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Latent Jumping Constrained Motion Planning (LJCMP) is a motion planning algorithm that can be used to plan motions for robots with many degrees of freedom (DOF) in cluttered environments.

Real-time planning demo Real-world demo
realtime_planning_demo realworld_planning_demo



  • ROS (Noetic)
  • MoveIt!
  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • Python >= 3.7
  • pytorch

Under catkin_ws/src, clone the following packages and build them.


pip install -e .

How to train a new model

On manifold data preparation

  1. Prepare a MoveIt! package for URDF and SRDF (for planning_context.launch)

    Planning groups for arm and hand should be defined. (See 3. writing model description)

  2. Launch roscore and load /robot_description and /robot_description_semantic to ROS parameter server

    Launch roscore


    Loading URDF and SRDF to ROS parameter server.

    roslaunch your_model_moveit_config planning_context.launch load_robot_description:=true
  3. Write a model description at model/your_model_name/model_info.yaml.

    name: your_model_name
    x_dim: 14 # dimension of joints
    l_dim: 8 # dimension of constraint
    z_dim: 6 # dimension of latent space (x_dim - l_dim)
    c_dim: 3 # dimension of conditions
    # condition bounds
        # d1   d2   theta
    c_lb: [0.2, 0.02, 0.0]
    c_ub: [0.6, 0.1, 1.571] 
    # robot model information
    # This order will be used to map configuration vector (q)
    # In this example, q = [q_panda_arm_2, q_panda_arm_1], len(q) = 14
    arm_names: [panda_arm_2, panda_arm_1] 
    arm_dofs: [7, 7]
    base_link: base
    ee_links: [panda_2_hand_tcp, panda_1_hand_tcp]
    # hand model information (if any)
    hand_names: [hand_2, hand_1]
    hand_joints: [2, 2, 2]
    hand_open: [[0.0325,0.0325],[0.0325,0.0325]]
    hand_closed: [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]]
    # planning scene information for display
    planning_scene_name: /panda_scene
  4. Define a constraint functions example/dataset_generation/

    Multi chain constraint - dual arm example
    from srmt.constraints.constraints import OrientationConstraint, MultiChainConstraint
    from srmt.utils.transform_utils import get_pose, get_transform
    import numpy as np
    import scipy.spatial.transform as st
    from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
    from math import pi, cos, sin
    import yaml
    import argparse
    from ljcmp.utils.model_utils import generate_constrained_config
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--dataset_size', type=int, default=10000)
    parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=1107)
    parser.add_argument('--num_workers', type=int, default=8)
    parser.add_argument('--samples_per_condition', type=int, default=10)
    parser.add_argument('--max_iter', type=int, default=500)
    parser.add_argument('--save_every', type=int, default=-1, help='save every n data. -1 for not saving')
    parser.add_argument('--save_top_k', type=int, default=1)
    parser.add_argument('--timeout', type=float, default=0.2)
    parser.add_argument('--display', type=bool, default=False)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    exp_name = 'your_model_name'
    model_info = yaml.load(open('model/{exp_name}/model_info.yaml'.format(exp_name=exp_name), 'r'), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
    def set_constraint():
        constraint should be prepared here for generating dataset
        """reference code"""
        # constraint = MultiChainConstraint(arm_names=model_info['arm_names'],
        #                                     arm_dofs=model_info['arm_dofs'],
        #                                     base_link=model_info['base_link'],
        #                                     ee_links=model_info['ee_links'],
        #                                     hand_names=model_info['hand_names'],
        #                                     hand_joints=model_info['hand_joints'],
        #                                     hand_open=model_info['hand_open'],
        #                                     hand_closed=model_info['hand_closed'])
        # constraint.set_max_iterations(args.max_iter)
        # pc = constraint.planning_scene
        def set_constraint_by_condition(condition):
            constraint variation by the given condition should be prepared here for generating dataset
            """reference code"""
            # d1, d2, theta = condition
            # l = d1 + 2*d2*cos(theta)
            # ly = l * sin(theta)
            # lz = l * cos(theta)
            # dt = pi - 2 * theta
            # chain_pos = np.array([0.0, ly, lz])
            # chain_rot = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(dt), -sin(dt)], [0, sin(dt), cos(dt)]])
            # chain_quat = R.from_matrix(chain_rot).as_quat()
            # t1 = np.concatenate([chain_pos, chain_quat])
            # constraint.set_chains([t1])
            # pc.detach_object('tray', 'panda_2_hand_tcp')
            # constraint.set_early_stopping(True)
            # constraint.set_tolerance(1e-4)
            # l_obj_z = d2 + d1/2 * cos(theta)
            # l_obj_y = d1/2 * sin(theta)
            # ee_to_obj_pos = np.array([0.0, l_obj_y, l_obj_z])
            # obj_dt = -(pi/2 + theta)
            # ee_to_obj_rot = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(obj_dt), -sin(obj_dt)], [0, sin(obj_dt), cos(obj_dt)]])
            # ee_to_obj_quat = R.from_matrix(ee_to_obj_rot).as_quat()
            # q = np.array([0, 0, 0, -pi/2, 0, pi/2, pi/4, 0, 0, 0, -pi/2, 0, pi/2, pi/4])
            # pos, quat = constraint.forward_kinematics('panda_arm_2', q[:7])
            # T_0g = get_transform(pos, quat)
            # T_go = get_transform(ee_to_obj_pos, ee_to_obj_quat)
            # T_0o =, T_go)
            # obj_pos, obj_quat = get_pose(T_0o)
            # pc.add_box('tray', [d1 * 3/4, d1, 0.01], obj_pos, obj_quat)
            # pc.update_joints(q)
            # pc.attach_object('tray', 'panda_2_hand_tcp', [])
            # constraint.set_grasp_to_object_pose(go_pos=ee_to_obj_pos, go_quat=ee_to_obj_quat)
        return constraint, set_constraint_by_condition 
                                workers_seed_range=range(args.seed, args.seed+args.num_workers), 
                                dataset_size=args.dataset_size, samples_per_condition=args.samples_per_condition,
                                save_top_k=args.save_top_k, save_every=args.save_every, display=args.display,
  5. Run the generation script

    # ljcmp root directory
    python example/dataset_generation/


  6. Train the model (pytorch-lightning and wandb CLI)

    # ljcmp root directory
    python script/ -E your_model_name --tas True -D 10000 
    # --tsa True means using Tangent Space Augmentation
    # -D 10000 means using data_10000.npy as training data


  1. Download the benchmarking dataset to dataset directory

  2. Download the pre-trained models to model directory

  3. Run benchmarking script

    • Panda Orientation
    # load planning context
    roslaunch panda_moveit_config planning_context.launch load_robot_description:=true
    # ljcmp root directory
    python script/ -E panda_orientation
    • Panda Dual
    # load planning context
    roslaunch dual_panda_moveit_config planning_context.launch load_robot_description:=true
    # ljcmp root directory
    python script/ -E panda_dual
    • Panda Dual Orientation
    # load planning context
    roslaunch dual_panda_moveit_config planning_context.launch load_robot_description:=true
    # ljcmp root directory
    python script/ -E panda_dual_orientation
    • Panda Triple
    # load planning context
    roslaunch assembly_moveit_config planning_context.launch load_robot_description:=true
    # ljcmp root directory
    python script/ -E panda_triple