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dev meeting 2024 02 07

Etienne Millon edited this page Feb 8, 2024 · 3 revisions

Present: @electreaas @emillon @gridbugs @leonidas-from-xiv

  • using utf8 for dune files (@emillon)

    • refs: #9728, #9396
    • should we mandate utf8 encoding for dune files?
      • seems fine
    • if we do that, we can let the formatter output utf8
    • atoms are lexed more strictly and are already a subset of 7-bit ASCII, so utf8 extensions will mostly appear in quoted strings
    • things like library names are also validated so this is not about proposing utf8 in there
    • accepting BOM in output
      • BOM in utf8 is not really useful but some tools (especially on windows) emit it
      • it's not really possible to accept it (because it would break old dunes parsing new files)
      • but it's possible to detect it while parsing and emit a good error message
  • progressive enhancement based on packages (@emillon)

    • some integrations can be "enhanced" optionally
    • 2 recent exemples:
      • if sherlodoc is installed, it is used by the docs rules
      • is ocaml-index is installed, it is used to build an index for merlin
    • it feels like a hack if uninstalling the package is the only option
    • ok for a first version, but needs to be moved to a config file or tool configuration (e.g. odoc)
    • one problem is that there's no good place to configure this
  • pkg rules blockers (@leonidas-from-xiv)

    • actually not that many blockers
    • ocamlfind
    • ocaml compiler
      • main plan is to wait for relocatable patches
      • use system compiler in the meantime
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