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OCaml Project Repositories

Tim McGilchrist edited this page Apr 5, 2022 · 10 revisions

This is a list of significant repositories held under the ocaml/ organisation. Maintainers: please keep this list up-to-date if you create a new repository or deprecate an existing one.

Compiler and Tools

These are the core OCaml compiler and tools. Some components formerly in the mainline compiler distribution have been broken out into separate repositories in recent releases.

  • /ocaml: The core OCaml system: Compilers, runtime system and base libraries
  • /ocamlbuild: Generic build tool
  • /ocaml-manual: Mirror of the OCaml manual
  • /camlp4: Camlp4: Extensible parsers
  • /tuareg: Emacs OCaml mode
  • /zarith: implements arithmetic and logical operations over arbitrary-precision integers and rational numbers
  • /num: legacy Num library for arbitrary-precision integer and rational arithmetic
  • /dbm: legacy CamlDBM library for accessing NDBM/GDBM database files
  • /merlin: IDE services for OCaml code

OPAM Package Manager

OPAM is a source-based package manager for OCaml. It supports multiple simultaneous compiler installations, flexible package constraints, and a Git-friendly development workflow. website and Infrastructure

Containers and Continuous Integration

These are a combination of Docker containers (published and built regularly on the Docker Hub), as well as Continuous Integration for services such as Travis or Appveyor.

Community Libraries

  • /oasis: Tooling for building OCaml libraries and applications
  • /oasis2opam: Convert OASIS metadata into OPAM package descriptions
  • /oasis2debian: Translate _oasis file into a debian/ directory
  • /oasis-db: Database of OCaml packages using OASIS
  • /oasis-website: Website for OASIS
  • /omd: Pure OCaml extensible markdown library
  • /ocaml-re: Pure OCaml regular expressions
