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Releases: pro-vision/ansible-jenkins-pv


11 Aug 08:52
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name version
gradle 1.39.4


10 Aug 08:13
Choose a tag to compare



name from to
ant 1.13 475.vf34069fef73c
aws-credentials 189.v3551d5642995 191.vcb_f183ce58b_9
aws-java-sdk 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df 1.12.246-349.v96b_b_f7eb_a_c3c
aws-java-sdk-cloudformation 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df 1.12.246-349.v96b_b_f7eb_a_c3c
aws-java-sdk-codebuild 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df 1.12.246-349.v96b_b_f7eb_a_c3c
aws-java-sdk-ec2 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df 1.12.246-349.v96b_b_f7eb_a_c3c
aws-java-sdk-ecr 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df 1.12.246-349.v96b_b_f7eb_a_c3c
aws-java-sdk-ecs 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df 1.12.246-349.v96b_b_f7eb_a_c3c
aws-java-sdk-elasticbeanstalk 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df 1.12.246-349.v96b_b_f7eb_a_c3c
aws-java-sdk-iam 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df 1.12.246-349.v96b_b_f7eb_a_c3c
aws-java-sdk-logs 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df 1.12.246-349.v96b_b_f7eb_a_c3c
aws-java-sdk-minimal 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df 1.12.246-349.v96b_b_f7eb_a_c3c
aws-java-sdk-ssm 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df 1.12.246-349.v96b_b_f7eb_a_c3c
blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline 1.25.3 1.25.5
blueocean-commons 1.25.3 1.25.5
blueocean-config 1.25.3 1.25.5
blueocean-core-js 1.25.3 1.25.5
blueocean-dashboard 1.25.3 1.25.5
blueocean-events 1.25.3 1.25.5
blueocean-git-pipeline 1.25.3 1.25.5
blueocean-github-pipeline 1.25.3 1.25.5
blueocean-i18n 1.25.3 1.25.5
blueocean-jira 1.25.3 1.25.5
blueocean-jwt 1.25.3 1.25.5
blueocean-personalization 1.25.3 1.25.5
blueocean-pipeline-api-impl 1.25.3 1.25.5
blueocean-pipeline-editor 1.25.3 1.25.5
blueocean-pipeline-scm-api 1.25.3 1.25.5
blueocean-rest 1.25.3 1.25.5
blueocean-rest-impl 1.25.3 1.25.5
blueocean-web 1.25.3 1.25.5
build-monitor-plugin 1.13+build.202202281553 1.13+build.202205140447
build-timeout 1.20 1.21
cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source 757.vddedc5f2589a_ 784.v7fcdc7c670f6
conditional-buildstep 1.4.1 1.4.2
configurationslicing 1.52 430.v966357576543
copyartifact 1.46.2 1.46.4
cvs 2.19 2.19.1
dependency-track 4.1.0 4.2.0
dtkit-api 3.0.0 3.0.1
envinject 2.839.v52c702c10635 2.875.v9b_9e962da_a_ec
envinject-api 1.180.v98d833b_27470 1.199.v3ce31253ed13
favorite 2.4.0 2.4.1
git-parameter 0.9.15 0.9.17
github 1.34.2 1.34.5
github-api 1.301-378.v9807bd746da5 1.303-400.v35c2d8258028
github-branch-source 2.11.4 1677.v731f745ea_0cf
gitlab-api 1.0.6 5.0.1-78.v47a_45b_9f78b_7
gitlab-branch-source 1.5.9 633.ved9984f943da_
groovy 2.4 442.v817e6d937d6c
handy-uri-templates-2-api 2.1.8-1.0 2.1.8-22.v77d5b_75e6953
htmlpublisher 1.29 1.30
instant-messaging 1.48 1.50
jenkins-design-language 1.25.3 1.25.5
jira 3.7 3.7.1
jjwt-api 0.11.2-9.c8b45b8bb173 0.11.5-77.v646c772fddb_0
jnr-posix-api 3.1.7-2 3.1.15-1
job-import-plugin 3.4 3.5
jobConfigHistory 1119.v509e1017356b_ 1163.ve82c7c6e60a_3
ldap 2.8 2.11
locale 144.v1a_998824ddb_3 180.v207501dff9b_a_
lockable-resources 2.14 2.16
m2release 0.16.2 0.16.3
mapdb-api 1.0.9-28.vf251ce40855d
mask-passwords 3.0 3.3
matrix-auth 2.6.7 3.1.5
mercurial 2.16 2.16.2
okhttp-api 4.9.3-105.vb96869f8ac3a 4.9.3-108.v0feda04578cf
pam-auth 1.7 1.8
parameterized-trigger 2.43 2.45
plugin-usage-plugin 2.1 3.0
resource-disposer 0.17 0.19
role-strategy 3.2.0 555.v8d194cc85b_30
skip-notifications-trait 1.0.5 43.vea_da_7c53b_831
ssh-agent 1.24.1 295.v9ca_a_1c7cc3a_a_
subversion 2.15.2 2.16.0
testng-plugin 554.va4a552116332 555.va0d5f66521e3
text-finder 1.18 1.19
throttle-concurrents 2.6 2.8
workflow-aggregator 2.6 590.v6a_d052e5a_a_b_5
ws-cleanup 0.40 0.42
xunit 3.0.5 3.1.0



name version
aws-java-sdk-sns 1.12.246-349.v96b_b_f7eb_a_c3c
aws-java-sdk-sqs 1.12.246-349.v96b_b_f7eb_a_c3c



name comment
jaxb moved to wcm_io_devops.jenkins_pipeline_library
variant moved to wcm_io_devops.jenkins_pipeline_library


04 Mar 16:02
Choose a tag to compare

Please note that this release is designed to work together with at least

This release also adresses the removal of deprecated plugins.



name from to
wcm_io_devops.jenkins_plugins 1.5.1 1.6.0


name from to
active-directory 2.24 2.25.1
aws-credentials 1.29 189.v3551d5642995
aws-java-sdk 1.11.995 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df
ant 1.11 1.13
badge 1.8 1.9.1
blueocean-autofavorite 1.2.4 1.2.5
blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline 1.24.7 1.25.3
blueocean-commons 1.24.7 1.25.3
blueocean-config 1.24.7 1.25.3
blueocean-core-js 1.24.7 1.25.3
blueocean-dashboard 1.24.7 1.25.3
blueocean-events 1.24.7 1.25.3
blueocean-git-pipeline 1.24.7 1.25.3
blueocean-github-pipeline 1.24.7 1.25.3
blueocean-i18n 1.24.7 1.25.3
blueocean-jira 1.24.7 1.25.3
blueocean-jwt 1.24.7 1.25.3
blueocean-rest-impl 1.24.7 1.25.3
blueocean-personalization 1.24.7 1.25.3
blueocean-pipeline-api-impl 1.24.7 1.25.3
blueocean-pipeline-editor 1.24.7 1.25.3
blueocean-pipeline-scm-api 1.24.7 1.25.3
blueocean-rest 1.24.7 1.25.3
blueocean-web 1.24.7 1.25.3
build-blocker-plugin 1.7.7 1.7.8
build-monitor-plugin 1.12+build.201809061734 1.13+build.202202281553
cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source 2.9.9 757.vddedc5f2589a_
copyartifact 1.46.1 1.46.2
dependency-check-jenkins-plugin 5.1.1 5.1.2
dependency-track 3.1.1 4.1.0
envinject-api 1.7 1.180.v98d833b_27470
envinject 2.4.0 2.839.v52c702c10635
extensible-choice-parameter 1.7.0 1.8.0
extra-columns 1.23 1.25
favorite 2.3.3 2.4.0
git-parameter 0.9.13 0.9.15
github 1.33.1 1.34.2
github-api 1.123 1.301-378.v9807bd746da5
github-branch-source 2.11.1 2.11.4
htmlpublisher 1.25 1.29
instant-messaging 1.42 1.48
jenkins-design-language 1.24.7 1.25.3
jira 3.3 3.7
jobConfigHistory 2.27 1119.v509e1017356b_
ldap 2.7 2.8
locale 1.4 144.v1a_998824ddb_3
lockable-resources 2.11 2.14
log-parser 2.1 2.2
mercurial 2.15 2.16
okhttp-api 3.14.9 4.9.3-105.vb96869f8ac3a
pam-auth 1.6 1.7
parameterized-trigger 2.40 2.43
performance 3.19 3.20
plugin-usage-plugin 1.2 2.1
pubsub-light 1.14 1.16
resource-disposer 0.15 0.17
role-strategy 3.1.1 3.2.0
shelve-project-plugin 3.1 3.2
sse-gateway 1.24 1.25
sonar 2.13.1 2.14
ssh-agent 1.22 1.24.1
subversion 2.14.2 2.15.2
testng-plugin 1.15 554.va4a552116332
text-finder 1.16 1.18
throttle-concurrents 2.2 2.6
ws-cleanup 0.39 0.40
xunit 3.0.2 3.0,5



name version
aws-java-sdk-ec2 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df
aws-java-sdk-ecs 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df
aws-java-sdk-ecr 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df
aws-java-sdk-elasticbeanstalk 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df
aws-java-sdk-iam 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df
aws-java-sdk-cloudformation 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df
aws-java-sdk-codebuild 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df
aws-java-sdk-logs 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df
aws-java-sdk-minimal 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df
aws-java-sdk-ssm 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df
jnr-posix-api 3.1.7-2



The following deprecated plugins were removed:

  • blueocean-executor-info
  • ci-game
  • copy-to-slave
  • icon-shim
  • jquery-ui
  • multi-branch-project-plugin
  • persona
  • publish-over-ssh
  • ruby-runtime
  • violations
  • warnings


08 Jun 14:43
Choose a tag to compare



name from to
active-directory 2.23 2.24
blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline 1.24.6 1.24.7
blueocean-commons 1.24.6 1.24.7
blueocean-config 1.24.6 1.24.7
blueocean-core-js 1.24.6 1.24.7
blueocean-dashboard 1.24.6 1.24.7
blueocean-events 1.24.6 1.24.7
blueocean-executor-info 1.24.6 1.24.7
blueocean-git-pipeline 1.24.6 1.24.7
blueocean-github-pipeline 1.24.6 1.24.7
blueocean-i18n 1.24.6 1.24.7
blueocean-jira 1.24.6 1.24.7
blueocean-jwt 1.24.6 1.24.7
blueocean-personalization 1.24.6 1.24.7
blueocean-pipeline-api-impl 1.24.6 1.24.7
blueocean-pipeline-editor 1.24.6 1.24.7
blueocean-pipeline-scm-api 1.24.6 1.24.7
blueocean-rest 1.24.6 1.24.7
blueocean-rest-impl 1.24.6 1.24.7
blueocean-web 1.24.6 1.24.7
build-name-setter 2.1.0 2.2.0
cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source 2.9.8 2.9.9
copyartifact 1.46 1.46.1
cvs 2.18 2.19
github-branch-source 2.10.2 2.11.1
gitlab-branch-source 1.5.6 1.5.7
groovy 2.3 2.4
jenkins-design-language 1.24.6 1.24.7
jira 3.2.1 3.3
ldap 2.6 2.7
lockable-resources 2.1 2.11
matrix-auth 2.6.6 2.6.7
mercurial 2.14 2.15
multiple-scms 0.6 0.8
pubsub-light 1.13 1.14
sonar 2.13 2.13.1
subversion 2.14.0 2.14.2
text-finder 1.15 1.16
windows-slaves 1.7 1.8


26 Apr 07:55
Choose a tag to compare



name from to
aws-credentials 1.28 1.29
aws-java-sdk 1.11.930 1.11.995
blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline 1.24.4 1.24.6
blueocean-commons 1.24.4 1.24.6
blueocean-config 1.24.4 1.24.6
blueocean-core-js 1.24.4 1.24.6
blueocean-dashboard 1.24.4 1.24.6
blueocean-events 1.24.4 1.24.6
blueocean-executor-info 1.24.4 1.24.6
blueocean-git-pipeline 1.24.4 1.24.6
blueocean-github-pipeline 1.24.4 1.24.6
blueocean-i18n 1.24.4 1.24.6
blueocean-jira 1.24.4 1.24.6
blueocean-jwt 1.24.4 1.24.6
blueocean-personalization 1.24.4 1.24.6
blueocean-pipeline-api-impl 1.24.4 1.24.6
blueocean-pipeline-editor 1.24.4 1.24.6
blueocean-pipeline-scm-api 1.24.4 1.24.6
blueocean-rest 1.24.4 1.24.6
blueocean-rest-impl 1.24.4 1.24.6
blueocean-web 1.24.4 1.24.6
build-blocker-plugin 1.7.3 1.7.7
claim 2.18.1 2.18.2
cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source 2.9.7 2.9.8
configurationslicing 1.51 1.52
cvs 2.17 2.18
dependency-track 3.0.2 3.1.1
envinject 2.3.0 2.4.0
extra-columns 1.22 1.23
favorite 2.3.2 2.3.3
github 1.32.0 1.33.1
github-api 1.122 1.123
github-branch-source 2.9.4 2.10.2
gitlab-branch-source 1.5.3 1.5.6
icon-shim 2.0.3 3.0.0
instant-messaging 1.39 1.42
jenkins-design-language 1.24.4 1.24.6
jira 3.1.3 3.2.1
jjwt-api 0.11.2-8.82737cbfa6f5 0.11.2-9.c8b45b8bb173
jobConfigHistory 2.26 2.27
ldap 1.26 2.6
mask-passwords 2.13 3.0
matrix-auth 2.6.5 2.6.6
mercurial 2.12 2.14
msbuild 1.29 1.30
parameterized-trigger 2.39 2.40
performance 3.18 3.19
plugin-usage-plugin 1.1 1.2
resource-disposer 0.14 0.15
role-strategy 3.1 3.1.1
ssh-agent 1.20 1.22
throttle-concurrents 2.1 2.2
ws-cleanup 0.38 0.39
xunit 3.0.0 3.0.2


04 Feb 17:59
Choose a tag to compare


  • min_ansible_version to 2.7


name from to
wcm_io_devops.jenkins_plugins 1.5.0 1.5.1


name from to
active-directory 2.19 2.23
ansible 1 1.10
aws-java-sdk 1.11.854 1.11.930
blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline 1.24.2 1.24.4
blueocean-commons 1.24.2 1.24.4
blueocean-config 1.24.2 1.24.4
blueocean-core-js 1.24.2 1.24.4
blueocean-dashboard 1.24.2 1.24.4
blueocean-display-url 2.4.0 2.4.1
blueocean-events 1.24.2 1.24.4
blueocean-executor-info 1.24.2 1.24.4
blueocean-git-pipeline 1.24.2 1.24.4
blueocean-github-pipeline 1.24.2 1.24.4
blueocean-i18n 1.24.2 1.24.4
blueocean-jira 1.24.2 1.24.4
blueocean-jwt 1.24.2 1.24.4
blueocean-personalization 1.24.2 1.24.4
blueocean-pipeline-api-impl 1.24.2 1.24.4
blueocean-pipeline-editor 1.24.2 1.24.4
blueocean-pipeline-scm-api 1.24.2 1.24.4
blueocean-rest 1.24.2 1.24.4
blueocean-rest-impl 1.24.2 1.24.4
blueocean-web 1.24.2 1.24.4
claim 2.16 2.18.1
cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source 2.9.4 2.9.7
conditional-buildstep 1.3.6 1.4.1
copyartifact 1.45.2 1.46
cvs 2.16 2.17
dependency-track 2.3.0 3.0.2
dtkit-api 2.2.1 3.0.0
extensible-choice-parameter 1.6.0 1.7.0
github 1.31.0 1.32.0
github-api 1.116 1.122
github-branch-source 2.9.1 2.9.4
gitlab-branch-source 1.5.1 1.5.3
greenballs 1.15 1.15.1
htmlpublisher 1.23 1.25
instant-messaging 1.38 1.39
jenkins-design-language 1.24.2 1.24.4
jira 3.1.1 3.1.3
matrix-auth 2.6.4 2.6.5
mercurial 2.11 2.12
publish-over-cifs 0.14 0.16
publish-over-ssh 1.20.1 1.22
run-condition 1.3 1.5
shelve-project-plugin 3.0 3.1
sonar 2.12 2.13
sse-gateway 1.23 1.24
subversion 2.13.1 2.14.0
throttle-concurrents 2.0.3 2.1
variant 1.3 1.4
xunit 2.4.0 3.0.0



name version
jjwt-api 0.11.2-8.82737cbfa6f5


  • Migrate to Github Actions


  • Fixed yamllint and ansible-lint issues



name version comment
dashboard-view 2.14 moved to pro_vision.jenkins_pv_pipeline_library


30 Oct 11:52
Choose a tag to compare



name from to
active-directory 2.16 2.19
aws-java-sdk 1.11.821 1.11.854
blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline 1.23.2 1.24.2
blueocean-commons 1.23.2 1.24.2
blueocean-config 1.23.2 1.24.2
blueocean-core-js 1.23.2 1.24.2
blueocean-dashboard 1.23.2 1.24.2
blueocean-display-url 2.3.1 2.4.0
blueocean-events 1.23.2 1.24.2
blueocean-executor-info 1.23.2 1.24.2
blueocean-github-pipeline 1.23.2 1.24.2
blueocean-git-pipeline 1.23.2 1.24.2
blueocean-i18n 1.23.2 1.24.2
blueocean-jira 1.23.2 1.24.2
blueocean-jwt 1.23.2 1.24.2
blueocean-personalization 1.23.2 1.24.2
blueocean-pipeline-api-impl 1.23.2 1.24.2
blueocean-pipeline-editor 1.23.2 1.24.2
blueocean-pipeline-scm-api 1.23.2 1.24.2
blueocean-rest-impl 1.23.2 1.24.2
blueocean-rest 1.23.2 1.24.2
blueocean-web 1.23.2 1.24.2
cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source 2.9.1 2.9.4
copyartifact 1.45.1 1.45.2
dtkit-api 2.1.2 2.2.1
github-api 1.115 1.116
github-branch-source 2.8.3 2.9.1
git-parameter 0.9.12 0.9.13
groovy 2.2 2.3
jenkins-design-language 1.23.2 1.24.2
ldap 1.24 1.26
lockable-resources 2.8 2.10
mattermost 3.1.0 3.1.1
matrix-auth 2.6.2 2.6.4
mercurial 2.10 2.11
Parameterized-Remote-Trigger 3.1.3
parameterized-trigger 2.37 2.39
parameter-separator 1.2 1.3
plugin-usage-plugin 1.0 1.1
role-strategy 3.0 3.1
sonar 2.11 2.12
throttle-concurrents 2.0.2 2.0.3
warnings 5.0.1 5.0.2
windows-slaves 1.6 1.7
xunit 2.3.9 2.4.0


11 Aug 12:54
Choose a tag to compare



name from to
wcm_io_devops.jenkins_plugins 1.2.2 1.5.0


10 Aug 14:24
Choose a tag to compare



name from to
aws-java-sdk 1.11.723 1.11.821
blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline 1.23.1 1.23.2
blueocean-commons 1.23.1 1.23.2
blueocean-config 1.23.1 1.23.2
blueocean-core-js 1.23.1 1.23.2
blueocean-dashboard 1.23.1 1.23.2
blueocean-events 1.23.1 1.23.2
blueocean-executor-info 1.23.1 1.23.2
blueocean-github-pipeline 1.23.1 1.23.2
blueocean-git-pipeline 1.23.1 1.23.2
blueocean-i18n 1.23.1 1.23.2
blueocean-jira 1.23.1 1.23.2
blueocean-jwt 1.23.1 1.23.2
blueocean-personalization 1.23.1 1.23.2
blueocean-pipeline-api-impl 1.23.1 1.23.2
blueocean-pipeline-editor 1.23.1 1.23.2
blueocean-pipeline-scm-api 1.23.1 1.23.2
blueocean-rest-impl 1.23.1 1.23.2
blueocean-rest 1.23.1 1.23.2
blueocean-web 1.23.1 1.23.2
build-name-setter 2.0.4 2.1.0
build-timeout 1.19.1 1.20
cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source 2.7.0 2.9.1
configurationslicing 1.47 1.51
copyartifact 1.43.1 1.45.1
cvs 2.15 2.16
dashboard-view 2.12 2.13
dependency-track 2.2.1 2.3.0
extended-read-permission 3.1 3.2
extra-columns 1.21 1.22
github-api 1.111 1.115
github-branch-source 2.7.1 2.8.3
github 1.29.5 1.31.0
gitlab-branch-source 1.4.6 1.5.1
htmlpublisher 1.22 1.23
jenkins-design-language 1.23.1 1.23.2
jira 3.0.15 3.1.1
jobConfigHistory 2.25 2.26
matrix-auth 2.5 2.6.2
Parameterized-Remote-Trigger 3.1.2 3.1.3
parameterized-trigger 2.36 2.37
parameter-separator 1.0 1.2
performance 3.17 3.18
publish-over-cifs 0.13 0.14
role-strategy 2.16 3.0
shelve-project-plugin 2.5 3.0
ssh-agent 1.19 1.20
text-finder 1.12 1.15
view-job-filters 2.2 2.3



name version
okhttp-api 3.14.9


30 Apr 12:00
Choose a tag to compare



name version
strict-crumb-issuer 2.1.0



name from to
blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline 1.22.0 1.23.1
blueocean-commons 1.22.0 1.23.1
blueocean-config 1.22.0 1.23.1
blueocean-core-js 1.22.0 1.23.1
blueocean-dashboard 1.22.0 1.23.1
blueocean-events 1.22.0 1.23.1
blueocean-executor-info 1.22.0 1.23.1
blueocean-github-pipeline 1.22.0 1.23.1
blueocean-git-pipeline 1.22.0 1.23.1
blueocean-i18n 1.22.0 1.23.1
blueocean-jira 1.22.0 1.23.1
blueocean-jwt 1.22.0 1.23.1
blueocean-personalization 1.22.0 1.23.1
blueocean-pipeline-api-impl 1.22.0 1.23.1
blueocean-pipeline-editor 1.22.0 1.23.1
blueocean-pipeline-scm-api 1.22.0 1.23.1
blueocean-rest-impl 1.22.0 1.23.1
blueocean-rest 1.22.0 1.23.1
blueocean-web 1.22.0 1.23.1
copyartifact 1.43 1.43.1
cvs 2.14 2.15
delivery-pipeline-plugin 1.4.0 1.4.2
dependency-check-jenkins-plugin 5.1.0 5.1.1
gatling 1.2.7 1.3.0
github-api 1.106 1.111
github-branch-source 2.6.0 2.7.1
gitlab-api 1.0.5 1.0.6
gitlab-branch-source 1.4.4 1.4.6
jenkins-design-language 1.22.0 1.23.1
jira 3.0.12 3.0.15
jobConfigHistory 2.24 2.25
ldap 1.21 1.24
lockable-resources 2.7 2.8
mask-passwords 2.12.0 2.13
mercurial 2.8 2.10
Parameterized-Remote-Trigger 3.1.1 3.1.2
plugin-usage-plugin 0.4 1.0
publish-over-cifs 0.12 0.13
run-condition 1.2 1.3
sse-gateway 1.22 1.23
view-job-filters 2.1.1 2.2
xunit 2.3.8 2.3.9