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Remove sandboxes part 1
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Removes command and cleanups cabal-testsuite.
The tests for haskell#3199 haskell#4099 haskell#3436 are removed, but they seem to be
sandbox specific issues.
  • Loading branch information
phadej committed May 4, 2020
1 parent 68320f1 commit 51aecef
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Showing 62 changed files with 17 additions and 788 deletions.
133 changes: 8 additions & 125 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Exec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,44 +14,29 @@ module Distribution.Client.Exec ( exec
import Prelude ()
import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude

import qualified Distribution.Simple.GHC as GHC
import qualified Distribution.Simple.GHCJS as GHCJS

import Distribution.Client.Sandbox (getSandboxConfigFilePath)
import Distribution.Client.Sandbox.PackageEnvironment (sandboxPackageDBPath)
import Distribution.Client.Sandbox.Types (UseSandbox (..))

import Distribution.Simple.Compiler (Compiler, CompilerFlavor(..), compilerFlavor)
import Distribution.Simple.Program (ghcProgram, ghcjsProgram, lookupProgram)
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler (Compiler)
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Db (ProgramDb, requireProgram, modifyProgramSearchPath)
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Find (ProgramSearchPathEntry(..))
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Run (programInvocation, runProgramInvocation)
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types ( simpleProgram, ConfiguredProgram(..) )
import Distribution.Simple.Utils (die', warn)
import Distribution.Simple.Utils (die')

import Distribution.System (Platform(..), OS(..), buildOS)
import Distribution.System (Platform(..))
import Distribution.Verbosity (Verbosity)

import System.Directory ( doesDirectoryExist )
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.FilePath (searchPathSeparator, (</>))

-- | Execute the given command in the package's environment.
-- The given command is executed with GHC configured to use the correct
-- package database and with the sandbox bin directory added to the PATH.
exec :: Verbosity
-> UseSandbox
-> Compiler
-> Platform
-> ProgramDb
-> [String]
-> IO ()
exec verbosity useSandbox comp platform programDb extraArgs =
exec verbosity _comp _platform programDb extraArgs =
case extraArgs of
(exe:args) -> do
program <- requireProgram' verbosity useSandbox programDb exe
program <- requireProgram' verbosity programDb exe
env <- environmentOverrides (programOverrideEnv program)
let invocation = programInvocation
program { programOverrideEnv = env }
Expand All @@ -60,122 +45,20 @@ exec verbosity useSandbox comp platform programDb extraArgs =

[] -> die' verbosity "Please specify an executable to run"
environmentOverrides env =
case useSandbox of
NoSandbox -> return env
(UseSandbox sandboxDir) ->
sandboxEnvironment verbosity sandboxDir comp platform programDb env

-- | Return the package's sandbox environment.
-- The environment sets GHC_PACKAGE_PATH so that GHC will use the sandbox.
sandboxEnvironment :: Verbosity
-> FilePath
-> Compiler
-> Platform
-> ProgramDb
-> [(String, Maybe String)] -- environment overrides so far
-> IO [(String, Maybe String)]
sandboxEnvironment verbosity sandboxDir comp platform programDb iEnv =
case compilerFlavor comp of
GHC -> env GHC.getGlobalPackageDB ghcProgram "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH"
GHCJS -> env GHCJS.getGlobalPackageDB ghcjsProgram "GHCJS_PACKAGE_PATH"
_ -> die' verbosity "exec only works with GHC and GHCJS"
(Platform _ os) = platform
ldPath = case os of
Windows -> "PATH"
env getGlobalPackageDB hcProgram packagePathEnvVar = do
let program = fromMaybe (error "failed to find hcProgram") $ lookupProgram hcProgram programDb
gDb <- getGlobalPackageDB verbosity program
sandboxConfigFilePath <- getSandboxConfigFilePath mempty
let sandboxPackagePath = sandboxPackageDBPath sandboxDir comp platform
compilerPackagePaths = prependToSearchPath gDb sandboxPackagePath
-- Packages database must exist, otherwise things will start
-- failing in mysterious ways.
exists <- doesDirectoryExist sandboxPackagePath
unless exists $ warn verbosity $ "Package database is not a directory: "
++ sandboxPackagePath
-- MASSIVE HACK. We need this to be synchronized with installLibDir
-- in defaultInstallDirs' in Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs,
-- which has a special case for Windows (WHY? Who knows; it's been
-- around as long as Windows exists.) The sane thing to do here
-- would be to read out the actual install dirs that were associated
-- with the package in question, but that's not a well-formed question
-- here because there is not actually install directory for the
-- "entire" sandbox. Since we want to kill this code in favor of
-- new-build, I decided it wasn't worth fixing this "properly."
-- Also, this doesn't handle LHC correctly but I don't care -- ezyang
let extraLibPath =
case buildOS of
Windows -> sandboxDir
_ -> sandboxDir </> "lib"
-- 2016-11-26 Apologies for the spaghetti code here.
-- Essentially we just want to add the sandbox's lib/ dir to
-- whatever the library search path environment variable is:
-- this allows running existing executables against foreign
-- libraries (meaning Haskell code with a bunch of foreign
-- exports). However, on Windows this variable is equal to the
-- executable search path env var. And we try to keep not only
-- what was already set in the environment, but also the
-- additional directories we add below in requireProgram'. So
-- the strategy is that we first take the environment
-- overrides from requireProgram' below. If the library search
-- path env is overridden (e.g. because we're on windows), we
-- prepend the lib/ dir to the relevant override. If not, we
-- want to avoid wiping the user's own settings, so we first
-- read the env var's current value, and then prefix ours if
-- the user had any set.
iEnv' <-
if any ((==ldPath) . fst) iEnv
then return $ updateLdPath extraLibPath iEnv
else do
currentLibraryPath <- lookupEnv ldPath
let updatedLdPath =
case currentLibraryPath of
Nothing -> Just extraLibPath
Just paths ->
Just $ extraLibPath ++ [searchPathSeparator] ++ paths
return $ (ldPath, updatedLdPath) : iEnv

-- Build the environment
return $ [ (packagePathEnvVar, Just compilerPackagePaths)
, ("CABAL_SANDBOX_PACKAGE_PATH", Just compilerPackagePaths)
, ("CABAL_SANDBOX_CONFIG", Just sandboxConfigFilePath)
] ++ iEnv'

prependToSearchPath path newValue =
newValue ++ [searchPathSeparator] ++ path

updateLdPath path = map update
update (name, Just current)
| name == ldPath = (ldPath, Just $ path ++ [searchPathSeparator] ++ current)
update (name, Nothing)
| name == ldPath = (ldPath, Just path)
update x = x

environmentOverrides env = return env

-- | Check that a program is configured and available to be run. If
-- a sandbox is available check in the sandbox's directory.
requireProgram' :: Verbosity
-> UseSandbox
-> ProgramDb
-> String
-> IO ConfiguredProgram
requireProgram' verbosity useSandbox programDb exe = do
requireProgram' verbosity programDb exe = do
(program, _) <- requireProgram
(simpleProgram exe)
return program
updateSearchPath =
flip modifyProgramSearchPath programDb $ \searchPath ->
case useSandbox of
NoSandbox -> searchPath
UseSandbox sandboxDir ->
ProgramSearchPathDir (sandboxDir </> "bin") : searchPath
flip modifyProgramSearchPath programDb $ \searchPath -> searchPath
82 changes: 9 additions & 73 deletions cabal-install/main/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ import Distribution.Client.Setup
, runCommand
, InitFlags(initVerbosity, initHcPath), initCommand
, ActAsSetupFlags(..), actAsSetupCommand
, SandboxFlags(..), sandboxCommand
, ExecFlags(..), execCommand
, UserConfigFlags(..), userConfigCommand
, reportCommand
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,15 +109,7 @@ import Distribution.Client.Reconfigure (Check(..), reconfigure)
import Distribution.Client.Nix (nixInstantiate
import Distribution.Client.Sandbox (sandboxInit

import Distribution.Client.Sandbox (loadConfigOrSandboxConfig
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -306,7 +297,6 @@ mainWorker args = do
, legacyWrapperCmd copyCommand copyVerbosity copyDistPref
, legacyWrapperCmd registerCommand regVerbosity regDistPref
, legacyCmd reconfigureCommand reconfigureAction
, legacyCmd sandboxCommand sandboxAction

type Action = GlobalFlags -> IO ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,7 +339,7 @@ configureAction :: (ConfigFlags, ConfigExFlags)
-> [String] -> Action
configureAction (configFlags, configExFlags) extraArgs globalFlags = do
let verbosity = fromFlagOrDefault normal (configVerbosity configFlags)
(useSandbox, config) <- updateInstallDirs (configUserInstall configFlags)
(_useSandbox, config) <- updateInstallDirs (configUserInstall configFlags)
<$> loadConfigOrSandboxConfig verbosity globalFlags
distPref <- findSavedDistPref config (configDistPref configFlags)
nixInstantiate verbosity distPref True globalFlags config
Expand All @@ -359,37 +349,18 @@ configureAction (configFlags, configExFlags) extraArgs globalFlags = do
globalFlags' = savedGlobalFlags config `mappend` globalFlags
(comp, platform, progdb) <- configCompilerAuxEx configFlags'

-- If we're working inside a sandbox and the user has set the -w option, we
-- may need to create a sandbox-local package DB for this compiler and add a
-- timestamp record for this compiler to the timestamp file.
let configFlags'' = case useSandbox of
NoSandbox -> configFlags'
(UseSandbox sandboxDir) -> setPackageDB sandboxDir
comp platform configFlags'

writeConfigFlags verbosity distPref (configFlags'', configExFlags')
writeConfigFlags verbosity distPref (configFlags', configExFlags')

-- What package database(s) to use
let packageDBs :: PackageDBStack
= interpretPackageDbFlags
(fromFlag (configUserInstall configFlags''))
(configPackageDBs configFlags'')

whenUsingSandbox useSandbox $ \sandboxDir -> do
initPackageDBIfNeeded verbosity configFlags'' comp progdb
-- NOTE: We do not write the new sandbox package DB location to
-- 'cabal.sandbox.config' here because 'configure -w' must not affect
-- subsequent 'install' (for UI compatibility with non-sandboxed mode).

indexFile <- tryGetIndexFilePath verbosity config
maybeAddCompilerTimestampRecord verbosity sandboxDir indexFile
(compilerId comp) platform
(fromFlag (configUserInstall configFlags'))
(configPackageDBs configFlags')

maybeWithSandboxDirOnSearchPath useSandbox $
withRepoContext verbosity globalFlags' $ \repoContext ->
withRepoContext verbosity globalFlags' $ \repoContext ->
configure verbosity packageDBs repoContext
comp platform progdb configFlags'' configExFlags' extraArgs
comp platform progdb configFlags' configExFlags' extraArgs

reconfigureAction :: (ConfigFlags, ConfigExFlags)
-> [String] -> Action
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1088,50 +1059,15 @@ initAction initFlags extraArgs globalFlags = do

sandboxAction :: SandboxFlags -> [String] -> Action
sandboxAction sandboxFlags extraArgs globalFlags = do
let verbosity = fromFlag (sandboxVerbosity sandboxFlags)
case extraArgs of
-- Basic sandbox commands.
["init"] -> sandboxInit verbosity sandboxFlags globalFlags
["delete"] -> sandboxDelete verbosity sandboxFlags globalFlags
("add-source":extra) -> do
when (noExtraArgs extra) $
die' verbosity "The 'sandbox add-source' command expects at least one argument"
sandboxAddSource verbosity extra sandboxFlags globalFlags
("delete-source":extra) -> do
when (noExtraArgs extra) $
die' verbosity ("The 'sandbox delete-source' command expects " ++
"at least one argument")
sandboxDeleteSource verbosity extra sandboxFlags globalFlags
["list-sources"] -> sandboxListSources verbosity sandboxFlags globalFlags

-- More advanced commands.
("hc-pkg":extra) -> do
when (noExtraArgs extra) $
die' verbosity $ "The 'sandbox hc-pkg' command expects at least one argument"
sandboxHcPkg verbosity sandboxFlags globalFlags extra
["buildopts"] -> die' verbosity "Not implemented!"

-- Hidden commands.
["dump-pkgenv"] -> dumpPackageEnvironment verbosity sandboxFlags globalFlags

-- Error handling.
[] -> die' verbosity $ "Please specify a subcommand (see 'help sandbox')"
_ -> die' verbosity $ "Unknown 'sandbox' subcommand: " ++ unwords extraArgs

noExtraArgs = (<1) . length

execAction :: ExecFlags -> [String] -> Action
execAction execFlags extraArgs globalFlags = do
let verbosity = fromFlag (execVerbosity execFlags)
(useSandbox, config) <- loadConfigOrSandboxConfig verbosity globalFlags
(_useSandbox, config) <- loadConfigOrSandboxConfig verbosity globalFlags
distPref <- findSavedDistPref config (execDistPref execFlags)
let configFlags = savedConfigureFlags config
configFlags' = configFlags { configDistPref = Flag distPref }
(comp, platform, progdb) <- getPersistOrConfigCompiler configFlags'
exec verbosity useSandbox comp platform progdb extraArgs
exec verbosity comp platform progdb extraArgs

userConfigAction :: UserConfigFlags -> [String] -> Action
userConfigAction ucflags extraArgs globalFlags = do
Expand Down
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/CustomDep/sandbox.out

This file was deleted.

22 changes: 0 additions & 22 deletions cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/CustomDep/sandbox.test.hs

This file was deleted.

9 changes: 0 additions & 9 deletions cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/Exec/T4049/UseLib.c

This file was deleted.

23 changes: 0 additions & 23 deletions cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/Exec/T4049/csrc/MyForeignLibWrapper.c

This file was deleted.

19 changes: 0 additions & 19 deletions cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/Exec/T4049/my-foreign-lib.cabal

This file was deleted.


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