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Adam "Fuzzy" Konner edited this page Aug 25, 2020 · 3 revisions
j, <c-e>  Scroll down
k, <c-y>  Scroll up
gg        Scroll to the top of the page
G         Scroll to the bottom of the page
d         Scroll a half page down
u         Scroll a half page up
h         Scroll left
l         Scroll right
zH        Scroll all the way to the left
zL        Scroll all the way to the right
r         Reload the page
yy        Copy the current URL to the clipboard
p         Open the clipboard's URL in the current tab
P         Open the clipboard's URL in a new tab
gu        Go up the URL hierarchy
gU        Go to root of current URL hierarchy
i         Enter insert mode
v         Enter visual mode
V         Enter visual line mode
gi        Focus the first text input on the page
f         Open a link in the current tab
F         Open a link in a new tab
<a-f>     Open multiple links in a new tab
yf        Copy a link URL to the clipboard
[[        Follow the link labeled previous or <
]]        Follow the link labeled next or >
gf        Select the next frame on the page
gF        Select the page's main/top frame
m         Create a new mark
`         Go to a mark
o         Open URL, bookmark or history entry
O         Open URL, bookmark or history entry in a new tab
b         Open a bookmark
B         Open a bookmark in a new tab
T         Search through your open tabs
ge        Edit the current URL
gE        Edit the current URL and open in a new tab
/         Enter find mode
n         Cycle forward to the next find match
N         Cycle backward to the previous find match
H         Go back in history
L         Go forward in history
t         Create new tab
J, gT     Go one tab left
K, gt     Go one tab right
^         Go to previously-visited tab
g0        Go to the first tab
g$        Go to the last tab
yt        Duplicate current tab
<a-p>     Pin or unpin current tab
<a-m>     Mute or unmute current tab
x         Close current tab
X         Restore closed tab
W         Move tab to new window
<<        Move tab to the left
>>        Move tab to the right
?         Show help
gs        View page source
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