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Download/Upload wetransfer content with nodeJS ! - Unofficial API for wetransfer

Known Vulnerabilities

CodeQL analysis

Regression tests


  • 2.3.10
    • Merge #36 Remove csrf trim
  • 2.3.9
    • Fix minor security issue that allows fake wetransfer domains #33
  • 2.3.7 / 2.3.8
  • 2.3.6
    • Fix dep security issue (node-fetch)
  • 2.3.5
    • Upgrade libs versions
    • Fix dep security issue #28
  • 2.3.4
    • Fix uploadFileStream is not defined for big files #27
    • Fix dep security issue #26
    • Fix dep security issue #25
    • Fix dep security issue #24
    • Fix dep security issue #23
  • 2.3.3
    • Fix download for Nomal url (Fix get recipient id)
  • 2.3.2
    • Fix upload issues (CSRF token was invalid)
  • 2.3.1
    • Fix download/upload due to wetranfer changes
  • 2.3.0
    • Add proxy support
  • 2.2.0
    • Remove deprecated request-* libs and use node-fetch instead
    • Fix wetransfer upload (send emails)
  • 2.1.5
    • Fix upload (get link)
    • Fix download
    • Add download file by ID
    • Upgrade dependencies
    • Upload (send email) still broken. Wetransfer add a captcha. I will implement download via wetransfer account (user/password) soon
  • 2.1.4
    • Fix upload !
  • 2.1.3
    • Fix dependencies security issues
    • Fix download (Thanks @cylwin). The upload part is still broken

Table of content


npm install wetransfert --save
yarn add wetransfert

Tested in node 12.x

You can require the module like this

const { upload, download, getInfo, isValidWetransfertUrl } = require('wetransfert');

Use custom proxy

  • Add HTTP_PROXY or HTTPS_PROXY environement variable

Download weTransfer content from url

download(url, folder)

The function take a valid wetransfer url and a destination folder

Simply return a PromiseProgress

The response is an object describing the weTransfert content


const { download } = require('wetransfert');

download(myUrl, myDestinationFolder)
  .onProgress(progress => {
    console.log('progress', progress);
  .then((res) => {
    console.log(res); // success
  .catch((err) => {
    console.error('error  ', err);

Download weTransfer file by ID

download(url, folder, fileIds)

  • fileIds: An array of wetransfer file id


const { download } = require('wetransfert');

download(myUrl, myDestinationFolder, ['aaaaaaaaa'])
  .onProgress(progress => {
    console.log('progress', progress);
  .then((res) => {
    console.log(res); // success
  .catch((err) => {
    console.error('error  ', err);

/!\ If your transfer contain only one file, wetransfer does not zip the content. Be carefull when using the downloadPipe function. You can obtain all files information using the getInfo function.

Download weTransfer content from url pipe response

  • (progress with callback)


This function take a valid wetransfer url. Like the classique download function, you can specify the file ids you want to download. downloadPipe(response.shortened_url, ["fileID"])

It return a Promise and resolve a ReadableStream you can pipe.

If you need a progress, you can obtain the total size with the getInfo function


const { downloadPipe } = require('wetransfert');

downloadPipe(response.shortened_url, null)
  .then(files => {

/!\ If your transfer contain only one file, wetransfer does not zip the content. Be carefull when using the downloadPipe function. You can obtain all files information using the getInfo function.


Return a NodeJS URL object if the url is valid.

If not, it return false

Get information about weTransfert url


const { getInfo } = require('wetransfert');

    .then((data) => {
      console.log('success  ', data);
    .catch((err) => {
      console.error('error  ' + err);

Response Example

  "content": {
    "id": "cff0151af18a003424fad90a47375f3620201113204655",
    "state": "downloadable",
    "transfer_type": 4,
    "shortened_url": "",
    "expires_at": "2020-11-20T20:47:07Z",
    "password_protected": false,
    "uploaded_at": "2020-11-13T20:47:07Z",
    "expiry_in_seconds": 596443,
    "size": 497659,
    "deleted_at": null,
    "recipient_id": null,
    "display_name": "flower-3876195_960_720.jpg",
    "security_hash": "828b5e",
    "description": "Hi this is an upload from API",
    "items": [
        "id": "579ed7dce3ea1b93a8dff0ee67c0b0e620201113204655",
        "name": "flower-3876195_960_720.jpg",
        "retries": 0,
        "size": 147377,
        "item_type": "file",
        "previewable": true,
        "content_identifier": "file"
        "id": "4d121cf7fb261b2fb2e728afa6a36b7520201113204655",
        "name": "gnu.txt",
        "retries": 0,
        "size": 34667,
        "item_type": "file",
        "previewable": false,
        "content_identifier": "file"
    "sessionCookie": "_wt_session=UkJPUmNjZW5EeEpWejlya;; path=/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax",
    "csrf": "+dM4tvhVEguYfovUU60pnkK01uaabujp1oAsm8iNe2sf4ZBDeke2cTRR6VNBPZeegSF4fzgKylX+zyeZQEtFeA=="
  "downloadURI": ""


You can upload a total file size >= 2Gibibyte (2147483648 Byte)

upload('mailSender', ['receiverMail'], ['file1'], 'myMessage', 'ui_language', username, password)

/!\ Wetransfer upload (send email) is no longer possible without a wetransfer account. Wetransfer add a captcha so i can't script the upload. You can specify yout wetransfer username/password to the upload function

The upload function parameters :

  • mailSender: A valid mail address of the sender
  • receiverMail: An array of valid destination addreEnd objectansfer
  • myMessage: The message you want to send
  • ui_language: The language of the wetransfer receiver. ex: en, fr
  • username: Your wetransfer account username. /!\ username and mailSender email must be the same
  • password: Your wetransfer account password

The upload function expose an event emitter and will trigger 3 event :

  • progress: Represent the state of the upload
  • end: It wil be triggered when the upload end with success.
  • error: Il will be triggered on error, the transfer is canceled after an error


    const myUpload = upload('', ['', ''], ['D:/Video/MEDIA150212142309947screen.mp4', 'C:/Users/pc/Desktop/toto2.txt', 'C:/Users/pc/Desktop/tata.txt'], 'Hello World', 'en', 'username', 'password')
    .on('progress', (progress) => console.log('PROGRESS', progress))
    .on('end', (end) => console.log('END', end))
    .on('error', (error) => console.error('ERROR', error));

    }, 10000);

Payload Example

    const toUpload = [
        path.resolve(__dirname, './ressources/flower-3876195_960_720.jpg'),   // Upload a file from path
        path.resolve(__dirname, './ressources/landscape-3779159_960_720.jpg'),
        path.resolve(__dirname, './ressources/gnu.txt'),
        {   // Upload a buffer
            name: "test buffer",
            buffer: Buffer.from("THIS IS A TEST BUFFER")
        {   // upload a stream
            name: "test stream from file",
            stream: fs.createReadStream(path.resolve(__dirname, './ressources/water-lily-3784022_960_720.jpg')),
            size: fs.statSync(path.resolve(__dirname, './ressources/water-lily-3784022_960_720.jpg')).size

    const myUpload = upload('', '', toUpload, 'Hello World', 'en')
    .on('progress', (progress) => console.log('PROGRESS', progress))
    .on('end', (end) => console.log('END', end))
    .on('error', (error) => console.error('ERROR', error));

    }, 10000);

Upload using node-wetransfer Payload Wrapper

    const Payload = require('wetransfert').Payload

    const toUpload = [
        new Payload({filePath: path.resolve(__dirname, './ressources/flower-3876195_960_720.jpg')}),
        new Payload({filePath: path.resolve(__dirname, './ressources/landscape-3779159_960_720.jpg')}),
        new Payload({
          filePath: path.resolve(__dirname, './ressources/gnu.txt'),
          name: "gnu_renamed.txt" // Overide file name
        new Payload({   // Upload a buffer
            name: "test buffer",
            buffer: Buffer.from("THIS IS A TEST BUFFER")
        new Payload({   // upload a stream
            name: "test stream from file",
            stream: fs.createReadStream(path.resolve(__dirname, './ressources/water-lily-3784022_960_720.jpg')),
            size: fs.statSync(path.resolve(__dirname, './ressources/water-lily-3784022_960_720.jpg')).size

    const myUpload = upload('', '', toUpload, 'Hello World', 'en')
    .on('progress', (progress) => console.log('PROGRESS', progress))
    .on('end', (end) => console.log('END', end))
    .on('error', (error) => console.error('ERROR', error));

    }, 10000);

/!\ If you want tu upload from a Stream you must provide le steam length. It is mandatory from wetransfer

Progress object

  "percent": 0.5,                
  "speed": 554732,               
  "size": {
      "total": 90044871,        
      "transferred": 27610959    
  "time": {
      "elapsed": 36.235,        
      "remaining": 81.403       
  • percent: Overall percentage (between 0 to 1)
  • speed: The upload speed in bytes/sec
  • total: The total payload size in bytes
  • transferred: The transferred payload size in bytes
  • elapsed: The total elapsed seconds since the start (3 decimals)
  • remaining: The remaining seconds to finish (3 decimals)

End object

    "id": "f657a4d4dfda8285b871c268621e70ac20190105125429",
    "state": "downloadable",
    "transfer_type": 4,
    "shortened_url": "",
    "expires_at": "2019-01-12T12:54:36Z",
    "password_protected": false,
    "uploaded_at": "2019-01-05T12:54:36Z",
    "expiry_in_seconds": 604792,
    "size": 462915,
    "deleted_at": null,
    "recipient_id": null,
    "security_hash": "86876f",
    "description": "Hi this is an upload from API",
    "items": [{
            "id": "aa05a51ab020f28d95aadd21031f63c020190105125429",
            "name": "flower-3876195_960_720.jpg",
            "retries": 0,
            "size": 147377,
            "previewable": true,
            "content_identifier": "file"

Upload without email

If mailSender and receiverMail is equal '', you can upload files without send email. Remember do not forget get URL in "end" object.

With this mode you dont need a wetransfer account

End Object

To do

  • improve error handling
  • provide pip option for download/upload function

Known Bugs

  • none at this time

Don't hesitate to give your feedback on github and let me know of any bug you might encounter

if you have any issue please use the debug mode before open an issue

// Juste add the begining of your script
process.env.DEBUG = "wetransfert*"