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Upgrade to version 1.0

watson edited this page Sep 25, 2014 · 6 revisions

The Opbeat Node.js client version 1.0 have been is soon to be released and includes a lot of breaking changes. This document is a guide on how to upgrade your code if you've been using a previous version.

Client initialisation

The createClient() have been removed and replaced with a primary initialisation function. Previously you'd setup the Opbeat like so:

// old
var opbeat = require('opbeat');
var client = opbeat.createClient(options);

Now the Opbeat module just exposes the createClient() function directly, so you should update your code to the following:

// new
var opbeat = require('opbeat');
var client = opbeat(options);

Or you could do this as a one-liner, which you'll also see used in our documentation from now on:

// new
var opbeat = require('opbeat')(options);

Alternatively you can completely drop parsing in an options object and instead configure the client using environment variables, which is now supported for all options.


The following options have been renamed or changed:

Old name New name
app_id appId
organization_id organizationId
secret_token secretToken
env removed, see active
logger removed
handleExceptions captureExceptions
silent removed, see clientLogLevel
exceptionsAreCritical removed, see exceptionLogLevel

Singleton access

To access the already initialised client, you'd previously access the opbeat.client property. This was considered too magic so from now on this should now be handled in user-land.

At Opbeat we like to create an opbeat.js file somewhere in our project, initialize Opbeat in there and export it:

// opbeat.js
module.exports = require('opbeat')({
  appId: '...',
  organizationId: '...',
  secretToken: '...'

Capturing of errors

The two functions captureRequestError and captureMessage have been removed. Their functionality have been merged into captureError which now support all use cases. This also means that you can log request information along with a "message", which wasn't possible before.

Previously you'd log HTTP request info like so:

// old
opbeat.captureRequestError(err, req);

Now you just parse in the HTTP request object as an option to the 2nd argument of captureError():

// new
opbeat.captureError(err, { request: req });

The captureError() function now also takes a regular string as the error argument. This removes the need for a separate captureMessage() function:

// new
opbeat.captureError("Something is wrong");

Just as with the old captureMessage() function you can use it for parameterized messages as well:

// new
  message: 'Timeout exeeded by %d seconds',
  params: [seconds]


The connectionError event is now just called error.

Removed functionality

The opbeat.version property have been removed. If you need access to this information, load the package.json file or open an issue.