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Symfony toolkit

This symfony bundle provides abstractions for many common cases.


Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute:

$ composer require openium/symfony-toolkit

For Symfony 7 use the v4

For Symfony 6 use the v3

For Symfony < 6 use the v2



Add 2 protected methods for controllers :

  • getContentFromRequest: get json body from request
  • getMultipartContent: get json body from multipart request
  • extractObjectFromString: get json from string (used by getContentFromRequest and getMultipartContent)
  • getFilterParameters: get filter query parameters from request


Add a class containing filters from the query parameters.

To get filters, use getFilterParameters in AbstractController.

You can also use FilterRepositoryUtils->applyFilters() to define the sort, limit and offset in queries.

Notes on filters :

  • if the page parameter is passed but not the limit parameter, the limit is set to 10
  • if order-by parameter is passed but not order parameter, order is set to ASC


The PaginatedResult allow you to have a formatted result for endpoints who used filters.


This service provide a way to get the actual server url.

Add ServerServiceInterface with dependencies injection and use the method getBasePath() from it.

    function myFunc(ServerServiceInterface $serverService): mixed
        // ...
        $basePath = $serverService->getBasePath();
        // ...


This service help you to manage an entity with a uploaded file reference. Caution, this service allow only one upload property.

First, implements your entity with WithUploadInterface.

Next, you can use the WithUploadTrait, which contains certain methods and properties required by the interface.

Then inject into your entity event listener the FileUploaderServiceInterface service.

Finally, use the service like that :

  • prepareUploadPath in prePersist and preUpdate to set entity properties before persist in database
  • upload postPersist and postUpdate to move upload to right directory
  • removeUpload postPersist and postRemove to delete upload file


Allow you to execute some commands with Unix AT command.

  • To create a new AT job :
    // $cmd command to execute
    // $timestamp when the command will be executed
    // $path path where the at creation command will be executed
    // &$result result of at
    $output = $atHelper->createAtCommandFromPath($cmd, $timestamp, $path, $result);
    // get at job number
    $jobNumber = $atHelper->extractJobNumberFromAtOutput($output);
  • to remove existing AT job, save the jobNumber from extractJobNumberFromAtOutput() method and use it with removeAtCommand() method.
    $removeSuccess = $atHelper->removeAtCommand($jobNumber);


Transform doctrine exceptions into HttpException.

In most cases, the exception will be a BadRequestHttpException.

But if the database error refers to a conflict, the method will throw a ConflictHttpException.

To use it, you need to inject DoctrineExceptionHandlerServiceInterface service.

        try {
        } catch (\Exception $e) {

Work fine with doctrine exceptions but not with other/custom exceptions


Transform exceptions to json Response. Exception's response is now generic, which means you can give your own code, text and message to the response.

In the case which you want to add secific code, firstly override the service of the bundle. You have to add your own service in config/services.yaml.

For example:

        class: App\Service\ExceptionFormatService
            - '@kernel'
        public: true

Then, you need to create an ExceptionFormatService in your project and extends the one in the bundle.

2 methods and one property can be override :

  • genericExceptionResponse which will be defining each part of the exception: $code, $text, $message.
  • addKeyToErrorArray which will add keys in final json object
  • $jsonKeys to override final json keys


namespace App\Service;

use Openium\SymfonyToolKitBundle\Service\ExceptionFormatService as BaseExceptionFormatService;
use Openium\SymfonyToolKitBundle\Service\ExceptionFormatServiceInterface;

class ExceptionFormatService extends BaseExceptionFormatService implements ExceptionFormatServiceInterface {

    protected array $jsonKeys = [
        'code' => 'statusCode',
        'text' => 'statusText',
        'message' => 'message',
    public function genericExceptionResponse(Exception $exception): array
        // You define conditions and exceptions[ExceptionFormatExtendService.php](Tests%2FService%2FExceptionFormatExtendService.php) you want here 
        if ($exception instanceof MyException) {
            $code = 123;
            $text = 'This is my custom exception text';
            $message = $text;
            return [$code, $text, $message];
        // Or use the default method in the toolkit
        return parent::genericExceptionResponse($exception);

    public function addKeyToErrorArray(array $error, Exception $exception): array
        if ($exception instanceof MyException) {
            $error['MyNewKey'] = 'value';
        return $error;

The exception you formatted is going to be used in the method formatExceptionResponse. This way you can handle a custom exception.

    $response = $this->exceptionFormat->formatExceptionResponse($exception);


The listener catch kernel exceptions and transform them into HttpException thanks to ExceptionFormatService.

It is enabled by default and have this configuration :

  openium_symfony_toolkit.kernel_exception_listener_enable: true
  openium_symfony_toolkit.kernel_exception_listener_path: '/api'
  openium_symfony_toolkit.kernel_exception_listener_class: 'Openium\SymfonyToolKitBundle\EventListener\PathExceptionListener'

it use the ExceptionFormatService to format automatically the kernel exceptions only for the routes defined in exception_listener_path parameter


Use to display memory usage or juste bytes into human-readable string.

$str = MemoryUtils::convert(1024);
// $str = '1 kb';

$phpMemory = MemoryUtils::getMemoryUsage();
// apply convert() to actual php memory usage


Use to extract types data from array with specific key

    $myString = ContentExtractorUtils::getString($content, $key);

With option to allow null value, set a default value and set if value is required.

List of methods :

  • getString
  • getBool
  • getInt
  • getFloat
  • getDateTimeInterface
  • getArray

All methods throws 400 HTTP error with correct message if the value is missing or is not with the right type (depends of parameters)

Behind all these methods are control methods.

List of check methods :

  • checkKeyExists
  • checkKeyIsString
  • checkKeyIsBoolean
  • checkKeyIsInt
  • checkKeyIsFloat
  • checkKeyIsArray

Methods checkKeyIs{type} use checkKeyExists().

All the methods in this class are static.


Provide a static method to get date from string :

public static function getDateTimeFromString(
    string $dateString,
    ?string $format = null,
    ?DateTimeZone $timeZone = null
): DateTime | false

If no format has been supplied, the method attempts to determine the correct date format.

Two formats can be detected:

  • ATOM 'Y-m-d\TH:i:sP'
  • ISO8601 'Y-m-d\TH:i:sO'

If no format is detected, the method falls back to the 'Y-m-d' format and return false if the string can't be parse as DateTime.


Openium Web Toolkit for Symfony Project







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