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DNSimple Webhook for cert-manager

A cert-manager ACME DNS01 solver webhook for DNSimple.


  • cert-manager >= 0.13 (The Helm chart uses the new API versions)
  • Kubernetes >= 1.17.x
  • Helm 3 (otherwise adjust the example below accordingly)


  1. Take note of your DNSimple API token from the account settings in the automation tab.

  2. Add the helm repo published under the Github pages deployment of this repository:

    $ helm repo add certmanager-webhook
  3. Install the application, replacing the API token and email placeholders:

    $ helm repo add certmanager-webhook
    $ helm install cert-manager-webhook-dnsimple \
        --dry-run \ # remove once you are sure the values are correct
        --namespace cert-manager \
        --set dnsimple.token='<DNSIMPLE_API_TOKEN>' \
        --set clusterIssuer.production.enabled=true \
        --set clusterIssuer.staging.enabled=true \
        --set<ISSUER_MAIL> \

    Alternatively you can check out this repository and substitute the source of the install command with ./charts/cert-manager-webhook-dnsimple.

  4. Afterwards you can issue a certificate:

    $ cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    kind: Certificate
      name: dnsimple-test
        name: cert-manager-webhook-dnsimple-staging
        kind: ClusterIssuer
      secretName: dnsimple-test-tls

Chart options

The Helm chart accepts the following values:

name required description default value
dnsimple.token ✔️ DNSimple API Token empty
dnsimple.accountID DNSimple Account ID (required when dnsimple.token is a user-token) empty LetsEncrypt Admin Email empty
clusterIssuer.production.enabled Create a production ClusterIssuer false
clusterIssuer.staging.enabled Create a staging ClusterIssuer false
image.repository ✔️ Docker image for the webhook solver
image.tag ✔️ Docker image tag of the solver latest tagged docker build
image.pullPolicy ✔️ Image pull policy of the solver IfNotPresent
logLevel Set the verbosity of the solver empty
useUnprivilegedPort Use an unprivileged container-port for the webhook true
groupName ✔️ Name of the API group used to register the webhook API service as
certManager.namespace ✔️ The namespace cert-manager was installed to cert-manager
certManager.serviceAccountName ✔️ The service account cert-manager runs under cert-manager


All cert-manager webhooks have to pass the DNS01 provider conformance testing suite.

Pull requests

Prerequisites for PRs are implemented as GitHub-actions. All tests should pass before a PR is merged:

  • the cert-manager conformance suite is run with provided kubebuilder fixtures
  • a custom test suite running on a working k8s cluster (using minikube) is executed as well

Local testing

Test suite

You can also run tests locally, as specified in the Makefile:

  1. Set-up testdata/ according to its README.
    • dnsimple-token.yaml should be filled with a valid token (for either the sandbox or production environment)
    • dnsimple.env should contain the remaining environment variables (non sensitive)
  2. Execute the test suite:
    make test

In-cluster testing

  1. Install cert-manager:
    kubectl apply -f
  2. Install the webhook:
    helm install cert-manager-webhook-dnsimple \
        --namespace cert-manager \
        --set dnsimple.token='<DNSIMPLE TOKEN>' \
        --set clusterIssuer.staging.enabled=true \
  3. Test away... You can create a sample certificate to ensure the webhook is working correctly:
    kubectl apply -f - <<<EOF
    kind: Certificate
      name: dnsimple-test
        name: cert-manager-webhook-dnsimple-staging
        kind: ClusterIssuer
      secretName: dnsimple-test-tls


Docker images

Every push to master or on a pull-request triggers the upload of a new docker image to the GitHub Container Registry (this is configured through github actions). These images should not considered stable and are tagged with commit-<hash>. We recommend using a specific version tag for production deployments instead.

Tagged images are considered stable, these are the ones referenced by the default helm values.

How to tag

Create a new tag and push it to the repository. This will trigger a new container build:

git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "Release v0.1.0"
git push origin v0.1.0

We recommend the following versioning scheme: vX.Y.Z where X is the major version, Y the minor version and Z the patch version.

Helm releases

Helm charts are only released when significant changes occur. We encourage users to update the underlying image versions on their own. A new release can be triggered manually under the actions tab and running helm-release. This only works if a new version was specified in the Chart.yaml. The new release will be appended to the Github pages deployment.


We welcome contributions. Please open an issue or a pull request.