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A Python library TimeFlip devices v3 and v4.

The communication protocol (empirically corrected) for the V3 version is described here (originally described here).

The one concerning V4 is given here.

Install and use

pip install git+

Provides, with a simple Python API, convenient scripts to interact with the device:

  • Discover TimeFlip devices:

    $ timeflip-discover 
    Looking around (this can take up to 1 minute) ... Done!
    - TimeFlip devices: 0C:61:CF:C7:77:71 (TimeFlip)
    - Other BLE devices: (redacted)
    - Other devices: (redacted)

    The MAC address of my device is thus 0C:61:CF:C7:77:71.

  • Change its password:

    $ timeflip-set-passwd -a 98:07:2D:EE:21:0E 123456
    ! Connected to 98:07:2D:EE:21:0E
    ! Password communicated
    ! Changed password to "123456"

    Don't forget to use -p for further interactions!

  • Change its name:

    $ timeflip-set-name -a 98:07:2D:EE:21:0E -p 123456 MyFlip
    ! Connected to 98:07:2D:EE:21:0E
    ! Password communicated
    ! Changed device name from "TimeFlip" to "MyFlip"
  • Get its status:

    $ timeflip-check -a 98:07:2D:EE:21:0E -p 123456
    ! Connected to 98:07:2D:EE:21:0E
    ! Password communicated
    TimeFlip characteristics::
    - Name: MyFlip
    - Firmware: TFv3.1
    - Battery: 83
    - Calibration: 0
    - Current facet: 9
    - Accelerometer vector: 0.832, -0.438, 0.262
    - Status: {'locked': False, 'paused': False, 'auto_pause_time': 0}
    - Facet=0, during 2 seconds
    - Facet=1, during 712 seconds
    • Clear its history
    $ timeflip-clear-history -a 98:07:2D:EE:21:0E -p 123456
    ! Connected to 98:07:2D:EE:21:0E
    ! Password communicated
    ! Cleared history

As you can see, the options you have to give to every script (except timeflip-discover, of course) are:

  • -a, the MAC address of the device and, eventually,
  • -p, the password (if it differs from the default password, 000000).