we would give the fname kwarg with the path to the data (if this does not start from root / or from home ~, it is assumed to have the environment variable CHEMICAL_SPACE_DATA as its root). In this case our call would look like:

from tagspace.clusters.makeclusters import makeclusters
clusters = makeclusters(readdata=True,fname='<path>')

The fname kwarg also accepts a list or array of paths as input. If makeclusters's separate kwarg is set to False, the stellar data are checked for shape and combined ,and initial clusters are appropriately reindexed.

Alternatively, if we wanted to use all data that was created with a particular generation function, our process takes an additional step. We will also need to specify what sort of stellar data we are looking for (either abundances, spectra, projspectra, fitspectra or some list combining two or more of the proceeding), as well as the function used to generate the members for that data. Let's assume we are looking for all spectra and fitspectra data created with normalgeneration.

from tagspace.clusters.makeclusters import makeclusters
clusters = makeclusters(readdata=True,genfn=normalgeneration,separate=True)

This will find all files that meet our criteria. The finddata function has additional options if, for example, we wanted to specify we were looking only for data where 10 members were created per cluster, or with particular standard deviation values.

Data not created with tagspace but with known cluster assignments can be read in much the same way as previously created tagspace data, by using the fname kwarg of makeclusters to specify a path. Data should be in the form of a tagspace-like .fits file (described in the Output Data subsection). The minimum requirements are a list of lists of data and a list of lists of cluster assignments with. The convenience function convert_to_TSfits in can easily convert the array (either from the current session or from file) into an appropriate fits file.

from import convert_to_TSfits
from tagspace.clusters.makeclusters import makeclusters
convert_to_TSfits(<list of lists of star data>, <list of lists of cluster assignments>, datatype=<datatype>, fname='<path>')
clusters = makeclusters(readdata=True,fname='<path>')

Here <datatype> refers to any of 'abundances', 'spectra', 'projspectra', or 'fitspectra'

Without known cluster assignments, we give our data directly to tag,

from tagspace.clusters.clusterfind import tag
tagclusters = tag(data=<array of data to tag>)

and make use of the usual functions to create cluster assignments. Additional information about the stars (e.g. effective temperature, surface gravity), can be passed to tag as a structured array through the starinfo kwarg.


Package to generate synthetic chemical space and identify clusters in a parallel way.






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