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Map Styling in cascadenik, carto

nvkelso edited this page Apr 19, 2012 · 17 revisions

Mapnik is the renderer for most open-source geo projects. But, raw Mapnik XML is crazy to read (let alone manually write). Enter: Cascadenik -&- Carto.



Both are stylesheet renderers for Mapnik.

  • Carto is an evolution of the Cascadenik idea and language, with an emphasis on speed and flexibility.
  • MML for layer contents, MSS stylizes the features


  • Styles map features using CSS and layer definitions
  • Cascading Style Sheets have given web pages pizzaz for 15 years.
  • CSS enables a separation between map layer .MML and their .MSS graphic appearance (it can easily be restyled)
  • Cascadenik is command line tool, 2 yrs old
  • Creates XML for Mapnik the 1st


  • Builds on Cascadenik’s CSS language
  • Can be used in TileMill from DevSeed
  • The MML file is JSON instead of XML (harder to comment)
  • Has arbitrary style attachments, cool!
  • Can use expressions in names, specifying font face and size.
  • Define variables in stylesheets, and use expressions to modify them.
  • Color swatches like @mybackground: #2B4D2D;
  • Then use it like: darken(@mybackground, 10%);
  • Creates XML for Mapnik the 2nd


to convert TileMill “carto” stylesheets to cascadenik / mapnik happiness

cd /Applications/mapbox-tilemill/

./bin/carto /path/to/project/style.mml


Note: adjust path as appropriate.

To see the end result of your CSS expanded: stylesheet.mss

Out of ArcMap

  • In ArcMap? Use Arc2Earth (
  • Can export layer styles in OGC SLD Format, can adapt by hand to Cascadenik or Carto
  • Don't know of a method in ArcPy to get layer graphic properties without going full on ArcObjects, nudge nudge.

Adjusting your styles thru multiple zooms

ScaleMaster Diagram

  • Scale Master - Interactive tool (Flash) and papers from Cindy Brewer at Penn state on what to include on your map, when.

  • Someday Carto will support CSS attr for grabbing the actual value out of a feature record.

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