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Prototype functional programming language with nested inductive / coinductive types, with totality checking using the size change principle

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    A language with arbitrary nested inductive and coinductive types


=== Prerequisites ===

a standard OCaml distribution with ocamlbuild

=== Build ===

    $ make

=== Usage ===

    $ ./chariot


    $ ./chariot -i ...

to have readline capabilities, use rlwrap or ledit

    $ rlwrap -H ~/.chariot_history ./chariot --colors
    $ ledit -h ~/.chariot_history -x -u -l $COLUMNS ./chariot --colors
(note the -u switch for unicode and the -l switch to prevent line cutting)

Toplevel and Commands

Each command to the toplevel needs to end with a ";" or a blank line.

The top level interprets type definitions (:help types) and recursive
definitions (:help def) and adds them to the context.

A single term given after the prompt is evaluated and the result is printed.

Structures are evaluated lazily and the system prints a "hole" with a number
for each subterm whose evaluation is frozen:

    # arith 0 1;
    >> term: arith 0 1
    >> of type: stream(nat)
    >> result: {
    >>   Head = <1> ;
    >>   Tail = <2> }

<1> and <2> are examples of such holes.

To reduce them, we give the command

    # > 1,2

If no hole is given, the system with evaluate all the holes...

The other commands are
    :help                   to display this help
    :help types             to display help about type definitions
    :help def               to display help about value definitions
    :help commands          to display this message
    :help syntax            to display help about chariot's syntax

    :set                    to list the available options with there current value
    :set <option> <value>   to change the value of an optiond

    :show <name>            to show a function definition or a type definition
    :show env               to show the whole environment
    :show types             to show all the type definitions
    :show functions         to show all the recursive definitions

    :type <term>            to infer the type of a term and show the types of all its components
    :reduce <term>          to reduce a term and show the result
    :unfold <term>, <depth> to reduce a term and unfold all its frozen components, up to a given depth
    :echo <string>          to echo some statis message
    :quit                   to quit!


Comments are either
  - single line comments started with "--" (anywhere on a line)
  - multiline comments delimited with "(*" and "*)".


//Types// (:help types) are given by the syntax

  t  ::=  'x  |  name(t1,...,tn)  |  t1 -> t2

Variables 'x are universally quantified (ML polymorphism) and a type name
without parameters can be written without parenthesis.

As usual, the "->" constructor is right associative: "t1 -> t2 -> t3" really
means "t1 -> (t2 -> t3)".

//Terms// are given by the syntax

  u  ::=  x  |  C  |  u.D  |  { D1 = u1 ; ... ; Dn = un }  |  u1 u2

  - "x" is a variables
  - "C" is a constructor
  - "D", "D1", ..., "Dn" are destructors
  - application is left associative: "u1 u2 u3" really means "(u1 u2) u3".

There are two additional term constructors:
  - "???" for a "generic metavariable" (possibly shown as "✠" by the system)
  - "!!!" for a "generic looping term" (possibly show as "Ω" by the system)

Those terms can take any type and differ only in how they behave during
evaluation / totality checking.
In particular, the system always assumes that "!!!" loops and that "???" is as
good as possible. (The system tries to check that it could be filled with an
appropriate term making the definition total.)

//Constructor patterns// are a subset of terms. They are given by

  p  ::=  _  |  x  |  C  |  { D1 = u1 ; ... ; Dn = un }

The special variable "_" corresponds to a variable that will not be used in
the right-side of the corresponding clause.

//Clause patterns// are used to define recursive values. They are given by the

  cp  ::=  f  |  cp p  |  cp.D

  - "f" is a variable name (corresponding to one of the values being defined)
  - "p" is a constructor pattern
  - "D" is a destructor.

Syntactic sugar (types)

There is a single syntactic sugar for types: "t1 * t2 * t3" really means
"prod_3(t1,t2,t3)". Of course, the type prod_3 needs to be defined in order to
use this...

Syntactic sugar (terms)

Several syntactic sugar are available at the level of terms:

  - a decimal integer is expanded to Succ (Succ ... Zero)

  - "v + k" where "k" is a decimal integer is expanded to Succ (Succ ... v)

    For example, the following is a valid definition

    val fib 0 = 0
      | fib 1 = 1
      | fib (n+2) = add (fib (n+1)) (fib n)

  - Lists can be given using Caml notation:
      - "[]" for the empty list "Nil"
      - "x::xs" for "Cons x xs"
      - "[x1; x2; ...; xn]" for "Cons x1 (Cons x2 ... (Cons xn Nil)...)"

    For example, the following is a valid definition

    val rev_append [] l = l
      | rev_append (x::xs) l = rev_append xs (x::l)

  - Tuple notation corresponds to special constructors Tuple_0, Tuple_1, ...
    For example, "(a,b,c)" really means "Tuple_3 a b c".

  - $ can be used for right-associative application: "u1 $ u2 $ u3 u4" really
    means "u1 (u2 (u3 u4))"

  - a structure with a single label (destructor) D can be written as
    with a #: "D#v" really means "{ D = v }".

  - it is possible to use "fun x1 x2 -> v" inside a definition. This is
    translated into a additional (mutually recurive) function with clause

    _fun_aux ... x1 x2 = v

    where "..." contains all the free variables from the original clause.

The system tries to display natural numbers (constructors Succ and Zero),
lists (constructors Nil and Cons) and tuples (contructors Tuple_0, Tuple_1,
...) using the corresponding syntactic sugar. Each can be turned off with the
options "show_nats", "show_lists" and "show_tuples".

Recursive Definitions

A definition is of the form

    val f : t1 -> t2 -> ... -> tn
      | clause0 = v0
      | clause1 = v1
      | ...

  - each "clause" is a clause pattern (:help syntax)
  - each "v" is a term (:help syntax)

The type is only strictly necessary for function without any defining clause
(their codomain is empty). In all other cases, the type will be infered if not given.

For example:

    val add n Zero = n
      | add n (Succ m) = Succ (add n m)

    val bot : empty -> 'a       -- empty is a type with no constructor
      -- no defining clause

    val map : ('a -> 'b) -> list('a) -> list('b)
      | map _ Nil = Nil
      | map f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (map f xs)

    val (map_stream f s).Head = f (s.Head)
      | (map_stream f s).Tail = map_stream f (s.Tail)

    val branch : tree('b,'x) -> list('b) -> list('x)
      | branch t Nil = t.Root
      | branch t (Cons b bs) = Cons (t.Root) (branch (t.Branch b) bs)


Types come in two flavors: strict/inductive or lazy/coinductive.

A strict/inductive type is defined with
    data tname(params)
    where C1 : t0 -> t1 -> ... -> tn -> tname(params)
        | C2 : ...
        | ...

Each Ci is a *constructor* and its type must end with tname(params).
(Each of the tj can also be tname(params) in order to define an
inductive type.)

For example
    data nat
    where Zero : nat
        | Succ : nat -> nat

    data list('a)
    where Nil : list('a)
        | Cons : 'a -> list('a) -> list('a)

    data empty
        -- no constructor!

A lazy/coinductive type is defined with
    codata tname(params)
    where D1 : tname(params) -> t1 -> t2 -> ... -> tn
        | D2 : ...
        | ...

Each Di is a *destructor* and its type must start with tname(params).
(Each of the tj can also be tname(params) in order to define a
coinductive type.)
There cannot be "nullary" destructors D : tname(params).

For example
    codata stream('x)
    where Head : stream('x) -> 'x
        | Tail : stream('x) -> stream('x)

    codata prod('a,'b)
    where Fst : prod('a,'b) -> 'a
        | Snd : prod('a,'b) -> 'b

    codata one
        -- no destructor!

    codata tree('b,'x)      -- infinite trees branching on 'b with data in 'x
    where Root : tree('b,'x) -> 'x
        | Branch : tree('b,'x) -> 'b -> tree('b,'x)

Note: there can be at most one type with zero destructors (like "one" above).

Note: to define a coinductive type with several "constructors", we have
to define an auxiliary strict parametrized type:

    data colist_aux('x,'l)
    where Nil : colist_aux('x,'l)
        | Cons : 'x -> 'l -> colist_aux('x,'l)
    codata colist('x)
    where D : colist('x) -> colist_aux('x,colist('x))


    data process_aux('p)
    where End : process_aux('p)
        | Out : nat -> process_aux('p)
        | In : nat -> (nat -> 'p) -> process_aux('p)
    codata process
    where D : process -> process_aux(process)

Note: no two constructors / destructor may have the same name.


Prototype functional programming language with nested inductive / coinductive types, with totality checking using the size change principle






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